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ELKTON ELTON FORM CHART CHARTEIKTOJf Chartist EIKTOJf Seiko MD March 15 First day Elkton Elton Racing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Prosiding Presiding Judge W H May Starter Andy Burns Racing starts at 230 p m A K Q O FIRST KACE ACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward it O O Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 45183MEDICA 110 2 32 31 36 IH Asburn Auburn 45713HARRY BENNETT 112 4 21 1 21 21 Johnson J J Johnson 3 3 2 21 45363MEADOWS 2145363MEADOWS 112 3 4 21 H 310 CunnghamR Chung Mann 3 3 21 t 4391 THE MANTAUN MANTUA 115 8 8 61 41 41 Brooks J McCauley 10 30 10 30 4536 MASCOT 1121 1 41 51 52 Houlahan Goulash T J Dean 30 50 30 50 4336 MISS OLIVER 110 5 7 7 7 61 Burris Burrs G Balcum Talcum 50 50 50 50 4483 LILLIPUTE LILLIPUTIAN 115 7 6 8 8 7 FitzsimonsG Fissions E Coleman 50 100 50 75 3192BONNEVILLE 753192BONNEVILLE 112 6 51 5 6 8 Seaton Eaton J S Jones 50 50 50 50 3012 TOM TONGUE 112 9 9999 Riley J Castle 20 100 20 50 Time 50Time 25 50 57 57Winner Winner B m 5 by Inspector B Tincture TincturePost Tincture Post 35 minutes Start fair The first three were driving Lillipute Lilliputian pulled up lame The Mantaun Mantua made up a lot of ground Medica Medical ran a game race Meadows is a coward cowardScratched cowards Scratched Henry 112 4599 SECOND RACE58 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St K yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 44972FALSE PRIDE 110 7 42 21 2 11 Madison M Lynch 10 10 10 10 4445 GALLOPER 107 3 li 11 11 23 Nostrand Unstrained Mantle Stable 1 1 35 3 4246 GREENPOINT REAPPOINT 115 2 21 31 3 3 BurckhlderFairyGroveStable3 4 3 31 4555 CHECKERS 107 4 31 41 4 4 Asburn Auburn J McCauley 8 20 8 15 4568 MILLS 114 6 5 51 51 51 Johnson M R Johnson 10 10 7 7 4497 LUCY 114 1 7 6 6 6 Houlahan Goulash Mascot Stable 10 30 10 30 4554 LULA LILA B 108 5 6 777 Champ Climax Stable 12 30 12 25 25Time Time 251 52 1 05 05Winner Winner PruderyStart Prudery B c by Plevna Pena Prudery Start fair Won cleverly second and third driving Galloper weakened in the run home False Pride ran a good race Checkers had little or no speed speedScratchedBayside ScratchedBayside Scratched 115 Wendell 107 Verna Verona J 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Greenpoint Reappoint 3 pounds Mills 4 Lucy 4 Lula Luella B 3 J 4i T W THIRD RACE G 13 Furloiigs Furloughs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward OvJv Vv Allowances Ind Indo orses gorses Wt St M H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C Ind45723TRIBUTE 45723TRIBUTE 114 1 145693WALTER 2 I 12 16 Burckhdor Buckthorn Potomac Stable 85 85 12 3S 3S45693WALTER 45693WALTER O 111 2 242822NIN1S 31 31 21 2u Hayes R Campbell 10 50 10 40 4042822NIN1S 42822NIN1S 107 5 61 51 51 31 Patton P M Simpson 3635 4373 PLEASANT SMILES107 8 8 7 61 41 Rigby Rugby G C Gray 6 10 6 8 3634 ONNALEE CONNATE 107 3 41 41 41 51 A Dorsoy Doors G Blake 10 50 10 40 4443 BELVINA BELINDA 107 4 IMC INC 22 31 6 CnninghmM Cunningham Richardson 3 10 3 4496 VINITA INITIAL 107 7 51 6 7 7 Nostrand Unstrained C E McCoy 4 12 4 10 4353 CAROVEN CARVEN 115 6 7888 Seaton Eaton J S Jones 6 25 6 20 20Time Time 25i 52 1 18t 1 251 251Winner LadyStart Loadstar Winner B g 7 by Favor May Lady Start fair Won in a gallop it was a drive for theplace chelae Belvina