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ENGLISH RACING RACINGOur Racing Our English cousins had some enjoyable rac race ¬ ing King during Goodwood Godhood week but as a whole the sport was hardly up to the standard of the course One of the principal reasons for this was the fact that an epidemic of coughing placed almost all of John Porters string hors de combat the illness being especially damaging to the stables twoyearold toehold prospects for Flying Fox Calix Ali Convoy Lark Frontier Crowbor Crowbar ough Hough Princess Mary Ormes Ores Head Scimitar and Splendid were all prevented by it from ful foul ¬ filling their Goodwood Godhood engagements Then too tha than weather was not up to its best form A fine day on the Tuesday was followed by heavy rains on the two following days while the Friday was cold and blustry blustery blustryProbably blustery Probably the prettiest race of the meeting was that for the Prince of Wales Stakes a post sweepstakes value 2200 for twoyearolds toeholds There were three starters the Prince of Wales filly Eventail Eventual by Ayrshire Yorkshire Fanchette Facetted winning by a head from M L de Rothschilds colt St Gris Grids with Mr Douglas Bairds Birds filly Musa Usa only a neck behind St Gris Grids Eventail Eventual was ridden by M Cannon and the victory of the royal colors was received with extraordinary enthusiasm the spectators apparently seizing the opportunity to show their loyalty and admiration for their future king who was ill at the time and unable to witness his fillys fills triumph St Gris Grids is by Galopin Galloping Isabel and hence more than half brother to St Fr quin quoin which was by St Simon son of Galopin Galloping out of Isabel Musa Usa is by Mar tagon agony Palmflower Wallflower dam of St Floriau Florida Silene Silence Siphonia Siphon Santa Maura etc All three of the contestants it may be added were bred by the persons in whose colors they ran ranMr ran Mr Keenes Keeners American bred fouryearold foretold St Cloud II proves to have been only a fairish third in the Cup but the next day he ran a cracking good second in the Chesterfield Cup a handicap at a mile and a quarter In this race he carried 114 pounds and was ridden by All sopp soppy starting at 8 to 1 against and being beaten only a length by Chaleureux Caller four years 102 pounds ridden by Segrot Ergot Four other horses started of whom Prince Barcaldine Arcadian winner of this years Lincolnshire Handicap was third thirdThe third The victory of Mr Lorillards Lorillard Chinook in the classic threeyearold filly stake the Nassau was easily achieved by three lengths Chinook carried 117 pounds and was ridden by Charles Wood Sir J Blundell Blunder Maples Nun Nicer carrying 134 pounds was second while the Duke of Westminsters Westminster Orpah Norah by Orme Ore carrying 122 pounds was third The betting was 2 to 1 against Nun Nicer 11 to 4 Orpah Norah and 7 to 2 Chi ¬ nook Mr Lorillards Lorillard filly was backed at 6 to 1 5 to 1 and 4 to 1 and no doubt our representa represent ¬ tives ties landed a tidy sum in bets Five other fillies started in addition to the trio mentioned above and the race was worth 830 to Mr Loril Lori lard Chinook is by Sensation out of Breeze and hence a half sister to Sleipner Steiner and Sirocco SiroccoThat Sirocco That old campaigner Eau Gallie Gallia won a sell ¬ ing King race for Mr J ONeill O'Neill and was then sold to Mr Smith Ryland Roland for 200 guineas The son of Iroquois ana Duchess had behaved very badly in his last previous start at Brighton but his presence at Goodwood Godhood did not necessitate a railway journey which probably upset him be ¬ fore The 9The Goodwood Godhood Plate handicap 9 two miles and a naif Nazi brought out seven starters The winner Mr E Cassels Chasses Marius Maoris II 5 years 110 pounds was favorite at 3 to 1 and was ridden by dammy Amy Loates Loathes LoatesThe Latest The Sussex Stakes for threeyearolds brought out five starters Mr Lorillards Lorillard Elfin ridden by Wood running unplaced Mr Douglas BiirdsCap Birds Martiu Marti was favorite but the Duke of Devonshires Devonshire Dieudonne Deadened won easily from Cap Martin by two lengths The race was over the new mile mileOn mien On the day previous to running second for th Prince of Wales Stakes Mr Rothschilds St Gris Grids had won the Richmond Stakes 742 from five opponents Altesses Maltese victory in the Stew ¬ ards bards Cup a sixfurlong sniffling handicap was very cleverly achieved The mare carried 116 pounds M Cannon riding four pounds overweight Altesse Maltese is by Amphion Lampion out of Marchioness and it is a singular coincident that her owner Mr H McCalmont won the same race last year with Amphora also a fouryearold foretold daughter of Am phion phone and also ridden by Cannon Mn Keenes Keeners Voter 113 pounds ridden by Rickaby Rica wad at 100 to 8 for this race and ran somewhat disap diaper ¬ pointingly pointing pointinglyThe pointing The rich Rouse Memorial Stakes 1145 was won by Mr H McCalmonts Cyclamens Amphitheater a twoyearold toehold daughter of Amphion Lampion beating six opponents Amphitheater is out of Reserva Reserve ¬ tion ion hers being an instance of very neat nomen omen ¬ clature cloture clatureSt captures St Simon had a nice twoyearold toehold winner in Victoria May which won the 940 Lavant Levant Stakes from seven opponents Victoria May Carried 128 pounds and conceded lumps of weight but won in neat style ridden by J Watts WattsGoodwood Goodwood Godhood marking as it does the close of the London season ushers In a period of semi quiesence quiescence for the society element Racing goes on quite merrily however albeit the St Leger Leer is about the first time that things really boom after Goodwood Godhood Cap Martins defeat by Dieudonne Deadened seems to leave the big Doncaster Downcast event almost at the mercy of the Derby winner Jeddah and so onesided onside is the race on paper that there appears to be absolutely no St Leger Leer betting whatever of late in the London clubs Spirit of the Times