Washington Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-01


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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL Juno 30 Fifth day Washington Park Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge C El Pottingill Potting Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 pm fSQr Sr K FIRST RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards Purse 500 3yearolds and upward OOLyQ Wooly Selling Ind Indo Horses X Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C rr2CEERRY LEAF 106 1 li H 121 I2 I2 Clawson Lawson T M Berry Co 1151152 6i5i SUT UT ION 109 2 2f 2H 2i 21 2 K E Dorsay Dorsa B J Johnston 6 20 6 20 20b72i b72i MONCREITH NONCREDIT 108 3 5H 51 5t 4 311 Caywood Cawed J E Murphy 10 15 10 15 15e e MITRVj MIRV II 108 5 3 31132 31148 Thorpe Earnshaw Earns Bros Brows 4534 4534ItxvOJDO1 ItxvOJDO1 ORiINO Origin 91 8 8 7 68 5 5 Kitloy Kilo C A Titles 4646 67i 464667i Ml UiALONGE Dialoged 110 71 6t 4 K 41 6 K 61 Foucon Soupcon F M Arthur 20 40 20 40 8669 PIAR PAIR JEL JOEL KIO KIDO 86 4 7 8 7H 7 7 Wm Jones P T Kelly 6 15 6 15 15bii3 bii3 MllTlN Multilane 102 6 48 62 8 Bled E Martin T H Ryan 4 10 4 10 Time 26 501 1 151 1 41 1 43i WinuorB Wino 43iWinuorB c 4 by Athelstan Atheist Sunbeam Post 3 minutes Start good for all but Don Orsino Orinoco Won easily second and third were driv drive ¬ ing King hard Cherry Leaf was much the best He set his owu Dow pace and simply galloped allthe althea way This fellow is far above the ordinary selling plater platter Sutton acted better at the post today and ran a clever race Dorsey Dose rode him well too He was hard at work on him at the stretch turn and it was tbe tube ride that landed him in second place Moncreith Noncredit sharply outrun the first part of it came with a sensational rush in tbe tube stretch Mistral II tired in the closing drive He ws none too well ridden With an even break Don Orsino Orinoco would have been a sharp contender Besides getting away badly he had hard luck in the race Watch Muskalonge Muskellunge Ho ran a good rac race 3 Midian Indian bled and was pulled up Overweights Overweighs Sutton 3 pounds 68O6 SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 500 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horsos Horses Wt St M K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C5531KENTUCKY 5531KENTUCKY COL COLE 108 31 4 11 W 16 N Turner E O Popper 21 31 21 31 6691 GREATLAND GREENLAND 106 4 2 51 31 2 Thorpe Gus Straus 6644 6319 CAMBRIAN 108 5 31 3 5 3 H Martin W H Laudeman Laundryman 6868 686867182OLINTHUS 67182OLINTHUS 109 21 1 41 41 4 H Shields J G Brown Co 2 31 2 31 6611 MISS MARKS 105 71 81 21 2U 5J Hewitt M Jordan 15 10015 100 669DJINK8 7 9 6 61 H Williams W H May Son 8 12 8 12 66703CANACE 51 71 8 71 Clawson Lawson N S Hall Co 8 10 8 10 66073MAZIE V 105 81 9 8 9 81 Slack R Bradley 30 150 30 150 1506469MAZO 6469MAZO 113 IK 61 61 Til Tail 9 Clayton Weich Welch Co 4848 4848Time 481541Winner Time lli23i 481541 Winner B c by Kantaka Kanaka Nocturn Nocturne NocturnOff Nocturne Off at first break to a good start Won in a gallop the next four were driving to the limit Kentucky Colonel had speed to loan He went to tbe tube front on call and toyed with his field He is a sp ed marvel and it will take the best at the track to beat him Greatland Greenland ran a good race He stood a long drive gamely Cambrian responded gamely when called upon He was sharply cut off on the turn and but for that ho would have been second Olinthus Plinths doesnt doesn't seem to be himself He got away