Nashville Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-04-03


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NASHVILLE FORM CHART CHARTNASHVILLE NASHVILLE TENN TEN April 2 Second day Tennessee Breeders Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge H Lewis Clark Starter HD Brown Rams starts at 230 D m A O Q f FIRST RACE 13 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Sellings Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners C LUCY BLAZES 101 1 21 3H 12 C Clay D C Shafer 8 10 8 8 LIEBER LIEDER ANTON 104 3 3 41 2 T Burns J W Schprr Chaparral Sonl Sonly 851 65 4539 TOP ROLLER 101 4 53 2 31 Reitz Ritz StovorHumphryS 867 FLYING 867FLYING BIRD 102 6 41 51 41 Turner H E Lei h 442 2 2FLEETING FLEETING RAY 101 2 13 IRK 5K Barrett Barrette E F Simms Sims 3 4 3 31 VIOLA 31VIOLA K 101 8 61 62 66 Hplden Helen HJScoggan 8 10 8 8 816073LOVE 16073LOVE LETTER II 105 7 877 Ross Hinde Hide Baker 4534 4534ARLOTTA ARLOTTA CARLOTTA 101 5 788 Walker J G Ballentine Valentine 6866 Time 6866Time 25 38 511 511Winner Winner Br f by Blazes Lucy Prince Start good Won easily second driving Lucy Blazes finished p strong Top Roller should have been second Reitzs Refits finish was very weak Fleeting Ray showed early speed but tired at the end Flying Bird was coming strong at the finish The going suited Lucy Blazes Scratched Dollie Dollied Regent 105 Overweights Overweighs Flying Bird 1 pound jQQTj SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse S250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Vf J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 48302CARLOTTA C 100 4 11 12 15 l 13 Barrett Barrette A Taylor 1 13545 4623 LITTLE MUSIC 105 32 32 21 22 21 L Smith J R Hand 6 10 6 8 4289 DR WORK 1001 5 21 21 31 31 32 Campbell R Rome 6 10 6 10 4753 ALAMO 116 67 61 42 52 4 Gatewood Atwood Mrs W W Lylos Lyons 4 5 4 41 48712MAGGIE 85 8 6 K 8 t o 3 51 Reitz Ritz E Moore 3 4 3 31 2966 TRAVELER 101 11 11 9 7 7 61 Cassidy John C Ferris Jr 8 10 6 10 3841 RAPALATCHIE APPALACHIA 97 9 9 8 8 8 7 H Wilson E J Hopson Hobson 15 15 12 15 46082JACK OF HEARTS 105 3 51 7 9 9 8 Peterman Letterman M Wynn 3434 2609 TRAVIS 106 10 10 11 10 6 9 Dean T G Peker Peer Co 12 15 12 15 8260 MRS BRADSHAW BRADS 107 7 4 4 6110 10 Sweeney Serenely J G Brannon Brandon 10 15 10 15 27932MISS KITTIE KITTIES 95 1 8 10 11 11 11 Warren Steve Ciolini Colin 6 10 6 10 2999 CONNIE LEE 96 Left at the post Mason John H Terrett Terre 5656 Time 251 501 1 17i 1 31 31Winner Winner Br f 4 by Hayden Edwards Fannie S Post 12 minutes Start straggling Won in a gallop the next three were driving Carlotta C was never extended Little Music was out to the last ounce Traveler off badly was closing fast Rapalathio Appalachia was also coming strong at the end Alamo had bad racing luck Mrs Brad shaw showed speed for half a mile mileScratched Scratched Bill Dawdy Daddy 106 Robert Latta Plata 105 Graefin92 Graefin92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Dr Work 31 pounds Travis 2 2Change Change in weight Carlotta C 2 pounds off Alamo 7 pounds on i Q C O THIRD RACE 13 Mild 2yearolds Allowances rtrO retro Duncan Hotel Stakes 1000 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vs StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C BLACK VENUS 115 3 41 1 13 Turner E O Pepper 2 21 852 45872DOLLIE 85245872DOLLIE REGENT 115 1 21 31 22 Campbell R Rome 3 4 3 31 TOURIST 31TOURIST 115 2 11 2 31 JGaidner Gainer T R Scott 6766 GRACE 6766GRACE DARLING 115 5 3 45 4 T Burns Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 1 1 35 710 CORA 710CORA R 115 4 555 Barrett Barrette B Bright 4545 Time 4545Time 121 25 37J 501 Winner Blk Balk f by Kantaka Kanaka Queenie Queenlier Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second cleverly Black Venus was just galloping the last eighth Dollio Olio Regent turned wide into the stretch and