Belinda stopped to nothing when the pinch came The race looked like a shoo in Ninis Minis was coming strong at the finish finishScratched finishes Scratched King Bon 115 Lida Linda Woodlands 107 107Overweigts Overweigts Overweight Tribute 5 pounds Walter O 2 f FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse S200 4yearolds and upward rbOV rove JL Citizens Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4535ORACLE 118 4 4 41 31 12 12 Brooks J McCauley 852 852 4483NEW SOUTH 109 5 51 31 IH 2 22 Rigby Rugby Hill Top Stable 21 3 2 2t 4427 MON DOCTRINE 114 2 2 21 41 42 3 BurckhldrJersey Stable 4646 45353EARN 108 1 I IH 2 31 42 J Moore Greenville Stable 10 10 5 5 4572 GALLATIN GALLANTING 105 6 61 61 52 51 51 A Dorsey Dose G Blake 6645 4572 FEROCIOUS 103 8 8 8 8 61 61 Patton Elkton Elton Stable 10 20 10 15 1545722CASHIER 45722CASHIER II 102 7 7 7 6i 7 7 J Dorsey Dose A Gillham Gillian 8 20 8 20 2045692VENT 45692VENT 100 3 3i 51 7 8 8 Campbell West Phila Phil Stbl Stable 10 40 10 30 30Time Time 261 53 1 181 1 31 31Winner Winner GangesStart Gangster Cli Clio h 5 by Order Ganges Start poor Won easily Ney NE South had bad luck on both turns Monroe Doctrine stopped at the end The distance was a trifle too far for Earn 4HO2 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4518 BESS BESTS BROWNING 111 2 31 21 1 li Mclntyre McIntyre T Nichols 35 71012 35 354S153VENTANNA 4S153VENTANNA 109 4 61 31 31 2 Watson J Meagher Meager 10 20 10 15 4496 SANDOWNE SUNDOWNER 109 1 12 13 21 3 Burckhder Bircher Pleasant Val Stbl Stable 10 20 10 l 4481 HALLIE HALLEY GAY 107 7 8 7 61 42 Asburn Auburn Mt Vernon Stable 3 534 4555 BLUE JAY 111 9 41 51 51 5 51 Geiger C Douglass 6 12 6 10 4569 FRED MUNCH 2 41 4 61 Johnson C S Orrison Orison 10 30 10 30 45162MAUD ADAMS 51 61 7 7 A Dorsey Dose Mantle Stable 3 10 3 8 44443DUCKADOO 109 6 7888 J Moore L Cahn Can 8 10 8 10 4499 METROPOLIS 109 8 9999 Hieeins Higgins Helens JShaw Shaw 10 50 10 40 40Time Time 261 54i 1 19f 19fWinner Winner Ch m 5 by Buchanan Irene IreneStart Redstart Start poor Won easily Nothing doing on Blue Jay Gay made up a lot of ground last quarter Ventanna Venetian ran a good race and was well handled handledScratched handled Scratched Clauroce Clarence 107 107Overweights Overweights Overweighs Bessie Browning 4 pounds Blue Jay 2 SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Wt St J4 V 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O Q H L C 15512COLONEL T 112 2 I1 I2 I2 1 Kiley Kelley a L Jackson iu iu o 4424WEXFORD 107 1 3J 3 24 2 Rigby Rugby Manilla Manila Stable 65651 1 1455DPALSAM 455DPALSAM 107 3 2i 2 33 33 Asburn Auburn La Salle Sale Stable 2 3 23 4533 JUNK J07 4 51 54 4H 41 Nostraud Nostrum W P Burch 10 15 10 12 12440P2CONGO 440P2CONGO DICK 107 5 44 41 5152 Madison C Thomas 10 10 10 10 1044983LADY 44983LADY FRANCES 108 6 6 64 61 64 Champ A Sayre Ayres 10 20 10 15 4533 ADVANCE 112 7 7777 Chevalier A M Sexton 10 20 10 lo lo435636PARKLE 435636PARKLE lOo lobo 8 8888 Pat ton J Callahan 6 20 6 15 15Time Time 251 5H57i 5H57iWinner Winner Ch h 5 by Glen Dudley Miss Jinks JinksStart Inkster Start good Won driving Colonel T was very much alive today It was a bad ride on Congo Dick Frances can do better betterScratched butterscotch Scratched Fluellen Luella 107 Bessie Abbott 105 105Overweishts Overweishts Overweighs Colonel T 2 pounds Lady Frances 3 Advance 5