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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY September 3 MeetingWeather Meeting First day Queen City Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 2lu p m Q 6 T a FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 30U 3yearolds and upward Allowances nd Horsos Horses A Wt St M Vt 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeya Jockey Owners O 8113 JOHN BOONE 5 107 3 12 li 14 1 Dunn J R Bagloy Balcony 10 10 10 10 8003 NICK CARTER 4 110 4 3 51 22 2 Hall J Hatchett Hatchet 4444 41 23 32 33 Beckley Koone Ozone Ryan 5 5 4 4 6i86 GID ID LAW 4 107 2 2 31 42 42 Nutt Mutt C L Blackburn 2222 222281393DRESSEN 81393DRESSEN 3104 7 7 7 52 510 Britton Briton J Dundon Undone 30 50 30 40 8064 WIGGINS 3 103 5 61 42 62 62 Har8hbrgrFostorBrumQeldl2 12 12 12 7990 CADDIE C 3101 1 54 61 7 72 Moore Leo Christy 15 20 15 20 8016 GARNET RIPPLE 4 102 8 8888 A Smith W Walkor Walker 100 100 ICO CO 100 6686 DONNA PAGE 3 101 10 9999 Garrick Arrack J K Edwards 100 100 100 100 80562TURTLE 10080562TURTLE DOVE 4 107 9 10 10 10 10 Mclntyro McIntyre Oots Boots Bros Brows 2 24 2 21 14tWinner Time 21Time 23 J 36 481 1 01i 1 14t Winner B g 5 by Rathnorod Authored Duke of the Highlands Flora FloraPost Flora Post 25 minutes Start fair Tho Theo first three were driving hard Turtle Dove broke with the others but refused to run John Boone was bost boost ridden and had clear sailing Gid Gild Law was sore going to the post The boys on Braw Lad and Nick Carter wore unable to help their mounts at the finish Donna Page was carried ioto Otto the fence fenceScratched fenestrate Scratched Arcturus Actuaries 104 Violet Parsons 107 Duncan Bell 107 Fiotov Fit 110 110Overweights poundsJohn pounds Overweights Overweighs Garnet Ripple 5 pounds John Boono Boon place 3 o 1 show 3 to 2 Nick Carter placa place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Braw Lad show 4 to 5 XOPCl OPEC SECOND RAGS 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearoId3 Selling tnd tend Horses Wt St y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L f 8035 PICCOLA PICCOLO 104 5 7 7 42 11 Southard Southward D OBrien O'Brien 3 31 31 31 80722 CHEESE MITE 01 4 479562GAY 31 31 li 23 N Hill WilliamsShhanl2 12 12 12 79562GAY PARISIENNE PARISIAN 109 1 12 1U21 32 Mclntyre McIntyre Stauton Stanton Tuckor6 666 67572 MA NAN A ioi ii 3 55 55 31 41 W Dean J S Lancaster 6757 7874 FLYING BIRD 1C7 8 881033BECKY 61 61 61 51 J Davis J Hatchett Hatchet 3 31 3 31 81033BECKY BAN 98 7 8 8 7 61 Knight II J Scoggan Slogan 20 20 20 20 8070 SALVARSE SALVERS 107 6 9 9 8 7i J Mathews J D Clayton 5544 8070 CRINKLE 98 2 269383DUPLICATE 42 42 9 82 J Dugau Dugout J Duodon Duodena 30 30 30 30 69383DUPLICATE 98 12 21 21 52 92 Parker Clay Woo Woodford Woodward 20 30 20 25 8091 GEORGIE GEORGE 107 10 11 10 10 102 Qnitiers Niters S J Charles 6756 6756W 678 LELA LEILA MURRAY 101 9 93087BESSIE 10 11 11 11 Brittou Briton W WT T Sellers 15 30 15 25 3087BESSIE EWING 101 11 11NANCY 12 12 12 12 Gilmoro Gilmore M P Mattlngly Matting 5 7 NANCY FORDHAM FORD 93 9313 13 13 13 13 13 Nutt Mutt C F McLean CLean 6867 6867Time Time 121 24 361 49 102 Winner Ch f by Fonso Fonts Peony Post 15 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Piccola Piccolo Is horsplf hors again and was easily best Gay Parisienuo Parisian tired badly aitor aviator sotting slotting a hot pace Manana Manama was interfered with in the stretch She is ready and can do better Duplicate showed speed for a half mile Scratched Jeisio Jessie Jarboo Jerboa 104 104Piccola Piccola Piccolo place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Cheosemito Chosen place 5 to 1 show 2 tol tool Gay Parisionne Parishioner show even Qfe Fe C1 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yoarolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8024 BON JOUR 109 3 5 42 33 12 12 Brittou Briton H Williams 5555 7049 POSSUM 109 1 1 1 11 22 210 J Mathows Mathews S Williams 3 31 3 31 8027 DUDLEY E 109 10 10 9 52 45 31 N Hill Lee Christy 6868 8109 ANNIE OLDFIELD GOLDFIELD 99 2 41 2 22 32 410 J Dugan Duane L Marion 15 15 15 15 7f203LORD FRAZER FRAZIER 106 77 5 41 51 5 Hall W F Dair Dairy 6645 7049 SAUBER SABER 106 5 61 7 7 62 68 Nutt Mutt W A Hopkins 75 756565 6959 THE DOCTOR 106 4 31 32 62 7 74 J Higgins W C Fessendou Resend 6 10 6 8 54392DASHAWAY 99 9 2 61 8 8 82 Parker J H Holt 20 30 20 25 6870 JESSIE S 102 8 8 8 9 9 920 Qilmore