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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART CHARTEhPSHKAl EhPSHKAl BAY 3S Y September 7 Tenth day Coney Island Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weathtr Weather wet track heavy Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 p m H FIRST KACKLast Kuakas 58 Mile Ifuti Fut IfutiQUO QUO Maidens Fillies Allowances Horses Wt St Yt H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H l C 2i 1 H T Sloan Bromley Brome Co S 8 fa 4 3i 2J iU Maher A White WhiteH White 4 4 4 4i 4iJ H 1 3i 32 Beau J J McCaffi Mecca McCaffert McCabe y 20 30 20 25 25iJ 7 7 62 12 CunnghamJ Chung iJ Galway 10 15 10 12 12VV THE ROSE 110 6 61 61 51 M Spencer VV W WH H Clark ClarkSH ClarkS 7766 1 1 fa b 8254 SlsTER Slater FOX 110 2 3 SH 4i 4j 61 oncfr confer FReatan Reactant FReatan5i 20 25 15 20 20KENtvhNGTON KENtvhNGTON Kensington 110 9 5i i 1 7 71 N Turner M Muiphy Murphy 15 40 15 30 10 WINTER 110 8 8 8 8 8i Banett Barnett E S GardnerSon Gardner 15 15 8 8 7911 BELLE OF TROY 11011 1U 9 9 9 Clawsou Claws J E McDcnald McDonald 7 10 7 10 8243 BELLE OF H 11010 11 10 10 10 E Jonts Jots Osceola Osco Stable 30 40 30 30 7371 LADY EXILE 11012 12 11 11 11 OLeary O'Leary C D McCoy Co 12 15 12 15 7080 LADY ONWARD 11013 13 12 12 12 T Burns August Belmont 10 10 10 10 7879 CANDLESTICK 111 1 9 13 13 la Hamilton J S Curtis 6C 10060 100 8210 sERAPHK sERAPH 11014 14 14 14 14 Hyland Holland Wm Eastou Easton 50 10050 100 10082433VERAC1OUS 82433VERAC1OUS 11015 15 15 15 15 Dogaett Dogbane J R Keene 5 5 33 33AUR1DALE AUR1DALE 11016 16 16 16 16 Littloneld Litton R W WaldenSonlS Walden 40 15 30 Time 25 5C 101 Winner Br f by Duke of Montrose Miss Mattie btartfair tartar Wod Wood driving They wore delayed at the post forty minutes Anitra Anita won through superior jockeyship jockeys Shf Shaft is but ordinary Incandescent closed strong Effie Defied Ainslie Aisle was luckily placed Stie Sties ran surprisingly fast and with a good jockey might have won Harmonica closed a big gap from a bad beginning The Kose Kosher ran a cracking good race for her firtt first time out Ken ¬ sington Kingston and Winter both ran well but had scant chance in the big field Candlestick showed speed Veracious was knocked out of the race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Lioness 110 Lyric 110 110Anitra Anitra Anita place 2 to 1 show even Incandescent place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Eflie Elise Ainslie Aisle show 5 to 1 SECOND RACE 1 18 Miles 930 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap 8807 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L r 82421ALGOL 4130 4 41 31 11 11 1 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 65 3 2 65 75 8267 WHITE FROST 4113 5 54 41 41 21 22 Barrett Barrette E S Gardner Son5 655 8242 LADY MARIAN 3 85 1 11 1 24 34 35 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 50 60 50 60 6081532JOE 81532JOE MILLER 7 100 6 61 51 53 41 41 Clawson Lawson J E Seagram 12 15 12 15 1582112HANWELL 82112HANWELL 82112HANVVELL 6 98 3 2 21 31 52 J3 Maher M F Stephensou Stephenson 10 12 10 12 8097 KIR KIRK GAVVAIN GUAVA 3106 2 SH 62 63 6J 6 Dogett Doge J A Bennett 10 10 8 8 6453GEISHA 3 110 7 7 7 7 7 7 T Sloan Sydney Paget Page 6867 81933 fOETESS footless 4 115 8 8 8 8 8 8 Taral Aral W Laimbeer Limber 6766 6766Time Time 26 50 1 16 1 43 1 56 Winner EqualityStart Equality Ch c by Topgallant Equality Start very straggling Won driving The race was run in a terrific wind storm Algol showed himself to be a grand game horse under trying conditions White Frost showed start ¬ ling improvement over her last race Lady Marian favored through a good start and ber beer feather weight up was coming fast at the end Joe Miller ran well Sir Gawaiu Ogawa ran badly and appears to have lost form altogether Geisha and Poetess were practically left Hanwell Handel stopped to nothing in the stretch stretchAlgol stretchable Algol place 3 to 5 White Frost place 2 to 1 show even Lady Marian show 8 to 1 QUlflQ Quill ° THIRD RACE 6 13 Furlongs On Turf 2yearsolds Allowances OO O The Golden Rod Stakes 750 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O I 826 2KhilNliLANDKK 110 1 li 14 H 1 m Simms Sims J JE E Madden 4 4i 41 3 44 44EOPejper 18215KING BRLEYCRN BARLEYCORN 115 3 2 22 22 22 21 Turner EOPejper Opener 7575451 7575451FleischraannSons85 8043 SIR HUBERT 115 44 4 4 31 34 31 Maher Fleischraann Flemish FleischraannSons85 