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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDQE CHARTING WINDQE WINDEX ONT August 13Tenth day Windsor Jockey Club Summer Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather dear track fast Presiding Judge John J Carter StSrter Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 230 p m rj O rj FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolda and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 7705 BOB GARNET 23 1 12 Hi Nixon Miller Finch 30 30 20 20 7621 TRRRAPIN TRRRAPIN770UQNZECA SH 51 21 21 Freeman J Smith 10 10 6 6 770UQNZECA 14 112 4NK 31 Rymal Royal Mrs T H Haggard 5 7 5 6 77192MINNIE 770UQNZECA77192MINNIE PRICE 8 7 e 4 Valentino Walker Giassco Fiasco 2 4 2 4 7752 WATER CREST CREST7748TAMORA 104 10 7 7 4 4NK 7 51 = ii Shorlnnd Sherland Shorn Shetland D A Bovle Boyle Bole 21 3 24 21 3 37748TAMORA 7748TAMORA 89 9 51 31 51 6 Vitatoe Vitiate Burns Clancy 21 3 21 3 7659 GALGO ALGOL 10512 tji jai 8 9 7 Castro AS Patrick 15 20 15 20 7750 GOMOR GOMORRA 105 6 10 9 10 8 Peterman Letterman F C Hammond 7745 7719 SANTA CRUZ 101 2 4 61131 9 Frost W A Harper 15 20 15 15 7701 FAIR REBEL 103 5 li 21 810 G Walker E Peters 15 20 15 15 7622 POMMERY POMMEL SEC 110 8 11 12 11 11 W Mooney D R Levy 10 1210 10 7777 GROSSE ISLE 10511 12 13 12 12 J Mathews F P Anderson 15 20 15 15 769 BELLE OF NILES 105 7 9 10 13 13 Burrell Barrel Wynn Wright 25 30 25 30 7701 JUNE BUG 10115 15 15 14 14 A Morrison Orison Allen Allen 15 20 15 20 7624 FARM LIFE 10013 13 14 15 li NHill Hill G H Hammonds Hammond 2025 20 20 20Time Time 241 491 102i 1 15t 15tWinnor Winnor Winner Ch g 3 by Favor Martha Burch BurchPost Burch Post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second cleverly Bob Garnet had the speed of the party and won all the way Onzeca Bonze was cut off and knocked out of it the first furlong but fin ¬ ished dished like a lion Water Crest could not get through until well into the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights Overweighs Onzeca Bonze 21 pounds Water Crest 1 Gross Isle 4 4Bob Bob Garnet place 8 to 1 show 3 to 1 Terrapin place 2 to 1 show even Onzeca Bonze show even 3 SECOND KACE ACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling 7818 tf M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 111 1 1 li Valentine S Francis 8844 411 63 2 21 Sberland Siberian J E Seagram 4 5 1 45 1 61 31 61 31 J Mathows Mathews H Hurdle 2 21 2 2 7774 Graham J L Luke 20 50 20 30 302u 2u 21 3 5H N Hill C H Williams 6766 5rfi 5k 4 65 Frost D Stevens 6868 3 41 5 7 W Mooney Stanton Tiicke Ticked 6 12 6 12 7749 MOUNTAIN ROSE 100 9 8888 Peterman Letterman C Scanlan Canaan 20 SO 20 40 7780 SHINE DOWN 94 2 9999 Dugan Duane M PCunningham Cunningham 30 50 30 40 Time 24 49 1021 Winner Ch f by Tenny Teeny Guilia Gillian GuiliaPost Guidepost Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Guiliana Gillian was eased up the last sixteenth Sir Casimir Casino was hard ridden all the way Was closing at the end Lizzie Tizzies Kelly got an easy race raceOverweights Overweights Overweighs Lizzie Tizzies Kelly 1 pound Charley O 2 Malaise 1 Amelia T 2 2Guiliana Guiliana Gillian place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Sir Casimir Casino place 1 to 2 17 W Ci THIKD HIKED KAUE KRAUSE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling t O L J