Elkton Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-04-03


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ELKTON ELTON FORM CHART CHARTELKTON CHARLESTON ELKTON ELTON MIX April S Seventeenth day Elkton Elton Racing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge V H May Starter Andy Burns Racing starts at 230 p m f OiTYO Hoity FIRST RAGE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward ± JJ Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 47793BOISTEROUS 47793BOISTEROUS4779MEDICA 120 1 2 2 54 li BurckhderC Bircher Douglass 5 8 5 8 84779MEDICA 4779MEDICA 118 5 12 i 12 21 Asburn Auburn Pleasant Val Stbl Stable 2 2 l 65 4729 FRANCES M M47622ARDA 110 6 51 42 2 3 Nelson West Lynn StableS 20 8 20 2047622ARDA 47622ARDA 110 8 64 51 3 41 J Moore T Digney Disney 8 20 8 15 46362 JACK 112 4 3 J 33 41 54 Patton BlueRidge Blueing Stable24 3 24 3 4861 CONGO DICK 7 7 7 61 Madison C Thomas 20 50 20 0 4656 TOM TONGUE TONGUE4744HUMORIST 114 7 8 887 Geiger J Costello 20 40 20 30 304744HUMORIST 4744HUMORIST 119 2 44 6 6 8 Coudrier Courier Dixie Stable 8524 852 852Time Time 264 54 1001 1001Winner Winner B g 5 by St Blaise Blains Madcap Start good Won driving The leader swung wide into the stretch Boisterous got through on the rail Humorist ran a bad race Jack quit when the pinch came Medica Medical was beaten by a p or ride Scratched Harry Bennett 120 Sister Myra Myrna 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs Tom Tongue 2 pounds A QO SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St i 1A SA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4798 OLD AGE 120 7 7 51 li IH J Moore J M Triplett Triplet 6867 4763 CLAURECE CLARENCE 11810 2 1 21 2i Nostrand Unstrained A Thomas 6 12 6 10 4878 CONSPIRATOR 117 4 3i 21 32 3 Nelson Flakewood Lakewood Stable2 3 2 2i 47843TOMOKA 2i47843TOMOKA 123 5 87 4 41 Thomas T Welch 10 10 8 8 4820 PLSANT PLANT SMILES 118 1 6 61 51 52 BurckhderG Bircher C Gray 6 10 6 8 4655 NINIS MINIS 115 8 9 8 8 64 Narvaez Larvae P M Simpson 6666 4763 POCKETPIECE POCKET 120 9 44 4 64 7 A Dorsey Dose D W Mooney 10 10 10 10 4879 DR JONES 120 2 51 9 9 8 FitzsimonsPimlico Stable 3 10 3 8 4634 HERESY US 6 IH 3 7 9 McDermottDe McDermott Kalb Alb Stable 6868 4799 DUCKADOO DUCKED 120 3 10 10 10 10 Lynch L Cahn Can 10 12 10 10 Time 10Time 274 564 t 23 l39i l39iWinner Winner Ch g 5 by Tyrant Frugality Start good The first four were driving Old Age showed remarkable speed at the end Tomoka Tonka finished strong Heresy was raced to pieces early Dr Jones had no speed Overweights Overweighs speedOverweights speedier Tomoka Tonka 3 pounds 49O4 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4year olds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St Ji y2 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C J B Stansbury Salisbury 6655 4857 OiNNALJEE Coinable 110 5 IH i U6 ve A Dorsey Dose G Blake 1112 35 4858 KING HERO 112 1 77 31 32 Nelson W S Smith 5655 4711 IRENE K 110 4 3 54 4 41 Higgins E Ray ford 10 15 10 12 4799 NICKJOHNSON NIKONS 112 7 41 6 64 54 Madison J M Newman 5857 4858 PARVENUE PARVENU 112 6 54 4 = 51 61 Watson Metropolis StablelO Stable 20 10 15 47823BLE AUSTRALIAN 113 9 9877 Burns PYetter Peter 6867 4817 CLAUDE HILL 112 3 2 34 8 8 Narvaez Larvae Blue Ridge Stbl Stable 5 12 5 10 4725 JOE HAYMAN HYMAN 112 2 8999 McKenzie Suffolk Stable 8 20 8 15 Time 15Time 26 574 1 25t 25tWinner Winner Ch m 6 by Beverly Wind Sail Start poor Won handily Claude Hill tired badly Windgale Ingle looked to be the only one trying to beat Onnalee Tonal King Hero made his run too late lateScratched autocratic Scratched Hopeful 112 Overweights Overweighs Windgalo Widgeon 2 pounds Belle Australian 3 4905 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances ina Gina norses noses wc c 54 yz btrjsm biters Jockeys Owners O H L C 48442FIFIELD 109 8 7 34 12 1 Patton G W Haman Harman 3 4 3 3 4816 LADY FRANCES 107 4 41 IH 22 2 C Hueston Houston A Sayro Satyr 7 12 7 10 4S 104S 0 BLUE BANNER 109 5 3 51 5 3 A Dorsey Dose Kenwood Stable 10 20 10 15 48603WALNUT RIDGE 113 3 64 64 34 41 Burris Burrs W Delong Belong 10 12 10 10 4442ONE CHANCE 109 1 24 41 44 54 Lynch E Brodio Broodier 65751 1 4844 SPRITE 112 7 517 64 61 McDermottHill McDermott Top Stable 5 12 5 10 JAYTA JAY 