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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO July 14 Fiftythird Fifty day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Racing starts at 230 p m rjl JCL lO FIRST RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H y2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O fl J 7086 TUTUILLA TITILLATE 97 7 61 51 43 23 12 H Wilson Rogan Brogan Walters 75 85 65 85 7136 FORSYTHE FORSYTHIA 97 1 11 H IH IKK VIKKI 23 Frost Bishop Co 3433 3433W 7f60 JACK MARTIN 99 3 31 31 21 3 31 Stevens W H McLemore Clamored 60 60 20 40 7103 LAURA MAY 82 8 2n 2K 3 4K 4 Dugan Duane J Fleming 15 30 15 25 6968 ARCHIE MC KAY 97 13 12 12 8 61 5 Lines Fry Skaggs Sags 8 15 8 15 7060 GOMEZ 100 9 9 9 9 9 6 C CClay Clay Clay W M Clark 25 40 25 30 7103 MISS FLORIDE FLORID 82 11 11 11 10 10 7 Preston H Pierce 12 20 12 15 6788 C C RUMRILL ARMORIAL 99 10 8 71 61 7 8 Gilmoro Gilmore D W Kelly 15 30 15 25 7106 KINGS PAWN 83 6 10 10 12 11 9 C Murphy Benson Wt WattsCo20 30 10 20 71853ADAM ANDREW 100 14 14 14 14 14 10 JMcDonaldH McDonald L Jones 10 10 6 8 70bO BIG FELLOW 9912 13 13 13 13 It Head C McClaren McClure 60 100 60 100 tl963AL5IA RUSSELL 9 5 41 43 52 51 12 J Harris J D Dearing Daring 25 50 25 40 908 HACO HANCOCK 100 4 51 62 71 8 13 Ellis Goodwin Godwin Co 20 50 20 40 6 758 MISS PRESSLEY PRESLEY 9515 15 15 15 15 It Newcom Newcomer Sturtz Stuart Emory 100200100150 6703 CAKE WALK 82 2 7 8 11 12 15 Garner W A Powell 100 200 100 150 Time 150Time 13i 261 52 1 04 1171 30 1 44 1 58 Winner 58Winner B m 6 by Iroquois Fairy Belle BellePost Belle Post 2 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving Tutuilla Attila was the best She waited until Jack Martin and Forsythe Forsythia had raced their heads off in front then came on and won as she pleased Laura May had speed Adam Andrew is not much muchScratched Scratched Violin 83 I A A SECOND RACE58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C J0873CHANCERY 111 2 21 22 32 IN Combs J C Calm 1 751 75 70342GOOD 7570342GOOD HOPE 108 1 11 12 12 21 JMcDonaldB McDonald Schreiber 7 12 5 8 70872EVELYN BYRD 101 6 51 51 55 33 Cady Caddy M Deathridge Featheredged 3 3 21 3 6701 BE TRUE 111 5 4 41 42 43 Hnell Nell T J McHale Chalet 8 12 8 10 6910 NAN DORA 101 4 31 33 21 58 Franklin W L Lafferty Loafer 15 30 15 20 6327 LADY EZELL BEZEL 101 11 7 72 62 61 HarshbrgrC Harsh Vestal 75 200 75 150 7087 ROSE ASH 10810 9987 Casteel Caste T Shannon 50 30050 200 6561 J M DOUGHERTY DOUGHIER 104 3 62 6 7 8 W Dean A M Mulhall Mulch 75 300 75 300 6910 BARON ST PIERRE101 7 8899 Kane E Cooke 50 10050 80 6675 BLACK SPOT 104 12 11 11 11 10 McJoynt Macon George Friday 50 200 50 150 7087 W C DALY DAY 101 8 10 10 10 11 Van Camp T F Timmons Simmons 200 300 75 150 66562LURDAN 15066562LURDAN 104 9 12 12 12 12 Gilmore A Calm 5645 DR 5645DR SNOW 10413 13 13 13 13 Lcndrum Centrum Paul Snow 100300 75 150 Time 150Time 121 25i 51 1 03 Winner 03Winner Ch c by Chance Outscramble Outscore OutscramblePost Post 7 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second and third also driving Chancery is scarcely as good as he was He won on sheer gamoness gameness Good Hope finished with the great ¬ est determination Evelyn Byrd died at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Tom Shannon 111 Foxey Foxy 108 The Sheriff 101 Lillie Paxton 101 7145 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wl St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner O H J 7104 LADY CALLAHAN 102 4 IH IH 11 INK Combs M S Hughes 4 4 21 3 3McKelvyJohnsnl2 7086 CAN GALOP GALLOP 102 7 41 41 21 21 Frost McKelvyJohnsnl2 12 6 8 8R 7089 JUDGE bTEADMN beadsman 106 3 51 51 41 32 Snell Smell R E Maddox 12 12 5 7 7H 69982PERCITA 104 6 7 77 7 61 41 C CClay Clay Clay H Franklin 8 20 8 20 66772AL 2066772AL LONE 102 5 31 3 31 52 JMcDonaldD McDonald J Honan Hunan 65 2 6585 70852JIM 658570852JIM