untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-04-03


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AT THE MELBOURNE STUD LEXINGTON KY SEASON OF 1898 15 MJLE5 f ROM ST LOUSS LOSS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH By St Blaise Blains first damCarina Samaria by Kingfisher second dam Carlta Carla by Imp The 111 BARNEY SCHREIBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFARJ Used A grand race horse and winner of the following Stakes in the Bast Baste The Juvenile fctakee the Hurricana Hurricane Stakes the Belle Meade Stakes the Grand THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODBY BLOODY Union Hotel Stakes and other races Full brother to the sensational young stallion t Carlo whose California success has beenphenom beechen rttirf rattier fir enal penal Will make the season at the Melbourne Stud at S15O BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS TEN DAMSIOF DAMSON STAKE WINNERS IF APPROVED FREE A SURE FOAL GETTER Ithnriel Thrice Tcuchstonp Touchstone by Camel S Longbow Verbena by Velociped Velocipede a 2 sire of Feu Feud de Joie Miss Bowa Boa j Catton Canton by Golnmpns Golan Tranbys Standbys dan by Orville Pantaloon j Caatrel Cadastre by Buzzard Legerdemain Czarwitch Czarist I Idaha Idaho by Peruvian Decoy FilhodaPutt by Hphearc Hoper Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne 1 Humphrey Humph Clinte Cline byCmui PRIVATE PRIVATEBy Private Wost Worst Australian i Cervantes mare Derby and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower 5 Touchston Touchstone by Camel Emma by Whisker Whalebone by Waxy By Hindoo Indoor dam Katie Winner of many Stakes and a true and game race horse Will hrown thrown Bass Snhn Shan mare be allowed to serve twelve mares if approved free and thedams teams of stake winners Daughter p j marej mare Brntandorf Bartender by Blacklock Blackjack SireofJ Sire the Stake winners Gorman Cedarbrook Cedarbird Judge Cardwell Caldwell Amelia May MrsCrickaliuksby Wibcl Wimble J Waxy Pop by Waxy Dr JirfijIMoncreith Beau Ideal Knowles Snowless Wilson and many other good race horses f Calendar Imported 7 Caatauia Cattail by Gohanna Ghana nambletonja ambulation StamfordvbyPleniptentiarj W S BARNES Lexington Ky Harmonics by Hmbletaiai Humblest Tim Imported ImportedAlice Imported Priam Pram by Emilias Emilio Cassandra Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray Eons Emigrun Emigrant byPionea bygone GulnaroTy Ulna YonngGohanne The Colonel Whisker by Waxy rCapapio crappie Imported Delpini Delphinium mare Bister Blister to Cactus CactusDover Cactus Sultan by Selim Slim Duchess of York by W xy Dover Touchstone Safe Sensible Comfortable Bail Brand I Vorbosa Verbose Cheap Sophie j Skilhinda Skirling j Sallie Brass Imported OWNERS AND TRAINfiRS Trainers When you eliip lip yonr yon horses Bk Express Cempauy Company to stall yonr yon car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable BRIPETONa Bridgetown MO Stall uUjastahls to any car tbni Toni securing absolute safety to yonr yon horeer hoarer while in transit witnont Winton additional cost to the shipper a express companys company furnish them free of cost to yon Tl f y dont don't deface the car when bdjnated abdicated and can be set up iBthirtyminutai for any number of hoiBoe hoboes to 24 in double door baggage car Express The Telegraphic Service over Racing Forms Daily Selections has best companies can procure stalls by remodeled and in future subscribers at 4 per week will be sent onh nh THOS ETHOS McFADDBN Mgr a succinct telegram of some tventy twenty words night rate Western Unioi Unionism 60 ELM ST CINCINNATI O Message containing the refined selections in all the races of the fol fool lowing day 25 CENTS IN PAPER 50 CENTS IN SOFT MOROCCO A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON KEEN EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT George Sileron Aileron Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F H Brunell Runnel and C C Riley on Racing Ed Sheridan on Baseball Louis Sass on football cycling and athletics OF j RACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS PD6ILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EYENTS EVENTS OF 1897 1897H H STDIO SDI PIIISrG AisTD Waist BOOKMAKHSTQ BOOKMARKS TABLES NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES THREE HANDICAP TABLES WITH KEYS KEYSSUMMARIES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED DISCUSSEDKDITKD DISCUSSED KDITKD KIT BY K H BRUNKLL BUNK DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898040301/drf1898040301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1898040301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800