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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wet Hdco Deco 6957 The Naulabka 3 97 625 7017 Rida Ida 3 99 640 7894 Eleanor Holmes 3 101 670 6697 Medicine 4 103 635 7929 Stella B 4 103 625 7931 The Navy 4 103 615 6191 Dr Optic 4 103 632 6617 SueNell Quenelle 3 104 630 70513 Vnnie Venice M 6 105 665 S0222MaggieS 5 105 675 25603Valdorf 4 105 655 SUO SUMO Kowalsky Koalas 5 105 650 7973 Roosevelt 6 106 642 7053 Duncan Boll 4 107 650 Second Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 8208 Aureolo Aureole 102 6649 Miss Patron 102 60S6 Stanel Sanely 102 6685 Mollie Sellers 102 8063 Annie Mildred 102 6180 Lizzie Tizzies Oilman 102 8058 Volyothen Polythene 105 80633 Fleetini Fleeting Rny Runny 105 80573ViolaK 105 7755 Pansy fl 110 80472Malaise 110 Yakima ch f by Trafalgar Bessie Bevin Being 110 6785 Signa Sigma 110 650 8047 Fannie Taylor 110 652 652Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap End Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 8254 Sauber Saber A 3 87 650 6048 Odaliche Oxalic 3 87 640 64081222Ma 81222Ma Angeline Angelina 3 87 660 6608067Sir 8067Sir Rolla Olla 3 90 690 8257 Doncella Donnelley 4 97 700 7008lb8 8lb8 Three Bars 4 100 695 8067 Elkiu Eli 4 100 680 68082n22Nick 82n22Nick Carter 4 100 670 670Fourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles 4yearolds and upward Allowances 8257 Fresco 8255 Don Claroncio Clarion 81412Rifle 4 107 655 8257 Royal Choice 5 107 670 67082572KittieB 82572KittieB 5 109 700 7938 ReydelMar Redeemer 8 112 660 66082573Paul 82573Paul Kauvar Kava 4 112 690 690Fiftli Fiftli Fifties Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 6212 Giddy 97 650 5745 Spectral 100 640 64082562Volandies 82562Volandies 100 675 675Carl Carl C ch c by Ben Strome Stone Sweet Gonovieve Genevieve 100 5633 The Geezer 101 670 67079872AI 79872AI Sirat Spirant 104 660 7021 Furo Furor 104 655 65582i6 82i6 Paca Paccar 104 665 6587 Tales Creek 106 645 645Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling lud laud Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 7990 Eegler Feeler 8109Tom Kingsley Kingly 7047 Lena Meyers Meyer 81442Mound City 3 103 7047 Motilla Amontillado 5 103 8065 Ben Frost 7052 Pan Charm 7887 Dr Pitts Pits 7047 Hilda 78573Cecil 80793Dutch Comedian 8050 Teucer Tucker 3 106 650 79983The Planet 3 110 635 7712 Can Galop Gallop 4 113 630