untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-15


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AN ably written treatise on Horse Racing on the Art of Making Money at the Race Track will be mailed free to readers of DAILY RACING FORM on application to the publishers A F vithe lithe Co 720 Consolidated Exchange Building Chicago It is illustrated with fifteen art halftones of Ed Bodoys Body celebrated racing studies It is the most compact bit of horse lore we have ever seen and gives in a nutshell the eist deist of a lifes lifers experience among the thrr Herr oughbreds outbreed Every raceaoer tracheae will find it highlj highly instructive and very enjoyable reading Goodwins Godwin OFFICIAL 1ftTH 1ftTHOFFICIAL I O I 11 11Turf Turf Guide YEAR YEARX YEAR X ORE COMPLETE THAN EVER A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE MADEA MADE A Form Table to Each Event Eventwhich Seventh which shows exact position of every horse which was either 1st 2d 3d or 4th at each quarter pole also positions at start Im ¬ portant portent notes added when required Events reported from all parts of the country and Canada Issued th 1st and 15th of every month monthPRICE monotypic PRICE 60 CIS CPIS EACH EACHFor Anchor For sale at all principal hotels newsstands racetracki racetrack and publishers office officeGOODWIN office GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO BROS144O 144O Broadway noar nor 4Oth Street COMMISSIONS OH FOREIGN RACES THE UNDERSIGNED WILL FORWARD TO BESPON BENSON BESPONBIBLE BIBLE BOOKMAKERS AT THE RACE TRACKS IN NEW YORK CINCINNATI AND ST LODIS LOIS LODISANY LODI ANY SUM OF MONEY NOT LESS THAN 500 THAT MAY BE LEFT WITH US ONE HOUR PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF THE RACES BUDDWHITECOr Buddhist 167 Dearborn St Room 301 BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE MADISON AND CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS FITTINGSCUISINE FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED SERylCE Servile THE BEST A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE B r WELTY WETLY PRICES OFFICE 1124 AUDITORIUM ANNEX HOURS 10 TO 12 A M

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898071501/drf1898071501_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1898071501_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800