Essex Wessex Stakes Value 1000 Ind Indo Horses Wt St St M Vi H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C J7792QLD SAUGUS AUGUST 99 3 1 12 121 13 u 12 Valentine J O Gray 2 2t 2 21 2176572COGMOOSEY 76572COGMOOSEY 99 1 22 21 23 2H 22 22 R Mason Waters Hodges 2 115 2 115 77682MORTE FONSE FONTS 105 2 4 31 38 320 320 325 J Mathews L H Ezell Bezel 45 4 5 710710 7107107723HOMELIKE 7723HOMELIKE 84 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 Dagan Dagon J R Walker 25 30 25 25 25Added Added starter Time 244 49 1 15 1 40i 1 531 531Winner VirgeleneOff Virgule Winner Ch K 5 by Falsetto Virgelene Virgule Off at first break to a good start Won easily second the same Old Saugus August had the speed of the party and was never extended Morto Morton Fonse Fosse had no speed Was hard ridden throughout throughoutScratched throughout Scratched Rey Frey del Mar 102 Salvado Salvador 102 Simon D 89 89Overweights Overweights Overweighs Morte Mote Fonse Fosse 1 pound poundOld pounded Old Saugus August place 3 tt 5 Cogmoosey Compose place 1 to 2 E FOURTH RACE 58 ittile little Purse 250 2yearolds Selling 7820 Ind Indo Horses Wt St X Vt 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OH L C 77782DUTY 102 1 1H 13 1 13 N Hill Mrs S M Sexton 2 3 2 21 2177492UECORD 77492UECORD 107 7 2 22 2 2u Freeman E Moore 65856585 7749 CAVOTIE CAVITIES 103 6 41 6 62 31 Rymal Royal H Peyton Python 10 15 10 15 1577021ERGO 77021ERGO 106 5 7 5 K 4nn 4 Hopkins J A Newman 6 10 5 7 7722 LJZZIE JAZZIER R 106 4 6 7 7 t 2 T Williams E Fitzgerald 12 12 10 10 7722 FLYING BELLE 104 2 5 42 31 61 Sherland Shetland N Dyment Doyen 6846 7749 OVERBOARD 106 8 8887 J Mathews E Peters 34 3 4 4THE THE MINISTER 105 9 9998 W Mooney FD Collins 10 15 10 12 6651 DIANA 94 3 32 33 52 9 Dean J Smith 15 50 15 40 40Time Time 24 50 i 03 03Winner Winner B f by Hayden Edwards Logic Post 5 minuted minted Start good Won easily it was a drive for the place Duty had a world of speed and made a show of her field Cavotte Cavorted came with a rush at tne tine end and would have been second in another stride Record tired at the end Diana showed early speed Overweights Overweighs Ergo 1 pound Lizzie Tizzies R 1 Flying Belle 1 1Duty Duty plaee please 4 to 5 Record place 3 to 5 Gavotte show 2 to 1 r7w 1 FiFXH Fix KAUJfi Kanji a4 aiiie Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling ina Gina Horses Wt St M Yt M Strain Jockeys Owners O H L C 777J2DEYO 10 ° 2 32 IH 13 I1 Valentine T F Buckley 23 2 3 378152NICHOLAS 78152NICHOLAS 104 4 21 3 3 22 R Mason E Slaughter 65651 1 7663 MAZEPPA MAZE 10215 7116 42 3U W Mooney R Rome 686 8 7638 MAN ZANITA ANITA 107 1 5 5 6 1 Freeman E Moore 686 8 7777 TEUJER TRUER 105 6 61 7 5 51 J Mathews VVShowalter 3 31 3 3 7639 B HOMO 102 3 41 42 7 62 Vitatoe Vitiate G Hume 685 7 7638 FAUSTONIO FAUSTIAN 100 7 li 22 2 72 Castro W A Blogg Boggy 30 40 30 40 7777 MYSTERY 107 9 9888 Frost W M Hayes 20 20 5 5 7782 EARL FONSO FONTS 105 8 8 9 9 9 Gaivin Giving Dolan Rivard Ricardo 15 20 15 20 20Time Time 24148 1134 1134Winner Winner Br f 3 by Hayden Edwards Cartnencita Catechist CartnencitaPost Post minutes Start good Won easily second the same Deyo Defy took the shortest route Was only galloping at the end Faustonic Faustian stopped to nothing in the run through the stretch Teucerhad Tucker no speed This was nothis moths raca Racal Nicholas came very fast in the last