Little Rock Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-04-03


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LITTLE ROCK FORM CHART CHARTLITTTLE LITTTLE ROCK ARK April 2 Fourth day Arkansas Joqkey Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Col Cool S M Apperson Aspersion Starter J Bruen Braun Racing starts at 230 p m 4884 FIRST RACE 12 Mile Purse 200 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4825 ELEVEN SLIPPER 100 6 62 24 14 Heidrick Heidi J D Dearing Daring 75 2 75 9 4825 MONA B 100 3 13 li 2 Thompson BrowngBdman Burrowing 8 15 8 12 124n 4849 ONATAVIA SONATA 103 4 4n 41 34 E James G Patterson 2 24 2 24 4849 TOBE TOE 103 5 54 61 41 Newcom Newcomer T P Hayes 8 15 8 15 4825 MYOSOTIS MOOTS 100 7 7 51 52 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Markleiu Makeup 24 34 2i 3 4845 MOTIVE 100 1 2 34 63 Morgan P J Miles 8 12 8 10 4845 MABEL ABEL W 100 2 3 7 7 Bloss Loss W H Cutler 6745 4849 CATHIE CATCHIER 100 8 8 8 8 N Hill Ed Corrigau Corrigan 6 8 6 fi fiTime fifties Time 12i 25t 384 52 52Winner Winner Ch f by Strideway Stride Redina Edwina RedinaStart Reinstate Start good The first three were driving Eleven Slipper finished with a rush She is a slow beginner and seems to like a route Mona B ran a good race but weakened in the closing drive Motive and Mabel Abel W both showed speed Tobe Toe was coming fast at the end Watch him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Falonet110 SECOND RACE3 4 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 18222CHANG 103 3 2 12 13 11 E James G Patterson 2 3 2 2i 1822 EITHOLIN WITHHOLDING 102 4 66 4 41 21 J Morgan G C Bennett 6 10 6 10 4822 TONY HONING 104 1 Yi 7 54 34 Bloss Loss P M Civill Civilly 6 10 6 8 848462MA 48462MA ANGELINE ANGELINA 93 2 U 2224 42 Newcom Newcomer WLRKLewis Workless 1 1 3535 4822 DR COOP 99 7 32 31 Sl 54 T Leigh F C Leigh 4544 4822 DEMOSTHENES REMOTENESS 96 8 7 6 64 61 Heidrick Heidi G W Yelverton Telethon 15 30 15 25 2548463FULL 48463FULL HAND 104 5 42 52 7 72 Thompson BrowngBdman Burrowing 10 15 6 8 4846 BOB WHITE 98 6 8888 Gilmore J M Arthur Co 10 12 10 10 10Time Time 254 5H 10341 17 17Winner Winner B c 3 by Potomac Lady Primrose PrimroseStart Primroses Start good Won handily second and third driving Ma Angeline Angelina did not run her race She had spe6d but stopped as if short Eitholm Ethel and Tony Honing both finished fast Dr Coop went all speedOverweights speedier to pieces when the pinch came Full Hand had no speed Overweights Overweighs Chang 2 pounds 4886 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C LENNEP LENIN 95 6 54 3 3 12 Newcom Newcomer T P Hayes 8833 4822 SPANISH PRINCESS 91 8 848473HANO 2 21 2 21 Gormley Grimly P J Miles 4645 48473HANO BELLE 94 2 61 51 51 31 T Leigh BrowngBrdmnlO 10 10 10 10lu 4822 NICHOLAS 114 6 1 lu li 1 IK 41 CSlaughterE Slaughter Slaughter 3635 48662MINNIE WELDON 104 4 886 51 J Morgan W C Bryant 35453535 47493NOVER 109 7 777 62 Wilhite Iolite John Hogan 6 15 6 1 4846 LADY BRITANNIC 94 1 41 41 44 73 Thompson G V Scott 6 10 6 8 4823 ACHIEVE 99 3 34 6 8 8 N Hill W D Sippy Snippy 6 10 6 10 4866 CREMONA CRAMPON BRIGGS BRIGGS100 100 9 9 9 9 9 J Weber J D Lucas 4 7 4 6 6Time Time 25 504 1 03t 03tWinner Winner B f 3 by Candlemas Candelas Wanton Van VanStart Vaster Start fair Won in a gallop the