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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp6S42Trimuda 6S42Trimuda I S55 7078 Whitcomb Witco 4 104 I700 7100 Dorothy III 5 104 68a 6104 Double Dummy 4 104 62a 6719 Necedah Necked 6 104 680 680i209RogerB i209RogerB 5 106 680 6810 Caut Caput Dance 5 106 6oO 6669 Sidonian Sideman 4 107 660 660Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 5373 Freak 100 600 7120 Tulla Tulle Fonso Fonts 100 720 6900 Fontainebleu Containable 103 690 716 2Sevons 105 50 506894Pat 6894Pat Cleburne Claiborne 105 730 73069333Facade 69333Facade 105 710 71071643Souchon 71643Souchon 107 745 7456521Frank 6521Frank Bell 107 723 7204 Frank Ireland 108 740 6433 Arthur McKnifjht 108 690 69533 Prince McClurg McClure 108 68u 68uGauntlet Gauntlet 108 6953 Sea Lion HO 725 698 2Hardy Pardee Parsee 110 740 74065182Batten 65182Batten 118 720 720Tliird Tliird Laird Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7015 Teutonna Teutonic 4 102 693 7046 Bernardillo Bernardino 4 104 650 7052 Cyclone II 9 106 680 68072092Bishop 72092Bishop Reed 4 107 665 2611 Goose Liver 4 107 660 6607046Dunois 7046Dunois 4 107 750 75072053George 72053George H Ketcham Ketch 4 107 675 6757161Joe 7161Joe Clark 5 109 685 685Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances7073Lady 7073Lady Ellerslie Wellesley 3 93 695 6957138Afamada 7138Afamada 3 93 705 7057163Mary 7163Mary Black 3 93 750 6405 Red Gidd Giddy 3 95 650 65063263DanRice 63263DanRice 3 98 680 7208 St Alfonses Alfonso D 3 98 675 7140 Joe Ullman Pullman 4 104 660 66071632Tartarian 71632Tartarian 8 106 685 4828 Treopia Tropical 4 107 650 65071403Belhcoso 71403Belhcoso 6 109 690 690Fifth Fifth Race 1 316 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 7140 Pinardel Inwardly Rio 3 86 680 7161 Mr Easton 3 88 630 63071372Official 71372Official 3 91 685 6836 Mistleton Mistletoe 3 91 680 7165 Friar John 3 100 660 6669 Tonto Onto 4 101 630 63071612Yuba 71612Yuba Dam 4 101 700 6837 Treachery 5 101 660 7209 Muskalonge Muskellunge 5 106 690 Sixth Race 1 316 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 71652Heigh Ho 7137Found 6931 Tom Calvert Culvert 71002Don Orsino Orinoco 7165George Krats Rats 4529 Collins 71613Forte