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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 6775 Loyal Prince 5 108 665 6801 Hurl 4 106 658 65867412FessyF 67412FessyF 4 104 655 65567993CoIlateral 67993CoIlateral 4 104 668 6741 Disturbance III 7 99 645 6741 Glen Albyn Abby 4 98 650 6506799Tontiuental 6799Tontiuental 6 95 675 6746 Prima 4 92 672 6741 Devault Default 5 91 660 6834 Our Bishop 4 81 670 6801 Bob Leach 4 78 652 6741 Nero 10 72 662 662Seuoiul Seuoiul Sequoia Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc HdcpGuyCotta GuyCotta Guncotton 113 6742 Gin Rickey Rickety 113 640 6744 Tip Gallant 113 635 6800 Sky Scraper 108 630 630Guiliana Guiliana Gillian ch f by Tenny Teeny Guilia Gillian 108 6771 Thanatopsis Halitosis 105 660 66068002Jean 68002Jean Ingelow Angelo 105 672 67267713Contravene 67713Contravene 105 665 6571 AmeJiaT Amelia 105 668 66865402Qak 65402Qak Maid 105 675 67567442Bessie 67442Bessie Taylor 105 670 670Brigantine Brigantine 105 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 6395 Monadnock Monsanto 4 112 675 6539 Solid Silver II 5 112 630 16272Sir Arlo Carlo 3 102 672 7621 Locksley Lockset 3 102 655 6281 Wharton 3 102 665 6572 Disorder 3 102 650 6424 Duke of Little Grove 3 102 6774 Jessamine Estaminet Porter II 3 100 6799 Stella O 3 100 52503Ellerslie Belle 3 100 6743TillieW 3 100 2327 Onette Netted 3 100 Fourth Race 1 1S Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Canadian Sportsman Handicap 6715 Mazarin Mandarin 5 114 67722Debride 4 107 67432The Duchess 5 107 67142Laverock 3 104 6774Simon D 3 98 6801 Rossmar Rosemary 5 100 Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 6804 Zeal 5 109 67172Utopia 5 108 6745 Evaline Valiance 4 107 1262 Overella Oversell 6 106 6746Protus 4 104 6799 Dumbarton Adumbration 4 104 6S013Campania 5 104 6803 Belzara Belarus 4 102 6664 EarlFonso Earldoms 3 100 67743Bon Jour 3 100 6748 V R Customs 3 98 6804 Chang 3 95 597SViolent 3 93 6803Ten Pins 3 93 Sixth Race Short Course Course4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesSteeplechase Allowances Steeplechase Steeplechase6036Sir 6036Sir Andrew 4 162 6741 King Kenn Kenny 6 147 1476716TheTar 6716TheTar 4 147 6716 Prince Mark 7 147 66C6 Michael G 4 147 6637 Lastfellow Playfellow 4 147 5979 Bob Neely Nelly 7 147 61703Brothor Bob 7 147 5378Alfonsina 8 145 6716 Arrezzo Carrizo 4 140 67163Parson 5 137 67162Downing 6 137 6716 Del Coronado 6716 Marble 6716 La Colina Colin