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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL Augji8 3 Sixth day Chicago facing Association Summer Meetings i A Woatlibr Woollier cloudy track fast T f k Pi eliding Judge Caj Ca t J H Ree Rees Starter William Bruen Braun vj Racing starts at 215 p m No recall flag used rr Q Q K FIRST RACE J Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling i OOO Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 tothird toothier Str Star Fin Jockeya Jockey O H L C KAUVAR KAVA 115 3 31 82 22 li 12 N Turner Stanton Tucker 1 1 45910 779TPWACHERY 112 5 6 4i 3 32 21 H Shields J Q Brown Co 6767 7768 THE TORY 115 1 5 6 6 51 31 L Roiff Riff E M Mitchell 15 15 15 15 77t MU3KALONGE 117 2 K 2 2 41 45 4 Foucon Soupcon F M Arthur 10 12 10 12 7718 JOE ULLMAN PULLMAN 112 4t 1 1 12 21 51 Thorpe E Corrigan 31 1853 18 77J2 DOUBLE DUMMY 112 6 41 52 5 6 6 Aker Baker FFrisbieCo Frisbee 20 40 20 40 Time 40Time 25J 491 1 02 1 15 1 4H 4HWinner SpiritPost Spirituous Winner B c 4 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Spirit Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily It was a drive for the place Paul Kauvar Kava was Hie Hide best well ridden and played with his field He is a useful selling plater platter over a distance of ground and can carry his weight It looked at the halfmile half ground as if Joe Ullman Pullman would make a runaway race of it but on the stretch turn he stopped badly and Paul Kauvar Kava passed him as though he were anchored Treachery ran a good honest race She is tit now and will bear watching The Tory always a slow beginner finished very strong Muskalouge Muskellunge was well up the first legsPaul lugsail part of it but went lame and pulled up on three legs Paul Kauvar Kava place 1 to 4 Treachery place 8 to 5 show 1 to 2 The Tory show 3 to 2 7836 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St i M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7738ABUSE 122 2 li 1 13 N Turner Foster Bros Brows 1 I 45910 7517DONNA 459107517DONNA RITA 110 I 21 2 21 21 Everett T Licalzi Laical 8867 77412STORM 886777412STORM KING 115 3 3 51 5 3 Ellis W Landsberg Lindbergh 10 8 10 1076922FERVOR 76922FERVOR 115 5i 4 31 4 410 Foucon Soupcon James Arthur 10 12 10 12 7309 TEUTON TEUTONIC NA 105 6 66 SH 510 Thorpe James Murphy 8989 7430 SUMMER SEA 105 4 51 4 6 6 Akor Wako M Jordan 100 150 100 150 7602EDDIE 1507602EDDIE BURKE 115 Left at 989Time the post LReiff Leif Doyle McGuire 8 989 Time 2li 48 1011 114 AbukruPose Burnoose Winner 114Winner B ha5 by Plevna Pena Abukru Laburnum Pose 2 minutes Start good for all but Eddie Burke Won eased up The next three were driving hard Abuse is in grand form He went to the front when ready and raced all those be ¬ hind him dizzy going the first half Donna Rita ran a clover race She was right there all the way and stood a long drive the entire length of the stretch Storm King lost some ground on the far turn but made it up again in the stretch Tutonna Tuition off in the rear division was outrun the first part of it but maae mae a strong bid when straightened away for home She could not stand the pressure though and tired badly in the last sixteenth Fervor will do better at a route He is good now and can win at once onceDonna comedown Donna Rita place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Storm King show 6 to 5 Abuse place 2 to 5 rTQO rotor T THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Clyde Lye Stakes 1000 added t O O 4 net value to winner 1145 5 entrance 50 additional to start 200 to second 100 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O fl L C C77S97 77S97 FRANK BELL 115 3 31 22 li 1 Foucon Soupcon J W ONeall Neal 32 2 32 2 77892BATTEN 115 I 11 11 21 21 Everett T C McDowell 4 4 3 3 71202SANTELLO 112 4 52 SN 31 3 Thorpe W J Speirs Piers Co 4 4 3 3 74093KINGBARLEYCRN122 5a 65 625 520 46 N Turner E O Pepper 4 4 4 4 7099 OLINTHUS PLINTHS 118 21 41 43 42 510 H Shields J G Brown Co 15 20 15 20 7691 HOLLAND 112 61 615407MILT 2 i 51 65 6io Rose J E Madden 15 60 15 60 5407MILT YOUNG 115 7 7777 Ellis Ed Corrigan 20 40 20 40 Added starter Time 121 241 351 481 1OU Winner B g by Big Henry Flora Leach Post 15 minutes Start fair Won driving second third and fourth were driving also Frank Bell is a colt of fair class He has a lot of speed and is game Just below the sixteenth pole he was clear of his field and looked an easy winner but tired at the end and had to be punished to beat Batten The latter got off flying was well ridden and his race was a cracking good one Santello Antelope was interfered with at the start and was slow to get going but was running fast at the end The samecan Samoan be said of King Barleycorn He was anchored by the weight Holland bolted at the stretch turn Scratched Ailyar Halyard 112 Fontainebleu Containable 115 Corrected 115Corrected weight Olinthus Plinths 118 Frank Bell 115 Frank 115Frank Bell place 4 to 5 Batten place oven show 2 to 5 Santello Antelope show 1 to 2 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3ynanolda and upward