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OAKLEY ANKLE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Kace Ace 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 5843 Zone 105 650 5395 JoeZarra 105 645 5843 Bristol 105 635 5872 Christmas Eve HO 635 5650 Imperial Duchess HO 660 5872 Beana Bean HO 635 5019 King Carnival 113 642 5541 Nervura Nervure 113 65o 5871 The Bondman 113 640 64055022Roso 55022Roso Apple H5 675 675Mary Mary Kennard Ensnared 115 Cascarilla b f by Busy Bee HattieD Hattie H5 58432PansyH 115 670 67058742Paca 58742Paca 118 672 672Second Second Kaco Kao 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5079 Lady Marie 105 650 5323 Lauretta Laurent B 105 655 8433 JennieJ Jennie 105 640 5785 Bellechasse Telecasts 105 670 1746 Sun Bonnet 92 675 2942 Sister Mamie Mammies 92 668 2986 Fair Day 92 680 5808 TossieL Tonsil 112 625 Third Kace58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 5633 Lucky Jim 98 640 5362 Willie Sellers 101 650 5842 Fusion 101 635 635Deacon Deacon Allen 104 Sintram Intra 104 5633 Giddy 104 635 63557823Peleus 57823Peleus 105 665 5874 Lost time 107 675 6755874L 5874L Pillott Pilot Jr 107 670 670FonrtlxKuce FonrtlxKuce 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 5444Belzara 4 92 5897 Passover 4 94 5396Necklace 4 96 58763Charina 4 98 5873 Travis 5 101 5778 Mitt Boyken Broken 4 102 1661 Hilda 5 103 58972Petrel 4 104 5877 Judge Baker 4 105 5845Ollean 4 105 58463KittieB 5 108 58462Henry Launt Aunt 4 Ill Fifth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 5396 Est Ne Regina 4 89 5783 Senator Penrose Engrossed 4 91 5108 Don Alfonso 4 91 5353 Hazel Green 4 91 5845 Hungry Hill 4 94 5876 Courtesy 4 94 5783 Cains Cans 4 97 5392 Lady Keith 4 100 58732The Planet 4 103 5873 Plutarch Polluter 4 103 5873 Say On 8 104 5845 Cymbeline Comeliness 5 105 5875LaSalle 5 107 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 5608 Mariti Maritime 105 58772Allie Belle v 109 2815 Virgie Virile Cook 109 5361 Armorel Marmoreal 109 2868 Marietta U 109 2712 Hazeldean Hazed 109 5877 Bermuda Dance 4112