sixteenth sixteenthScratched sixteenths Scratched K C 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Mazeppa Marzipan 1 pound Teucer Tucker 1 Earl Fonso Fonts 3 3Deyo Deyo Defy place even Mazeppa Marzipan show even r7OJ J SIXTH K ACE 34 Ai lie Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V X StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H I 7748 CLINCHER 92 3 11 12 111 11 Valentine C Scanlan Canaan 15 15 8 8 8W 7813 ANNIE TAYLOR 95 9 3N 21 22 21 Dugan Duane W E Field Fielding 4646 7781 MAGGIE S 1051 1 22 31 41 3u Gleason Lesson W W Lieti Olivetti LietiINK Lineation Lister Blister 4646 4646Waters 7662 LEONCIE LEONIE 98 6 INK 7 7 4i Rymal Royal Waters Hodges 12 20 12 20 7748 VIOLENT 89 7 52 41 5 5 Heitz Heist J Duggan Uganda 10 12 10 12 12J 77773ANNIE LAURETTA LAURENT 93 4 7 51 31 61 Dean J M Johnson 2 1352 21 7661 T4LLY HO 100 2 61 61 6 7 McQuade Maculae A Fraser Co 4 5 4 5 7752 AR MOREL 100 10 8 S 8 8 R Mason WaltringYeager Altering 10 15 10 15 7781 BON JOUR 97 12 9 9 9 9 J Booth H Williams 3434 7724 INFELICE INFLICTED 98 8 10 10 10 10 Vitatoo Vitiate C Martin Co 10 15 10 15 7748 LOCKSLEY LOCKSET 100 5 11 11 11 11 Weber K Golden 10 15 10 15 7703 DR PITTS PITS 105 10511 11 12 12 12 12 MHall Hall C Rice Co 10 15 10 15 7815 AUNT LI LIDA IDA DA 104 13 1376593IRKSOME 13 13 13 13 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 8 10 8 10 107659aIRKSOME 76593IRKSOME 7659aIRKSOME 107 10714 14 14 14 14 14 Freeman JC Ferris Jr 6 10 6 8 8Time Time 24 48i 102 1141 Winner Ch g 3 by Albert High Noon NoonPost Snoopiest Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive Clincher was hustled the entire route Annie Lauretta Laurent saved ground at the home turn but was shut off the last furlong Maggie S hung on gamelj gamely at the end Leoncie Leonie finished strong on the outside outsideScratched outsides Scratched Marietta II 104 104Overweights Overweights Overweighs Clincher 2 pounds Maggie S 3t0Dr Pitts Pits b bClincher Clincher Clincher place 8 to 1 show even Annie Taylor place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Maggie S show even r 4J J t SEVENTH RACE Sliort Slot Course Purse 250 3yearolds and upward O O Allowances Steeplechase Tncf Tonic Horses Wt St 2 4 6 8 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 775S3LADY MAUD 132 9 83 53 22 16 13 li Steward S N Holman Hillman 6655 7753 TUSCARORA UNSCARRED 145 6 6 33 415 22 2 22 Pierce H Chappell Chapel 6867 7753 BROTHER BOB 150 5 9 6 6 45 3 36 Moxley Morley N Dyment Doyen 853 85 3 7753 POPULIST 137 8 33 2io io 34 410 41 WrthingtnR Worthington McCarthy 10 30 10 20 7586 DOM PEDRO 145 7 73 41 52 53 5 53 Hueston Houston P Gorman 3 4 3 3 374853JIM 74853JIM LISLE 132 2 21513 32 6 6 6 Johnson P Stanton 3 3 85 2 7586 ALFONSINA ALFONSO 153 3 42 Fell Hamilton Rice Burrbws Burrows 4 7 777532L1T 77532L1T BRAMBLE 138 4 55 Fell Raj Raja A Willis Co 5 5 7753 LASTFELLOW PLAYFELLOW 137 1 11 Fell ODonnell O'Donnell J F Nichols 10 12 10 10 10Time343i Time343i Winner LyonPost Lyon Cb m 5 by Woodcraft Maud Lyon Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Lady Maud was tiring at the finish Populist nearly lost his rider at the eleventh jump Would probably have won but for this accident Jim Lisle and Lastfellow Playfellow were raced to pieces in front frontLady frontal Lady Maud place 2 to 1 Tuscarora Unscarred place 2 to 1 Brother Bob place even