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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Age Wt Hdcp Dc 6406 Sun Bonnet 95 670 6683 Esther R 95 625 5588 The Red Filly 95 652 65267532Miss 67532Miss C 95 660 6408 Conan Doyle 97 655 6645 Armorel Marmoreal 100 668 67563Ada 66867563Ada Russell 100 650 67813Arcturus 65067813Arcturus 100 675 5873 Crook 102 625 6583 Teucer Tucker 105 662 6626614Provolo 6614Provolo 105 635 6525 Brightie Brighten S 105 672 6650 Creedmore Credo L 105 640 6756 Saratoga 105 665 665Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc HdcpRichardson Richardson 97 5930 DeaconAllen Deaconates 97 6292 BGFox 100 6556 Will Williamson 100 6618 The Bondman 100 6782 Bob Salter 100 Eberhart Seborrhea 100Eberhart b c by Eberlee Abele Ramona 100 10064993Press 64993Press Kimball 100 6618 Little Major 100 Dr 100Dr Nembula Nebula JOO JO Spree JOOSpree K4 Etidorpha Ethiopia K4Etidorpha b c by Patron Ethel 107 Third Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt 6723 Nannio Manioc D 5 98 6617 Trimuda Trinidad 4 98 2404 Volax Volga 4 95 6683 Birdie May 4 98 6617 Carl Holland 5 100 6617 Graham Montrose 4 100 6269 Glenbok Gemsbok 4 100 Cadeaus Chateaus 4 100 21152Bartou 4 103 1622 Dr Colonan Colonna 4 103 6723 Annaheim Anaheim 5 103 1129 Hickory Leaf 4 103 103Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 6812 Gunst Gust 3 99 668 Melba 3 102 1026781Royal 6781Royal Dance 4 104 1046754Remp 6754Remp 4 107 10767J6 67J6 Hidaeo Hide 6 107 1076723Paros 6723Paros 5 107 1076728Rey 6728Rey del Mar 8 107 107Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horse color sex pedigree Wt 6685 Lady Brown 100 6615 EthelDavis Ethel 100 6685 Oneita Oneida 100 6724 Viol 100 Palota Palo b f by Terra Cotta Ada Adam Rehan Freehand 100 Dawsie Dowse Lake b f by Brutus Bruits Villa 100 6521 Danzar Dana 100 6584 Queen of Warwick Airsick 100 5440 HolySallie Horseflies 100 Sour HaydenEdwards Hayden Drop ch f by Hayden Edwards Rorka Okra 100 6757 Bannie Annie 104 67552Fanaie Taylor 112 6236 Ollie Mollie J 112 Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt 6619 Elsina Messina 4 98 2994 Fairoun Flatiron 4 98 6686 Terra mie mice 4 93 6728 LiewAnua Lean 4 98 67833Calleon 5 98 6723 Loyalty 5 100 6647 Blacking Brush Brush67832Everest 5 100 67832Everest 4 100 6781 Donation 5 100 6726 Countess Irma 5 105 6438 St Helena 5 110 6697 Zufallig Unfailing 5 112