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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST IOTJIS OTIS MO August 13 Seventyninth Seventy day Bt Louis Fair Association Summer Meet ¬ ing King Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE 5 12 Fnrloiigs Furloughs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances First Heat Ind Indo Horses Wt 8 St M Va M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 77312FLORA G 93 2 23 25 13 12 Ljneg Ling J bazzolo bazooka 7731 EMP MP JOSEPHINE 98 3 41 31 4 2 T Burns J S OBrien O'Brien 4433 7735 MINERVA 105 8 7 51 RH 31 Gilmore G G Moshier Mushier Col5 25 12 20 7805 CORRESPOND 102 6 11 12 2 21 41 Stevens R Morrison Orison 12 20 12 15 7534 SWIFTY SWIFT 95 9 8 7 61 ts 3 Ward J Kern 12 30 12 20 7fi30 207fi30 MISS ROWETT ROWE 95 1 51 61 7 63 Southard Southward E F Smith 12 30 12 15 7732 OOCHINA OCHOA 102 7 31 41 3 72 W Dea Dead M E Dowd Dowdy 8 15 8 12 58582TROMBONE 1258582TROMBONE 101 1011 5 6 8 8 8 JMcDonaldW McDonald W Darden Arden 852 65 75 1364 ED L 97 10 9 9 9 9 Guitiers Guiltier T Cornwell Cornell 8 15 8 15 7243 TRAMP 97 4 10 10 dis dais Head J Loug Lug 50 100 50 100 Time 100Time 24i 50 1021 109 Post 109Post 11 minutes Start good Won cleverly second and third driving Correspond had a sharp turn of speed He tired badly though at the end Empress Josephine closed strong under a good ride Cochina Cochin had speed Flora G place 6 to 5 Empress Josephine place even Minerva show 3 to 1 SECOND HEAT 7824 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 0 77312FLORA G 93 1 IH 22 12 Lines J Gazzolo Kazoo 12123512 7735 MINERVA 105 8 52 32 22 21 Gilmore GO Moshier Mushier Co 20 20 12 12 7731 EMP MP JOSEPHINE 98 7 8 81052 31 T Burns J S OBrien O'Brien 5544 58582TROMBONE 101 3 2 4H 41 4 JMcDonaldW McDonald W Darden Arden 20 20 12 15 7630 MISS ROWETT ROWE 95 2 41 51 61 51 Southard Southward E F Smith 12 75 12 50 7732 COCHINA COCHIN 10214 61 61 7 6 WDean Dean M E Dowd Dowdy 30 30 30 30 7805 CORRESPOND 102 5 33 1 32 71 Stevens R Morrison Orison 20 30 20 25 7534 SWIFTY SWIFT 95 6 7 7 8 86 Ward J Kern 50 100 50 75 1364 ED L 97 9 9999 Guitiers Guiltier T Cornwell Cornell 10 30 10 30 Time24f 30Time24f 49 l02i 109 Winner 109Winner B f 3 by Bramble Excellent Post 12 minutes Start good Won driving second and third doing their best Trombone ran better than in the first heat Flora G always held him safe Empress Josephine off none too well steadily gained ground Minerva was always the contender after three furlongs had been run runOverweights underweight Overweights Overweighs 31Minerva Empress Josephine 5 pounds Cochina Cochin 2 Trombone 31 Minerva place 3 to 1 show even Empress Josephine show even 7825 SECOND RACE 1 110 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds ana upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7692 CHARLEY CHRISTY 96 3 5 3 2 12 12 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 65 75 65 77573THE ELECTOR 114 4 4 4 4 4 21 JMcDonaldBrown McDonald Ward 4i 5 4 215 7734JED FARRELL 103 5 21 21 32 31 3 Kelly W L Simmons 75 75 7 51310 7633 ANGER 96 2 11 1 11 2 48 Lines E F Smith 25 75 25 50 7672 OTTO H 99 1 3 5 5 5 5 Hibbit Hobbit Mrs M Mack 200 500 200 200 Time 200Time 26 51 116 113 l49i Winner l49iWinner Br g 4 by Woodlands Julia W WPost Post Post 3 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second driving Charley Christy was the best and received a good ride Ed Farrell was used too much early and Kelly can scarcely do hint justice The Elector under good handling ran an improved race He ana Ed Farrell had a bumpiner bumpier match all through the stretch stretchCharley stretch Charley Christy place 1 to 2 The Elector place even 7826 THIRD RACE 1 11G Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Wt St V H Ji StrFin Strafing Jockeyi Jockey Owners O H L C 7759 MADDALO ADDABLE 104 3 37710PAROLE 11 12 INK 22 IN filoSS floSS Marion fc Morgan 3 4 3 3W 7710PAROLE DOR DORA 106 2 277593CONFESSION 23 32 4 33 2 Lines W Mnlkey Monkey 2 21 75 125 77593CONFESSION 99 6 51 21 22 INK 31 T Burns William Dickson Dicks 3322 7676 K1SME 105 05 5 31 41 31 41 48 Rutter Ruttier Scott Powers 6 10 5 7 7810 MORALIST 104 4 61 61 5 52 55 Gilmore JAAbernatby 50 