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TORONTO ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fair fairFirst airiest First Race 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 5878 Judge Wardell Waddell 3 107 670 2331 Cheatham Chatham 4 107 640 5878 Nicholas 5 107 672 5425 Mongolian 3 107 615 3878 Looram Loran 5 107 665 5847 Sleepy Belle 5878 Takanasaee Tallahassee 3071 Sister Alice Alice9i45 9i45 Asterling Sterling 5847 Hying Haying Bess Bests 891 De Irop Romp Second Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 5878 Horace 127 590J3Lank Bob 127 12758522Aragnol 58522Aragnol 127 5904 Dinsmoro Dimmer 127 5473 My Maryland 122 5879 Laverock Laver 122 59042Nabob 122 1239 V R Customs 122 59213Newbury 117 5847 Wink 117 59212 Jim Megibben Negligent 114 5921My Valentine 112 Third Race 1 34 Miles 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesSteeplechase Allowances Steeplechase 5881 Mr Dunlap Dunlop 8 162 5881 Brother Bob 7 162 S8813False Craft 5 157 5921 Hermano Herman 4 157 1406 Eppleworth Applecart 7 157 5851 Samson 6 157 5881Moorland 5 157 5851 Lady Stella 5 155 3522 Hesperian Esperanto 9 152 First series seriesFourth series Fourth Race 1 18 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt H 1879 Wenlock Wedlock 124 Sardonyx Stardom ch g by Saragossa Sargasso BonBon 119 58792Dumfries 119 Toronto 119 Scottish Chief 119 5921 Disorder 119 Braemer Reamer Jig 117 769 Violent 117 Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 5494 Lady Yarak Arrack 115 5882 Brown Belle 115 Toddy Ladle ch f by Der Deer Derwentwater Decrepitated wentwater dentate Scotch Reel 115 Whito Whit Heather ch f by Pil Phil Pillarist larist lardiest Heatherbloom Heather 115 Salamanca b f by Orinoco Sallie O 115 Buffoonery b f by Morpheus Orpheus Bonnie Bluff 115 Spring Blossom b f by Springfield bySpringfield Locust BlossomllS Blossom W M Hendrie Henries entry entrySixth entry Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances5682Estaca 5682Estaca 4 114 5852 Stonemason 11 110 588Q3Brandywine 6 110 5852 Guinan Guinean 3 107 5880 Hums 410 5474 Wordsworth 4 106 i 5883Pearl 3 91