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ST JLOIJIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Kace Ace 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 6656 Bulgeriin Bulgarian ICO CO 650 6502 Lady Memphis 100 635 6079 Little Dutch 98 6CO 6416 Henry Wolfer Wolfe 98 575 6079 Palarm Alarm 98 605 6759 Mosswood Moosewood 98 620 6656 Our Nellie 95 635 6791 Falonet Falconet 95 610 6626 EugeniaS Eugenia 95 640 640Jimmy Jimmy Bond ch c by Barak Bark La Jota Ota 95 67913MonaB 95 625 6651 Manila 95 600 600Liberty Liberty Advance b c by byChatham Yucatan Chatham Crocus 95 6327 Cecelia Cecilia 95 620 5157 Eleven Slipper 95 630 630Second Second Race 4 18 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Allowancesee Allowances ee Bleuheim Blushing 108 625 Tom Shannon ch c by Prince PrinceRoyal Prince Royal Trophy 108 6675 H R Jones 108 610 61066752Jerry 66752Jerry Hunt 103 635 6675 Hi Kollar Kola 108 615 615Elmer Elmer S gr c by Julien Julie Kit Kittio Kitties tio trio H 108 Bolerie Bolero ch f by Bolero Nannie Nannies Lord 105 6675 Baron St Pierre 105 575 57567593AltaMay 67593AltaMay 105 625 625Miss Miss Gerard 105 6303 Amistad Amstrad 105 580 58066r 66r 2 Hindoos Indoors Dream 105 650 6652 Whisper Low 105 600 6651 Anonyma Anonym 105 610 61067912Lucinda 67912Lucinda B II 105 630 630Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 6412 Belle of St Louis 107 520 5885 Susie Monrnouth Monmouth 107 530 5763 Sister Josephine 107 535 5356U2 6U2 Mibs Nibs Anita 107 555 6792 Whitela White 107 560 6740 Queen Hortense Shortens 107 550 6740 Waukesha 102 580 6412 Livadia Livonia 102 510 6330 Coreel Creel 102 530 6631 Spinnaker 102 570 6501 Queen Abana Cabana 102 550 6412 Miss Dewey 102 580 6758 Cousin Lizzie Tizzies 102 585 6501 Gracia Gracie Qui Vive 102 505 6533 Miss Lizzie Tizzies 102 600 600Fourth Fourth Race G 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap67022Ed 67022Ed Farrell 3 115 740 74067COGibraltar 67COGibraltar 3 115 750 6644 Lord Fairfax 41U4 715 7156738David 6738David 6 100 735 6739 Silver Set 4 99 7i50 7i5067S93Miss 67S93Miss Verne 4 90 730 73067352Tudith 67352Tudith C 5 89 675 6627 Shieldbearer Hinderer 6 89 715 6739 Lady Callahan 4 SO 695 6738 Lady Britannic 4 80 705 705Fifth Fifth Race 1 11G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 6787 Black Jack 6 109 620 6653 Dan Huger 4 107 630 63067582Inspirer 67582Inspirer 4 107 620 6165 Practitioner 4 104 615 6677 Briggs 4 104 630 6787 Susie Lillard Millard 5 104 575 6737 Fingal Final 4 104 615 6788 Powhatta 6 104 590 6763 Hazard 5 106 625 6758 Jack Bradley 6 106 620 6534 Confession 4 102 610 61067873StellaB 67873StellaB 4 102 615 5975 Nettie Nettle Robb Robby 4 102 600 60067623Miss 67623Miss Florida 3 89 610 61067402Emprcas 67402Emprcas JosepLiae Josephine 3 83 650 3yearolds and upward Selling 6788 Rowland Dueto Duet 6763Maddalo 66692 Jack of Hearts 4 107 6787 Amber Glints 5 104 67372Helen H Gardner 5 104 6546 Minerva 5 104 67633Mamie G 5 104 6763 Bridgeton Bridgetown 5 106 6413 JocoSot Jocosity 6 106 6736 Russella Russell 4 102 6676Sir Dick 3 100 6740 Farondelle Carbondale 3 94 6740 Lady of the West 3 92 6761 Deorfoot Dorothy 3 91 6788Dr Marks 3 91