flying and had no excuses Miss Marks race was good She got off poorly and throughScratched through was much used to get in position Tab her Jinks could never get through Scratched Toluca Toucan 110 Ailyar Halyard 108 Frank Bell 105 Cathedral 113 113Overweights Overweights Overweighs Olinthus Plinths 3 pounds THIRD RACE 1 Blile Bible 3yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesEnglewood Allowances Englewood Stakes Gross value 2320 net value to winner 1860 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 6722ST CALLATINE COLLATION 117 8 8 S 1 li 11 Clawson Lawson 8 C Hildreth Children 75 85 75 32 6714 MISS GUSSIE GUSSIED 120 71 3 61 3 21 22 Vandusen Bandsmen Ed Fitzgerald 20 40 20 30 6017UARDA 120 1 2 3 511 5 35 Thorpe Baker Gentry 3 5 35 356695SARDONIC 6695SARDONIC 120 61 6 4 65 4 41 A Clayton Ed Corrigan 3434 343466722GRAZIELLA 66722GRAZIELLA 117 3 5n 21 4 65 5 Hewitt F J Kelly 20 30 20 30 306byrj3MARTHA 6byrj3MARTHA II 117 51 41171 7 71 62 C Sloan H T Griffin 12 10 8 10 106780AFAMADA 6780AFAMADA 117 4 121 121 221 3 75 Hart MidltnJgblth Milting 20 20 20 20 66952 HER FAVOR 110 2 72 8 8 8 8 Caywood Cawed Rodegap Bodega Co 5858 5858Added 40lWinner Added starters Time 25 49i 102 1 14f 1 40l Winner Ch f by St Carlo Callatine Palatine CallatinePost Palatine Post 4 minutes Start fair Won baud ridden the next throe were doing their best St Callatiu Caladium was far the best otherwise she could not have won Clawson Lawson got her away last was repeatoHy repeat cut off in the first half and then pulled out and went around the field This race stamps the tiliy utility as a high class one Miss Gussie Gussied did all she could She hung on gamely under punishment in the stretch There was a lot of bumping and interference on the far turn Sar Sara douic dui swerved into he rail and sharply interfered with Martha II and Her Favor The last two almost fell auu au weie wee obliged to pull up Uarda Guardia was also slightly interfered with at the same time Afamad Agama h 1 a lot of speed but stopped badly after going threequarters treasurers Graziella Grazie was unable to hauiiie the weight weightScratchedHurly ScratchedHurly Scratched Burly 117 Ollie Mollie Dixon 117 08O8 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Handicap hid Horses Wt St H Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6523 SIMON W 116 1 21 2 2 35 1U Thorpe Baker Gentry 3434 3434GT503FEHVOR GT503FEHVOR 100 4 3H 3 3 2 2U H Martin James Arthur 4545 4545675USKN 675USKN HADAD HEADBAND 95 2 Hi 2 W 1 3 Gray W A McGuigan Michigan 35 9103 5 910 6750 J LIKE DENNY DENY 102 3 4 4 4 4 4 Clawson Lawson W A Pinkorton Pinkerton 6666 6666Time 39JWinner Time 25 49i 1 01i 1 14t 1 39J RoysterPori Oyster Winner Ch b 6 by Harry OFallon Fallen Lady Royster Oyster Pori Poi uiiautes imitates Start perfect Won cleverly second and third driving to the limit Simon W was t his host and Thorpe rode him to perfection He waited on Bon Hadad Add until the stretch was reachid reached and mado ado his run at the right time If pushed out Simon W could probably have ri a lnf lf second faster Gray was hardly strong enough to do Ben fladad faded justice Ho sooms somas to be a hf a vy headed colt und the boy got tired Fervor is good now His race was above the average oud loud he can bo tabbed from now on The route was hardly far enough for Judge Denny Deny He seers to bo on edge and will do to watch watchSciuUhtd watches SciuUhtd Sighted Official 90 FIFTH KACE ACE 34 Milo Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances cc Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H