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SHEEPSHEAD SHEEPISH BAY ENTRIKS ENTRAILS Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race Last 58 Mile MileFuturity Futurity Course 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Wt80383Water 80383Water Girl 109 8U55Ladv Lindsay 109 7617 Tho Theo Recluse 109 8243 Mark Miles 112 8241 Manuel 112 8266 Sueden Suede 112 8243 Favonius Avionics 112 8243 Gray Jacques 112 8193 Ned Wickea Wicked 112 7576 General Shatter 112 8266 Captain Sigsbeo Sighs 117 8239 Armnment Armament m 8l50St Lorenzo Lorenz 117 82153Mr Phinizy Heinz 117 82642 RpnVikine Panicking 117 8193Kinley Mack 119 Second Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 8268 Filament 3 92 8214 Ben Ronald 4 9S 8307 JosMiller Jostle 7 98 8262Maximo Gomez 3 99 82143The Winner 5 101 8307 Hanwell Handel 6111 Third Race Futurity Course 170 feet short of 3 4 Mile MileTho Millet Tho Theo Belles Stakes 1000 added added2yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Allowances 8040 Rock Dove 100 8306 Veracious 100 8040Claroba 107 8264 Helen Thomas li 7 8055Lady Lindsay 107 81933prestidigit trice U7 8040 Full Dress K7 81183Maid of Harlem 107 7617LiDdula 107 7483Vhiplash lli Elli 8042 High Degree 115 7G993Back Vtnus Tonus 115 8043 La Penitente Penitent 118 Fourth Race 1Mile 1Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling 79933Fenetta 3 8 Y945 Dr Withrowf Withdraw 3 89 680 6498 Staysail 3 89 650 650B2683Tyrian B2683Tyrian 3 92 600 60081n42Trianon 81n42Trianon 4 98 645 7992 Slasher Lasher 3 98 690 8119 Julius Caesar 3 109 610 610Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileOn Milton On Main Track Track3yearolds 3yearolds and upward High Weight Handicap 772 Murillo Merrill 3 103 720 8240 Rotifer 4 104 72r 72r75143Hanlon 75143Hanlon 5 104 650 8268 Fleeting Gold 3 JOS JOSE 675 8115 Mizpah Micah 4 109 730 8265 Bon Ino Indo 4 110 670 670Excalibnr Excalibnr Excalibur b cby cabby Sir Mo Modred Molded dred dared Kiss Me Quick 3 110 8238 Rinaldo Renaldo II 3 114 665 665SUfiJSt SUfiJSt Sufis Callatine Palatine 3 122 750 8093Miss Miriam 3J21 3J2182S9Lady 82S9Lady Mitchell 4 126 82 92Lambeut 5 129 12981152Leedsville 81152Leedsville 4 132 1328195Maceo 8195Maceo 4 138 138Sixth Sixth Race 1 13 Miles MilesOn Milestone On Turf The Russett Russet Handicap 750 added added4yearolds 4yearolds and upward 8265 ThomasCat Thomas 4 99 99816S3 816S3 Jefferson 5 90 90Seventh Seventh Race 1 110 Miles MilesOn Milestone On Turf Turf3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap 81962Bannock 4 123 1238262Maximo 8262Maximo Gomez 3 110 11083113Lansdale 83113Lansdale 61C9 8198 Glonoine Leonine 3 104 8167 HerOwo Hero 4 100 8 eSSEndoavor lessened 41 0 8265 Arquebus Harquebus 3 98 8265 Bou Bout Ino Indo 4 98