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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hd 6719 Heigh High Ho 3 11222Korte 3 101 6952 Daily Racing Form 3 90 7044 Cash Day 710a 6776 Rosinante Obstinate 4 104 7073 Yuba Dam 4 107 7016 Amy Wade 4 105 6931 MrEaston Reason 3 87 7015 Joe Clark 5 Ill Second Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 6983 Donna Rita 4 105 7124 Timemaker Tidemark 4100 7077Satsuma 6 119 7046 The Tarcoon Garcon 4 103 6869Hugh Penny 8 121 7075 Muskalonge Muskellunge 5 108 6864 The Elector 4 110 Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 6780 Come Quick 3 129 7138 MissCasey Miscast 5 140 7142 Tartarian Agrarian 8 142 7078Mary Black 8 129 Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolda Allowances Allowances6983Volyothen 6983Volyothen 103 7012Souchon 110 6S06 Jinks HO 6611 Sevens 115 50453Fleeting Ray 103 7l20Spirituelle 115 E Brown entry entryFiftli entry Fiftli Fifties Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards 3yearolds Selling 6719 Heigh High Ho 98 7073 Canova Canoga 103 71232Nathanson 108 6954 Friar John 103 7019Qeorge Krats Rats 107 7121 OurChance Urethane 103