Sons85 2 85 852 85277612GREAT 2 77612GREAT NECK 100 2 35 32 31 4 4 Clawson Lawson Oneck Neck Stable 8 10 8 10 10Adaed Adaed Adage starter Time 12 24 37 50 1 16 1 23 23Winner Winner B c by Bramble Mary C CStartgood Statehood Startgood Statehood Won driving It was raining hard and the ground was soggy and wet Rhine lander was well handled and liked the wet grass course He is verj veer game and wants a routelklways outsell King Barleycorn took the long route He liked tbe tube damp going and was easily the best horse but lost through an inferior finish Sir Hubert fell flown at the start But for this he might have won outclassedScratched outclassed the way the race was run Great Neck ran a fine race but was outclassed Scratched Frohsinn Rosin 110 Mr Phinizy Heinz 110 110Rhiuelander Rhiuelander Rhineland place 7 to 5 show 1 to 3 King Barleycorn place 1 to 3 Ql 4ll FOURTH RACE 1 38 Miles 3yearolds Allowances Of S The September Stakes 1250 added lad Horses Wt St St Vt Yt J StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners 8196 GEORGE BOYD 106 4 31 31 21 IH 13 12J Maher W Lakeland 3 4 21 21 2182I3TANDLEBLACK 82I3TANDLEBLACK 1C6 5 41 41 41 f6 21 24 Spencer W H Clark 7766 8191 RAHPAHANNCK106 3 6 6 6 6 6 31 Doggett Doge F M Woods 8 10 8 10 10i8211LAVEROCK i8211LAVEROCK 116 6 52 c 5 41 41 41 Taral Aral W M Hendrie Henries 6644 82672 MIRTHFUL 126 2 H IH m 21 5 5 Littiefield Citified A H D H Morris 1 751 75 8117OLOR1AN 758117OLOR1AN 106 1 2 21 31 3 3 6 Clawson Lawson WB Jennings ColO Colon 12 10 10 A ided aided starter Time 25 51 1 17 1 1S 1 57 225 225VVirner VVirner Vinery B c by Falsetto Cachuca Archducal CachucaSt Catchiest St rt gord gored Won handily The race was run in a pouring rain George Boyd was favored by the distance and fine handling Caudleblack Callback showed special liking for the track and was a got d horse Reppahannock was also at home in the going Laverock Laver had no chance at the weight but ran well The same applies to Mirthful Glorian Gloria wants a fast track trackCorrecteri tachometer Correcteri Corrector weights George Boyd 106 Rappahannock 106 106George George Boyd place even show 1 to 2 Candloblack Camelback place 2 to 1 show even Rappahan Grappa ¬ nock show 6 to 5 t O I t FIFTH KACE ACE 34 Mile On Main Track 550 added Syearolds Sterols and uoward upward O5 1 Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M Y Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L f 8 12JKINNIKINNICK 812JKINNIKINNICK 4 126 1 2 2 2 11 Spencer W Laimbeor Limber 4 P 1 45 9 10 8212 TYPHOON II 4128 2 13 13 33 2 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 1 1 451 451Time Time 12 24 36 49 116 116Winn Winn Inn r Br c by Candlemas Candelas Flibbertigibbet FlibbertigibbetStart Flibbertigibbets Start good Won handily Kinnikiunick liked the sloppy going and Is at his best now Ty itii iii n looked like a sure winner at the half but tired badly at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Arquebus Harquebus 113 8i T 1 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles On Turf 600 added 3yearolds and upward O i J Selling Yi X StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L V9J8 CONTINENTAL 6106 2 21 35 H 1 Clnwson Clinton J L Holland 2 2J 2 2 840OCTWE 3 91 1 44 61 54 31 2 T Burns Good Hope Stable 5 655 x26i AN DALE 6109 6 51 41 6 44 31 Simms Sims W L Oiver Oliver 5857 N 14OXNARD 3 97 7 61 7 7 61 41 Maher HTGiffiu 24 21 2 2 82t MERLIN 3 97 8 8 8 8 8 51 OConnor O'Connor WCDaly Cuddly 20 30 20 30 OF THE GRTR4 106 3 31 3 21 2 62 Barrett Barrette P S P Randolph 88 8099 i OKD OD ZENI ZEN 4106 5 1 2i 32 51 7 Dupee Dupe W T Woo nrd nard Jr 10 10 6 10 4C MT WA8HINGTN4 103 47 51 41 7 8 Dean J J McCaiierty 30 30 30 30 8240 SCOTCH PLAID 3 92 99 9 9 9 9 Eowdpn Meowed Oneck Neck Stable 20 20 20 20 20Time Time 25 SO 1 16 1 44J 1 51 Vinnner B h by Luke Blackburn Ailene Abilene Ailenestart Abilene start fair Won pulled up Continental outclassed the field in the going Octave showed cunsistent consistent frm farm on the grass course Lansdale Landler was overweighted overweighed but closed strong from a bad brginning beginning Oxnard could not extend himself on the wet grass He came very fast at the end and is very good Merlin ran well Lord Zeni Zen showed speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Gala Day 10S Tanis Anis 103 Endeavor 103 Ben Ronald 103 ontinental continental place 4 to 5 show 2 to 5 Octave place 2 to 1 sbow bow even Lansdale Landler show 7 to 5