Gilmore T H Stevens 15 15 15 15 7756 WHITE LEAF 104 6 9 10 10 10 10 W Dean C M Barrow 50 60 50 60 41JWinner Time 251 50 1 15l 1 28t 1 41J Winner B g by King Galop Gallop Bon Soir Sir SoirPost Scorpios Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Possum was favored with all tho thou luck Was short Sauber Saber was cut off at the first turn Ho seomod seamed a little too high in flesh Bon Jour had tho thou seasoning of tho thou racing Annie Oldfield Goldfield and Tho Theo Doctor will do better at sprinting Dudley E closed a big gap Scratched gapScratched approached Gage 1C6 1C6Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundsBon pounds Jessie S 3 pounds Bon Jour place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Possum place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Dudley E show 3 to 2 8255 FOURTH RACE 1 18 Allies Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M Yi 3i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7938 DON CLARENCIO CLARENCE 4 102 1 21 23 25 8 14 Britton Briton MrsF Mrs J Kittlemau32 2 322 7019 GRHMMNTROSEt t 94 2 li 11 12 114 lit 14 28 Chenault Health L J Haas Has 20 50 20 30 7017 OLLEAN POLLEN 4 97 3 35 35 38 310 31 Nutt Mutt W F Dair Dairy 2222 6584 JACK HAYES 4 Oi 6 65 6io 52 4 44 48 Southard Southward W R Hami Ham Hamilton 6867 7051 NANNIE NANNIES D 5100 5 551 51 4 41 53 54 Dunn R D McKee 7868 6987 PRINCESS TECK TACK 4 1051 4 42 51 620 6o Go 520 Mason J C Furst Furs 7767 5652 ARGUS 4 97 7 7 7 7 7 7 WedrstrudJ Carroll 3 31 3 31 Time 25 50 1 15 1 281 1 4H 1 54t PalooiaPost Palooka Winner Ca c 4 by Surinam Palooia Palooka Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Don Clarencio Clarence came away with ease when ready Graham Montrose was pumped out setting the paco Pasco Overweights Overweighs Don Clarencio Clarence 5 pounds Princess Took 24 Don Clarencio Clarence place 4 to 5 Graham Montroso Montrose place 10 to 1 show 5 to 1 FIFTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolda Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L U 111181793VOLANDIES 8019 KING CARNIVAL H2 1 21 1 H H N Hill R J Hyues Hues 1111 81793VOLANDIES 13558422PAT 110 4 31 32 32 21 Knight H J Scoggan Slogan 21 135 21 135 58422PAT GARRETT 101 2 14 22 21 33 Southard Southward J H Smith 6767 6755 666680372LA PACA PAC 107 5 44 4 42 43 J Mathews H B Durham 6666 80372LA FAYETTE FAYE 103 6 7 52 63 510 Gilmore J F Grefer Refer 6868 7048 EASTABROOKS CASEBOOKS 107 3 51 610 7 68 J Jones S Williams 6767 7021 SPREE 103 7 61 7 51 78 Britton Briton T H Stevens 12 15 12 15 6556 RAYMOND W 103 8 8888 WedrstrndO Cunningham 30 50 30 40 40Time Time 121 24 361 1 02 1 OSJ OS MariettaPost Marietta WinuorB Wino c by Getaway Marietta Post 5 minutes Start good Won handily tho thou next two were driving hard Volandies Villainies was cut off at the sixteenth polo and had to go around otherwise he would have won King Carni Carnie ¬ val was full of speod sped Ho was choked off ttie tie first part and was doing his bast baste at tho thou end Eat Garrott Garrotte tired at the end Paca Paccar ran a fair race King raceKing racKing Carnival place 2 to 5 Volandios Volcanism place 4 to 5 Pat Garratt Garrett show even H T SIXTH KACE1 1K Miles Purse 250 4yoarolds and upward Sailing Ind Indo Horsos Horses A Wt Bt y K StrFin Strafing Jockoys Jockeys Owners O fl L O 70492DONOELLA 33337782KITTIE 4106 2 21 21 11 1 11 Nutt Mutt CF McLean CLean 3333 7782KITTIE 75792oPAUL B 5106 1 3 42 31 33 22 J Mathows Mathews RHBroaaughCo32 75 32 75 85281112FRESUO 792oPAUL KAUVAR KAVA 4112 6 41 3 42 2 32 W Dean Stauton Stanton Tucker 85 2 852 81112FRESUO 5 100 3 55 5io 540 540 420 Duan Duane Ramsey R Renz Frenzy 10 10 10 10 8111HRY SHANNON 5100 5 1st 1 2 4io 520 Gilmoro Gilmore J E Cashing 6868 Cashing17845ROYAL Rome80503RAY 17845ROYAL CHOICE 5 97 76 6 6 6 6 Whelan Wheelman R Rome 20 30 20 30 80503RAY H 5 100 4 Foil Britton Briton C L Blackbu Blackburn Blackburn 15 15 15 15 15Time Time 25 50i 115 1284 Irili Virility 1334 Winnot Wino B f 4 by Duke of Montrose Spinster SpinsterPost Spinster Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Tho Theo winner had something loft Kittie Kitties B was shut off coming through tho thou stretch Harry Shannon lod clod onsufferauce insufferable Paul Kauvar Kava outclassedDoncella outclassed rm a good race bat was not much helped by his rider Tho Theo others were outclassed Doncella Donnelley place even Kittie Kitties B place 1 to 2