t BURLY 101 61 5 31 I Ciawson Caisson S C Hildreth Children 6 10 6 6 61i 1i 1 25 Foucon Soupcon J W Schorr Scorer Co 3 3 1353 ii5192j KHAPD HAD J Ill I 4 3 41 3 Knapp W M Rogers 653 6521 07501 IK MANXMAN MAMMA 122 11 2 21 2 48 A Ciayton Clayton J J Harrison 6766 6766I 6766tS713lMi tS713lMi WALDO WEALD 106 2 U I 55 5J Caywood Cawed Wymore Co 4 64 5 6043 DISCIPLINE 112 3 6 61 61 62 C SKan San L fl Hascall Rascally 20 30020 300 5471 SUMMER SEA 107 7 7777 Hevitt Hewitt M Jordan 30 10030 100 100Time Time 241481001 113 113Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Riley Heltor Helter Skelter Shelter SkelterP Shelter P tl 5 minutes Start good Won hand ridden the next three were under keen pressure Hurly Birly Billy was handled to perfection Clawson Lawson took the short route with the filly and saved her nicely tlio Clio early part of the journey Ho never made a move until nicely straightened away in the si rotcli ROTC and then tve tv used his hands only Algol too got good handling Foucon Soupcon nursed j him at tie post and avoided the early pace The colt was good and had no excuses Richard J Tva Va = oi Uo outside al tiio trio way Knarp Knap claims bo tried to bolt on the stretch turn Ho pulled up a trifle lame Tue Tues Miiuxman Minimum and Dave Waldo Weald were pumped out oariy hoary Both waakoned wakened badly at the ert Bert Discipline ud Summer Sea belong olsavvhero Tbis Tbs was the fastest threequarters treasurers ev ° r on over te trnk trunk trnkSd trunks Sd fIie fie EeaHaaad 106 May Fe 109 HothoisaU Hothouse 91 Abe Furst Furs 112 68 1 i SIXTH xAC AC n Piuso Pius 500 3yearolds and upward rvl rv 3IPS VJ ct H y 9i otrlin Motrin Jockeys Owners O H L C W I3NV tV4PO 91 i i ii li 11 Ho VY R baarloy barley CojO CoO 20 10 15 07 0 HOriKNZOLLKttN iuo iou 3 2 2i 2 H Martin W Koots Knots Son 21 21 9595 oY C K K9fTS 10 9s 6 M 7i ii 3i f Smith S C Wagner 100200100150 VM v LAD ios Rios 7 52 3 11 He tt E vv haru Hari 10 10 10 10 10t 10j t j 190 GJ CLARK ilo Milo b 71 BNK BANK rm 4 52 il WiiiiamaW H ilay inlay Son o 4 S 4 4t7O t7O IiD Ibid 91 r T 0 8 01 Claw on M Jordan i 4 31 31 31t209 t209 HARttNGER Haranguer 110 1 9 t 71 7 oioua odious L H Hascall Rascally 50 50 50 50 tyy thy yi DANCE 10910 10 10 8 K 91 821 H Shields J G Brown Co 6 10 6 10 67 J FMKLPEAN 85 8 1 4 10 10 91 Gtay Gay W A McGuigan Michigan 10 30 10 30 30eVJSKiNor eVJSKiNor BERMUDA 88 2 2 52 4 62 10 McNickle Canticle W L Oliver 6767 6767Time 43iWi Time 241 48 1 131 1 40i 1 43i JohusoviP Wi Jt Jtpr Jetport pr k c by Bramble Lucy Johusovi Jodhpurs P niriifis nitrifies t g o Won iu cin chin cinj conj j hnrU thru ari Hari si if tw third and fourth driving also alsoNalhtti assonant Nalhtti Malting = ioii iii gci Gucci away wfti waft on Its si iida ida aul Gaul ran a irackin racking good race It was a groat goat improve j ment meant 11 i iQst iQs iii u He i iiii oil a s lnrj liner ii ard Ward is undfrestirc Hundreds ate1 Hofifn Hoofing 7er i u strung ctud cud wouiu luVv UV vvua vu ia HI iLj iL iiiclvj Cr ediis edifies finiaheu Finnish with a seusa Sequa seusatiojual sensational tiojual Tijuana li 3raw LRd Lard VKrf Kr fjorly folly riddor ardor Joe Clark wv under the whip almost all the way Lui Luis d aid Hobirgor Obligor cro cero bitb bib charply sharply cut oti Otis on tbe tube first tuiu etui tuiuijo tuition ijo jo wiigbtr wig aut abut Datice Dative 2 pnuucs pucks

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898070101/drf1898070101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1898070101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800