HOGG HOG 106 8 8 8 7 61 Lines H T Batchelor Bachelor 12 30 12 20 7062 JUDITH C 104 1 22 22 51 7 Gilmore DouglasBruhns Douglas 12 20 12 20 6965 HARRIE HARRIET FLOYD 102 2 61 61 8 8 T Leigh C M Barrow 4 5 21 4 Time 21 49i 1 021 1 151 151Winner Winner B f 4 by Siddartha Skidder Loetitia Loretta LoetitiaPost Loretta Post 3 minutes S tax t good Won ridden out second driving to the limit Lady Callahan was the best She was stopping badly at the finish Judith C had a lot of speed Watch her in mud Al Lone was raced to death with the pacemakers Judge Steadman Seaman and Can Galop Gallop closed strong strongScratched Scratched Aunt Mary 102 7146 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Handicap End Horses Wt St StrFia Astoria Jockeys Owners O H L C 70653MAMIE G 80 2 21 2 21 22 IN Kelly Caesar Young 4 4 21 3 7089 SIR ROLLA OLLA 94 3 31 31 31 31 23 Frost C C Maffitt Afflict 3 5 21 4 7134 KATE 112 4 4 4 4 4 3 JMcDonaldTierney McDonald Innes Inanes 45 6 5 451110 6820 GOLD BAND 99 1 H 11 11 IH 4 Hall G W Curtis 4846 42iWinner Time 4846Time 26 51 1 031 1 17 1 42i Winner ClayPosr Capos Blk Balk m 5 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Anna Clay Posr Poser 2 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second also driving Frost waited too long with Sir Rolla Olla He was going very strong at the finish Mamie Mammies G was well ridden and finished game and true Gold Band died to nothing in the stretch 7147JInd 7147J FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7133 BELLE BRAMBLE 102 3 2 21 21 2 U Snell Smell W L Simmons 15 40 8 40 70902LOVING CUP 93 2 32 35 32 32 2 Lines G W Miller 95 2 75 85 6966 LORD FAIRFAX 107 4 11 12 li 11 33 W Dean J H Terrett Terre 45 1 35 1 69963MADELINE 101 5 52 51 41 411 41 Mays M P Mattingly Matting 8 86 6 7107 MITCHELL 107 6 6 6 6 51 52 Gilmore A Hobusch Hobs 12 40 12 30 7104 ATTAINMENT 93 1 41 41 51 6 6 Frost TimmonsMarks 12 40 12 30 28Winner Time 30Time 13 251 51 1 03 1 15i 1 28 Winner Ch f 4 by Bramble III Wind WindPost Windows Post 8 minutes Start gooa goo It was a driving finish Loving Cup will run better when the track is packed harder She tires badly when it is deep Lord Fairfax was raced to death in front He favors a shorter route Madeline under bad handling finished strong Scratched strongScratched Sirenia Irena 104 T 7148 1 I Q SIXTH SIXTHR SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Si Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 69983LADYOFTHEWEST89 7 81 92 63 52 IH Frosc Afros TR Scott 3 3 21 3 70652 HINGAL HINGE 104 9 SH 51 21 U 22 JMcDonaldL McDonald E Moistor Moister 952 75 75 7086 TR AN BY 99 2 6J 6 5 41 31 T Williams C Whitman 7136 Cooper696S KING ELKWOOD ELMWOOD 99 5 52 41 71 63 41 H Wilson F W Cooper 12 20 12 15 696S TULARE TULANE 101 1 41 3 33 21 52 Combs Weaver Co 6645 Co7086HEL Kirwan69092LEASEMAN 7086HEL H GARDNER101 4 11 H li 31 6 Snell Smell W A Kirwan Iran 15 20 15 20 69092LEASEMAN Charles6993MYSTERY 106 6 7 7 8 7 7 Guitiers Guiltier S J Charles 8 20 8 20 6993 6993MYSTERY MYSTERY 94 12 9 8 9 8 8 Lines W M Hayes 8 20 8 15 7065 SERF 106 3 10 10 10 9 9 M Dunn Short Bros Brows 20 30 10 20 Henders67883VIHGINIA 6636 RIFLE 107 11 11 11 11 10 10 Hall M V Henders Enders Henderson Enders 6 86 6 67883VIHGINIA M 97 13 12 12 12 11 11 Stevens L G Kuhs Kuhn 25 50 25 40 7060DAVEZAC 106 8 21 2 12 12 Gilmore JAAbernathy 30 60 25 40 5677 ABEREGATE ABROGATE 87 10 13 13 13 13 13 Nixon J Welch 40 60 25 50 6516 CONNIE LEE 95 Left at the post T Leigh J H Terrett Terre 10 15 10 12 Barred 12Barred in betting Time 131 26 381 51i 1 01 1 17i 1 311 1 41i 1 57 Winner DaphnePost Daphne 57Winner Ch f 3 by Chorister Daphne Post 3 minutes Start fair Won in a hard drive second also driving Lady of the West was the best although not much She came strong at the finish Fingal Final ran his race So did King Elkwood Elmwood ElkwoodScratched Scratched Confession 102