100 50 75 7772 OVERLAND 103 7 777592JUDGE 7 7 61 6 612 W Dean William Blauer Bauer 75 100 75 75 77592JUDGE STEADMANlOa STEADMANlOo Seaman 1 4N 51 777 Lendrum Lender R E Maddox 8 12 8 10 481Winner Time 241 49J 1 151 1 41i 1 481 Winner Ch c 4 by Prince Fonso Fonts Glen Pearl PearlPost Pearliest Post 16 minutes Start good Won ridden out second driving Maddalo Addable was the best but it was a tight fit It looked as though Confession had him a furlong out but ho hung on well and just landed Confession was tiring at the finish Charina Carina was carded to start but after betting had been in progress she was scratched All bets were declared off dnd dandy a new book made Scratched madeScratched Jack Bradley 103 Lula Luella Fry 101 Amber Glints 101 Charina Carina 101 Overweights Overweighs 101Overweights poundsMaddalo pounds Judge Steadman Seaman 2 pounds Maddalo Addable Place 11 to 10 Parole dOr doer nlacn Nolan 4 to 5 FOURTH RACE34 IWiJe Kiwi 2yearolds Allowances The Ozark Stal Stale es Value 1500 Ind Indo Horses Wt St V H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 114 1 2 21 22 12 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 65 6 5 45 910 77752CHANCERY 112 4 12 11 IH 22 Gilmore J C Calm 3 4 21 4 7758 DANDY H 104 7 52 3 3 3 Ruttor Ruttier F H Hickok Hick 10 10 8 9 75063LEO PLANTER 116 2 31 51 5 4 JMcDonaldW McDonald W Darden Arden 4635 46357755LEOSTRATUS 7755LEOSTRATUS 92 3 62 52 4 53 Lines V D Bond 20 20 8 12 7733 ULM LM 97 6 42 41 61 61 C Clay B Sctireiber Schreiber 20 40 20 30 7506 25Added CLARENCE B 95 5 7777 Southard Southward W J Williams 25 30 25 25 Added starter Time 25 49i l02t 1151 Winner 1151Winner B c by Deceiver Sea View ViewPost Viewpoint Post 11 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Sea Lion was much the best He outclassed the others Chancery had speed and was the best of the others Leo Planter wants a soft speedScratched speeds track Ulm Lm showed early speed Scratched Lurdan Laura 95 poundsSea pounds Overweights Overweighs Leostratus Lester 2 pounds Sea Lion place 2 to 5 Chaccery Chancery place even Dandy H show even FIFTH RACE34 Mile Purse 400 All ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1 11 13 u T Burns J C Calm 77563GIBRALTAR 115 3 3 48 23 22 Lines C C Maffitt Afflict 65756565 7602 BOANERGES BEANERIES 115 1 22 2 31 36 Bloss Loss D M Hogan 2 4 2 31 7758 MONA B 70 4 4 SH 4 8 Watson BrowngBdmarilO 20 10 15 7064 ARLINE AIRLINE C 75 5 5555 R Murpby Murphy F H Hwk Hawk k 75 250 75 200 200Time Time 241 49 102 1141 Winner BroeckPost Brock B f 3 by Faustus Faust Belle Broeck Brock Post 16 minutes Start gocd ocd Woninadiive Noninvasive Sorrow broke in front and was never headed Gibraltars Gibraltar hard races may be telling on him Boanerges Beaneries was galloping for a half mile When tho thou stretch was reached he quit Mona B had speed Overweights Overweighs speedOverweights speedier Arline Airline C 5 pounds s sSorrow Sorrow Sorrow place 2 to 5 Gibraltar place 1 to 3 rT O fc Q SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owne Owned O H L 7772BUCKVIDERE 7772BUCKVIDERE7676SIR 100 1 H H 12 12 12 JMcDonaldACahn McDonald 21 21 2 115 7676SIR ROLLA OLLA ROLLA77743PINOCHLE 95 2 52 51 58 41 2u Lines CCMaf Coca CCMafEtt 21 3 2 3 77743PINOCHLE 93 3 2NK 23 25 2 31 T Burns F CCMafEttF W Ho Holtgrewe Shoetree 75 75 1 75 7757 ELKIN WELKIN 95 4 32 31 31 32 48 Southard Southward J H Smith 10 30 10 25 7563 ALMA GLYN LYN GLYN77361REBEL 95 5 4 41 41 5 510 Booker C B Campbi Cambia 50 300 50 200 77361REBEL JACK JACK77362BEN 84 7 6 6 6 6 6 Simpson T E Nolan 40 100 40 75 77362BEN FROST 81 6 Fell Kelly R Kirkwoo Kirkwood Kirk Ironwood 8 10 6 8 8Time Time 26 50 1 02i 1 16 1 41 Winner 41Winner Ch c by Belvidere Belvedere Elkhorn Lass LassPost Lassos Post 9 minutes Start good Won easilj easily it was a drive fqr far the place Buckvidere Duckier is back to his spring form He galloped his field to pieces Pinochle could never close on him and tired badly at the end Sir Rolla Olla closed like a game horse Elkin Welkin ran a good race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Tragedy 92 Overweights Overweighs poundsBuckvidere Pinochle 4 pounds Buckvidere Duckier place 4 to 5 Sir Rolla Olla place even