Selling Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St ft 5s Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 7790 LOYALETTA LOYALTY 112 I K 16 12 16 is J Woods H Leonard 5555 7799 QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 112 8i 102 gio go 82 2 H Shields W Trauenicht Raunchy 7766 778833TAR CRESGENT CRESCENT 107 3 41 4K 3 311 McNickle Canticle T M Berry Co 10 10 8 10 7788 PRINCE BLAZES 107 7 910 6 72 4 Aker Baker Sloan Hurst 30 40 30 40 7547 JAY BIRD 110 9H 81 91 4s 5 Rose R Nichols 20 20 20 20 6608 URGANDA UGANDA 11210 5 5 91061 Jenkins J J Ball 40 50 40 50 7788 TRUTH 105 5t SH 32 22 71 Thorpe Ed Corrigan 75 3265 32 7788 LA SALLE SALE 117 11 11 102 IQI II 83 H WilliamsW Williams J Speirs Piers 10 12 10 12 7603 DADS DAUGHTER 117 4 6 11 5 92 L Reiff Riff J Melbusch Melbas 100 100 100 100 7516 PUG 115 2 2NK 2 610io Foucon Soupcon M B Jordan 40 50 40 50 7766 JOHNNY WILLIMSllO Williams 6J 7 73 11 11 N Turner W J Smith Co 6 7 6 7 15lWinner Time 12 24 36 49 1 02 1 15l CantoletPost Catalepsy Winner Ch f 4 by Loyalist Cantolet Cantle Post 2 minutes Start poor Won easily the next three were under terrific Loyaletta Loyalty had the speed of the party She was lucky in getting off and spreadsagled spreads pressure her field the first half Quean Safie Safe ran a phenomenal race from where she got off Wit an equal break she would have been exceedingly troublesome to Loyaletta Loyalty Prince Blazes after sharp inter ¬ ference Terence at the start made up a lot of ground Truth had no excuse She was rased erased to pieces chasing Loyaletta Loyalty and stopped badly at the end Star and Crescent is a game horse Had he not been Prince Blazes would have beaten him for third place Corrected placeCorrected weight Urganda Uganda 112 112Loyaletia Loyaletia Loyalties place 2 to 1 show even Queen Safle Sale place 2 tol tool show even Star and Crescent show 3 to 2 T Q Q O FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling I O O Purse 400 value to winner S3CO 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St St U Vz X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 77912CHERRY LEAF 104 I 21 2io 212 230 li 12 Thorpe T M Berry Co 1 1110451110 779DMADRILENE 99 21 li H li INK 230 215 Everett T C McDowell 3 1353 185 774Q2FORTE 93 4 4 4 4 4 32 33 J Woods P Dunne 11511585 95 9103 UNITY 103 31 38 36 30 32 4 4 Fitzgerald L H Ezell Bezel 20 100 20 100 Time 100Time 13i 26 38 491 1 02 1 15 1 40i 1 54 Winner 54Winner B c 4 by Athelstan Atheist Sunbeam SunbeamPost Sunbeam Post 1 minute Start poor Won pulling up second easily Cherry Leaf merely galloped all the way Ho is a good horse likes a route and is in excellent form His easy victory plainly shows that it was a bit of luck on Madrilenes Marlene part that she got the purse the last time they met Madrilene Marlene is a nice filly but nine furlongs seems a trifle too far for her to go She never could get away from Cherry Leaf today Forte a slow breaker was practically left at the post Unity looked good and raced well as far as he went Scratched wentScratched Cbugnut Bunt 103 Cherry Leaf place1 to J Madrilene Marlene place 4 to 5 T Q I f SIXTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4 O dtw dt Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third ind bind Horses Wt St 14 Vt M StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 7690LADY ELLERSLIE105 IH 21 INK 11 is m Thorpe T Licalzi Laical 9209202 5 9 20 7655FERROLL 207655FERROLL 105 21 3 3 31222 22 Everett J Rodegap Bodega Co 15 20 12 15 766 LADY CALLAHAN 112 31 li 21 2 32 3 Foucon Soupcon M S Hughes 25 30 20 25 6897 897 SARDONIC 105 41 5 51 525 4 46 Ellis Ed Corri Corrie an 6868 6893AFAMADA 76893AFAMADA 68686893AFAMADA 686876893AFAMADA 105 65 625 43 4 525 520 Hart MdltnJngblthS 5i 5 5 CHERRY ROSE 98 7 7 7 63 6io 625 Hose J H Kintz Kin Co 100100100100 7655 STORM QUEEN 98 52 48 625 7 7 7 McNickle Canticle W Landsberj Landlubber 100 100 100 100 Time 131 251 37 49i 1 01 1 15 1 28 Winner 28Winner Ch f 3 by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Little Minnie MinniePost Minnie Post 2 minutes Start poor Won easily second cleverly third and fourth were driving hard Lady Ellerslie Wellesley seemed to outclass her field She was lucky in getting away and had speed to loan Thorpe got the filly away running and the result was never in doubt There was a gen oral mixup mix at the start and the result was that Afamada Alameda and Cherry Rose were practically loft Lady Callahan over weighted showed a lot of speed She is a bad actor at the post and naturally not a good betting tcol tool She is fit and ready and should be closely watched Ferroll Ferro ran a clever race She got the place as easily as Lady Ellerslie Wellesley won Sardonic was all tangled up at the start and never really got straightened out but finished very strong Barring the winner she has all the others cinched Cherry Rose ran away three miles after the race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Locust Blossom 105 Eleanor Holmes 105 Amanda 105 Ferroll Ferro 105Ferroll place 3 to 1 show 4 to 5 Lady Callahan show 2 to 1