next threewere threw driving Lennep Leone was played for a good thing and proved to be one Nicholas was not quite ready He led into tho thou stretch and the race will do him a lot of good Minnie Weldon was sharply cut off at the start Achieve and Lady Britannic were raced to pieces tho thou first half A Q Q n FOURTH RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Selling rdbOO rebook 0 Iron Mountain Railway Stakes 500 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4821SIR BLAZE 99 3 14 li 1 T Leigh FC Leigh 2 35 25 2 5 54845THE 4845THE GEEZER 92 2 25 26 18 Thompson StantdhTucker 75 95 75 8 5 48213BANISH 93 1 34 33 3 Weaver W A McGuigan Michigan 6 10 6 8 848493WEND 48493WEND 93 4 444 Newcom Newcomer P J Miles 10 I1 10 10 10Dead Dead heat Time 12t 24t 38 504 504Start Start good Thompson outfinished untarnished Lieigh Leigh He brought Tho Theo Geezer up with a rush the last hundred yards It was a twohorse wooers race all the way 4887 Horses Wt St 1A y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L rjSIR riskier BLAZE 99 2 1 14 124 T Leigh F C Leigh 1 5 THE GEEZER 92 1 222 Thompson Stanton Tuckei Tucker 4 r 1 15 i f fTime Time Time 12525 381 51 Winner Blk Balk c by Blazes Sarah SarahStart Sarasota Start good The pair raced like a team to the stretch Sir Blaze was the bet sees aed abed and SFn Fn rather easily Thr Thor Geezer was not ridden out OvrrweifelitvWend 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4848 HUGH PENNY 103 3 55 4i 41 11 Morrison Orison F W Doss 4422 442248232LAUREATE 48232LAUREATE 110 2 2 2 2i 21 21 J Morgan G C Bennett 75751 65 654S482PAUL 4S482PAUL KAUVAR KAVA 108 1 44 4 5 5 3J Thompson Stanton Tucker 75 3 75 2i 4824 MARITO MARION 93 4 I 31 31 3t 4i Newcom Newcomer P J Miles 6 10 6 8 4824 ASSIGNEE 104 5 33 11 1 li 5 N Hill W D Sippy Snippy 3 3 2J 3 3Time Time 25 504 1 03i 1 17 1 434 434Winner Winner B g 8 by Lukp Loup Blackburn Maud Ward WardStart WordStar Start good They were all driving hard Hugh Penny finished like a lion His race was a form reversal too Assignee is a coward of the worst sort Laureate ran a good race but weak ened denned at the finish Watch Marito Marion She is a good filly and should win her next race raceOverweights Overweights Overweighs Mari to 3 pounds 4889 SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 101 3 IH li 2 K 21 14 Crowlmrst Crawlers J J Marklein Marlin 45 45 35 35 1Q7 5 3i 3i 38 35 25 J Morgan G C Bennett 75 2 75 95 527 WHIRLAWAY WHIRL 105 1 42 4 li 3 N Hill W D Sippy Snippy 6 10 6 8 84S65JKIRK 4S65JKIRK 109 4 2 24 43 43 44 Fears P J Miles 6 10 6 10 4449 RANSOM 105 6 51 5 51 5 58 Morrison Orison BrowngBdman Burrowing 20 40 20 30 4735 IVORY 103 7 7 6 63 62 60 Gilmore J M Arthur Co 20 40 20 30 3047892LULA 47892LULA FRY 103 2 64 7 7 7 7 C Martin Fry Skaggs Sags 3434 3434Time Time 254 514104118 131 SemaphoreStart Semaphores Winner Br g 4 by Iroquois Semaphore Start poor Won easily second well in hand They were all badly strung out in the stretch Jane got away poorly but finished fast Watch her Lulu Fry did not run her race Whirlaway Whirl was edgeScratched redecorate short The race will put him on edge Scratched Lady Irene 107

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Local Identifier: drf1898040301_2_6
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