10JAYTA 107 9 9987 Nelson G C Gray 10 12 10 10 4844 BLACK BESS BESTS 109 2 8898 Watson Primrose Stable 10 20 10 15 48443W G HARDING HADING 109 6 12 21 7 9 Narvaez Larvae W Brown 3 4 3 34 4840 INQUIRENDO INQUIRED 112 Left at the post McKenzie East Side Stable 5 12 5 10 Time 10Time 27 55J 1 26 26Winner Winner B g 5 by Bob Miles Voltine Voltaire VoltineStart Evolutionist Start poor Won easily Narvaez Larvae gave a weird exhibition on W G Harding Hoarding There was nothing doing on One Chance Blue Banner was coming strong at the end Overweights Overweighs endOverweights Walnut Ridge 4 pounds Black Bess Bests 2 FIFTH RACE 0 13 Furlongs Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 4843 GOV GO GRIGGS BRIGGS 120 7 748832BESSIE 51 IH 11 m BurckhlderJersey Buckler Stable 68 6 8 48832BESSIE BRWNING104 8 8 8 2 2n McDermottT McDermott Nicholls Nichols 8 10 8 8 4880 REFORM 109 10 104798NANTUCKET 10 9 51 31 Patton Kuhn Randolphs Randolph 25 8 20 4798NANTUCKET 118 5 548803GOULD 44 44 6 41 Madison East Side Stable 6 10 6 10 48803GOULD 107 9 9 10 31 54 Narvaez Larvae Clover Stable 6 12 6 12 4883 NEW SOUTH 114 4 23 2 44 6f Nostrand Unstrained Hill Top Stable 8 20 8 15 4859 GLOVER VENDIG VENDING 118 2 247832ORACLE SH 15SH 61 9 7 Asburn Auburn G C Gray 6 12 6 10 47832ORACLE 127 3 348802HIDDENITE 7 5 10 8 Brooks J McCauley 2211 48802HIDDENITE 107 6 64783PROMPT 617 79 A Dorsey Dose G Blake 6 10 6 10 4783PROMPT 3PROMPT 119 1 I In 10In 34 8 10 Nelson NelsonTime Nelson T Fa gin 3 3 2 24 Time 274 554 1 24i 1 31 Winner B cL4 by Tristan Dristan Silver Blue Start good Won ridden out Prompt tired Reform ran a good race Oracle looked dan ¬ gerous ferrous turning for home but collapsed when pinched Bessie Browning made up alot allot of ground Scratched Krause 103 Mohican 90 Overweights Overweighs Gould 3 pounds 21007 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1i Y IU Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 4883FALSE PRIDE 100 6 41 4 I 1 li McDermottM McDermott Lynch 2 3i 2 3i 4859 CUBA 105 2 2 2 2 2 Patton j Callahan 10 5 10 48123BARBETTA 1048123BARBETTA 107 8 9 6 61 54 3 ADorsey Adore B McCoy e 10 6 8 4843 EARN 114 2 3 9 9 6i 41 J Moore Greenville Stable 2 24 2 24 48592 FEROCIOUS 109 9 8 8 8 3 54 Nostrand Unstrained Elkton Elton Stable 3 3 2 24 4883 CASHIER II 111 4 61 54 44 4 62 Nelson A Gillbam Gillian 6 10 6 8 4859 COZETTE COCOTTE 107 3 14 IH 31 7 7 C Hueston Houston W Brown 6 8 6 7 4843 CANDELABRA 114 1 54 34 51 8 8 Houlahan Goulash Winchester Stable 10 68 4688 BLEOFKILLRNY109 5 7 7 7 9 9 Burris Burrs Barksdale Barks Stable JD 20 10 15 Time 15Time 274564 12411 52i Winner PruderyStart Prudery 52iWinner B c 3 by Plevna Pena Prudery Start fair Won driving second and thirddriving hairdressing also Earn was badly messed about Ferocious weakened at the end False Pride merely ran his race He was at a false price Scratched Pennbrook Pembroke 114 ney NE Overweights Overweighs 4 False Pride 4 pounds Barbetta Barbette 2 Ferocious 2 Cozette Coquette 2 Belle of Killar Killer 4St7Uo i riTQ Rita SEVENTH Allowances RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward wt or IA y2 A otrJbin turbine Jockeys Owners O H T r 48433BEAU BRUMMEL BRUME 111 6 61 62 52 li McDermottH McDermott Wilson 8 10 8 8 47443ROSSMAN 114 4 H 11 14 2 A Dorsey Dose Climax Stable 4746 47073ED MURPHY 115 7 7 31 2 31 Patton Romer Roomer Stable 10 15 10 15 48783SIVA 118 2 4 4 44 41 J Moore Mt Vernon Stable2 8 26 4779 MEADOWS 118 5 23 2 3t 52 Donnelly Donnelley R Mann 2 2 451 4746 GRANGE CAMP 118 I 54 54 6 61 Lynch G W Haman Harman 6 6 4 44 4554 QUEEN OF BERLIN113 3 3 7 7 7 Nostrand Unstrained H Baxter 6867 4746 BLE LE WASHINGTN WASHINGTON 116 8 8888 Houlahan Goulash B Barnes 10 25 1Q 20 4745 FINN WATER 113 9 9999 Nelson Jersey Stable 6 12 6 10 Time 10Time 27 56 1 10a7 0a7 JessStart Jesses Winner Ch g 4 by Simple Simon Jess Start fair It was a driving finish Brummel Brume came fast through the stretch Rossman Grossman carried allowedScratched allowed Ed Murphy out on the turn A foul was claimed but not allowed Scratched Tessie Bessie B 102

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898040301/drf1898040301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1898040301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800