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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdi Hi 8230 Stachelberg Satchel 4 105 8228 Bromo Brome 4 102 8015Sir Tenny Teeny 4 102 8247Nellie Baker 4 102 8245 Sister lone 9 102 8183 Truelight Trebling 4 102 8247 Brown Girl 4 102 82282Everest 4 102 7670 Downing 6 102 8221 Bob Turner 4 102 8230 St Rupert 4 102 7939 Chiquita Circuital 6 102 Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances82493Elurine 82493Elurine 110 8172 Wreath 110 8217Coosada 105 8219 Gavotte 105 8217 Thanksgiving 105 8217 AmeliaT Amelia 105 8170 Ergo 105 82193Lady Scarlet 105 8219 Lizzie Tizzies R 105 7972 Waita Wait Bit 98 7658 Roberta C 98 Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 8185 KG 4 105 7970 Loyal Prince 5 102 78653 Wordsworth 4 102 6490 Cynthia H 4 102 71153Forseen 5 102 79683Leo Lake 6 102 8231 Nover Mover 5 102 8250 Bob Leach 4 102 8199 Mamie Mammies Callan Allan 4 102 Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances8172Oak 8172Oak Maid 107 8249Neaaa 107 81722The Trimmer 105 7989 Royal Salute 105 8219 Leostratus Lester 102 8170 Buena Ventura 102 79893Triune 102 8217 MissFordham Missourian 92 Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7990 Guilder 3 106 8245 Red 4 102 8200 Prince Zeno Zen 3 100 8135 Jim Lisle 3 100 8245 Odd Genius 4 99 8247 Sifter 3 97 7446 Annetburn Gannet 3 97 81352Qnzeca 3 94 82283Sissie Chance 3 94 8228 Clay Poynter Ponte 3 94 8200 Delicate 3 94 Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling8232Nicholas 8232Nicholas 5 113 7117 Tony Honing 4 107 8228G R Longhurst Longhairs 4 104 81713Ellsmere 5 102 82313Confession 4 99 8173 Bagpipe 6 99 8202 Can I See Em 4 99 8231 Burnap Burma 3 97 8202 Homelike 3 94