lost ground She finished strong Tourist tired at the end Grace Darling could never get up Cora R had no speed Scratched Flyin Flying Birl Burl 115 Love Letter II 115 Fox Chase 115 Laura Ethel 115 Continued on 2nd Page JQQQ FOL FL RTH ROTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St H 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 4803TESSIE L 87 2 51 33 34 IMC INC Zeno Zen Mrs W W Lyles Lyle 2 3 2 2 2941 HOLY LAND 91 1 14 21 24 23 C Clay Clark Kirkniau Kirk 4646 46462U 4870 HACO HANCOCK 1C9 3 3YELLOW 2U 1 1 3 Peterman Letterman Goodwin Godwin To 6 10 6 8 84NK YELLOW JACKET 100 5 5299Q 4NK 53 42 4 Reitz Ritz H H Stover Stove 6867 299Q JUNE BUG 92 11 11ONZECA 11 64 53 51 Warren Allen Allen 6 10 6 10 ONZECA BONZE 99 12 12FRANK 10 8 7 65 Mason Mrs T H Haggardo Haggard 8 5 6 FRANK SIGMAN SIGMA 99 4 33 44 61 7 H Wilson Sharp Co 6 8 6 3260 LAREDO 1014 8 7998 Campbell R Rome 453 4i 4164 WALLULA WALL II 87 6 6HAROLD 6789 Rose H Sanders 4 4 24 2 HAROLD COHEN 102 10 10SALL1E 9 11 10 10 Cassidy John C Ferris Jr 10 10 4 5 SALL1E K 102 7 7TOM 8 10 11 11 L Smith Rhodes Payne 6645 TOM PEDEN EDEN 93 13 13 12 12 12 Holden Olden J G Ballentine Valentine 8 10 8 8 9772 BIGSTAFF 104 9 12 13 13 13 Ross Hinde Hide Baker 6868 6868Time Time 254 51 1 17i 17iWinner RidgePost Bridgeport Winner B f 3 by Reporter or Burlington Park Ridge Post 12 minutes Start good Won cleverly second and third driving Tessie Bessie L was under a stout pull the last furlong She was best and could have won away off Haco Hancock tired at the pnd pond Juno Bug and Onzeca Bonze made up much ground It was a bad lot lotScratched outstretched Scratched Long Lassie 105 Roarha Roar 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Laredo 14 pounds Harold Cohen 2 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 4035 WILSON 105 1 24 2H 1 Hill T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 12 3 aTTF GATT aTTF2191L 2191L OF THE WEST 100 6 42 42 32 22 26 Barrett Barrette TR Scott 852 8585 4787 BOMBARDON 116 2 6 6 55 512 31 Gatewood Atwood Mrs W W Lyles Lyle 10 12 10 12 2836 MOUSQUETAIRE 90 5 32 3 43 4 41 Rymal Royal J G Ballentine Valentine 12 15 12 12 2835 SIERRA GORDA GORDIAN 111 3 1 12 22 32 520 Mason Harry Franklin 8888 4867 LASSIE LOU 104 4 54 5i 6 6 6 Peterman Letterman Goodwin Godwin Cp 12 15 12 15 Time 25 50 1 17 1 30 30Winner Winner Br c 3 by Jim Gore British Blue Blood BloodOff Blood Off at the first break to a fair start Won easily Tho Theo others were doing thdir third best Wilson was never extended and finished strong Lady of the West was ridden out She got away poor ¬ ly speedScratched speeds Sierra Gorda Gordian quit the last quarter after showing a good turn of speed Scratched The Editor 92 Overweights Overweighs Lady of the West 5 pounds 1 V SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward 1 l Catch Weights Gentlemen Riders Extra Race Ind Indo Horses Wt St M a Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners OH L C 2754 PARAMOUNT 1 15 lio Clio nc 110 Mr Kirkman Kirkland J WCraer Crater 1 6T4T9 10 SPIDER WEB 2 23 2 2io 215 Mr White J Newman 4645 4871 ROBERT LATTA PLATA 5 5 48 415 310 Mr Hamilton Mrs M Mack K 4 3 4 2962AJALON 4 32 33 32 420 Mr Brandon J T Brawley Brawly 6866 4870 GRAEFIN GRAFTING 3 4 5 5 5 Mr DckwrthEdward Fee 454 4t 4tTime Time 1 05i Winner Ch g 6 by Dudley Zota Ota ZotaStart Outstare Start glorious Graefin Grafting Ajalon Avalon and Robert Latta Plata ran away five furlongs because they did riot like their riders Kirkman Kirkland was the best rider in the race Mr Duckworth Succoth was hugging Graefins Grapevines ueck Puck all through the stretch He fell off after passing the wire All did the best they could The race was a roaring farce

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Local Identifier: drf1898040301_1_3
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