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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 7172 Sidtilla Scintilla 105 620 62060693Havel 60693Havel 105 650 65071722Lillie 71722Lillie Paxton 105 630 630Ppggy Ppggy Peggy M b f by Bolero Petite 105 7034 Lady Memphis 105 640 7172 Bolerie Bolero 105 630 7034 Mountain Dow 105 620 620Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp71033Ups 71033Ups and Downs 104 615 6851 Sir Dick 104 655 7192 RBSack Bismarck 101 625 625Giddings Giddings Biddings 101 6527 Vandyke 101 7148Lady of the West 99 675 6757190Chiquita 7190Chiquita II 99 650 6272 Fanchon Ancon 99 600 600Regatta Regatta 99 6848Miss Lizzie Tizzies 96 660 660Third Third Race 1 11C Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling71963Basquil 71963Basquil 4 102 660 66071462Sir 71462Sir Rolla Olla 3 93 670 67071912Judge 71912Judge Steadman Seaman 6 93 675 7148 King Elkwood Elmwood 5 91 650 7148 Serf 4 89 610 7148 Helen HGardner Gardner 5 87 650 65070893Confession 70893Confession 4 85 665 665Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap71943Gibraltar 71943Gibraltar 3 112 750 75071343David 71343David 6 110 735 73569372Purity 69372Purity 3 98 740 7194 Miss Verne 4 89 725 7103 Frank Sigman Sigma 4 85 650 650Fifth Fifth Race 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 7090HighTest ighTest lightest 7 107 107lver 7135 Silver lver laver Set 4 103 103STobacco 7176HSTobacco STobacco Tobacco 4 102 102ush 7136 Hush Hush7145Lady ush bush 7 101 101ady 7145Lady ady lady Callahan 4 101 101ittle 7194 Little ittle little Billee Bile 5 101 101ount 710iCount ount Mount Fonso Fonts 4 99 99ddubia 7107 Siddubia Indubitable ddubia Dubai 5 99 99otton 5974Cotton otton cotton Plant 4 99 99d 7176 Ed d Gartland Garland II 3 90 90lenower 6965 Glenower lenower Gender endower 3 90 90iggins 7104 Wiggins iggins Higgins 3 90 90averna 6331 Laverna Laver averna Ravenna 3 88 88oraS 7176NoraS oraS boras 3 88 88aoma 7177 Naoma Naomi aoma aroma 3 88 88Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 7177 Moralist 4 103 6968 Uncle Abb Abby 5 103 71483Tranby 5 102 7191 Jack of Hearts 4 101 7065 Anger 4 100 7173 Dewdiop Dewdrop 5 98 7085Amber Glints 5 98 7019 Mrs Brad shaw 7 98 67863Cecil 5 98 7148 Tulare Tulane 4 98 7143Tutuilla 6 98 7136 Can I See Em 4 96 58672Elsmore 3 92 6914 Rebel Jack 3 88 69082Empress Josephine 3 85