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NK VrOKT Rot KKTK1KS KKTK1KSProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp82L6 82L6 Raymond W JO 9 ° l to to80613Ed 82563 Pat Gurrett Garrett J Jl 01 660 80613Ed Tipton Lipton ° 880 Al Sirat Spirant ° 8280Volandies J08 670 108 b bSecond Second 8295 Galathee Althea Second Race1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 7228 Trimuda Trinidad J MO 7117 Tom Hughes f0 RT 8297 Can Galop Gallop iJS iS M M78452Sir 78452Sir Ebony 7420 Weenatchie Went 5 rm 107 b R7 o o7022RoyaL 7022RoyaL Dance 4 07 6iO 8320 Jack Hayes S 9 98298NannieD 8298NannieD i Sin 8299 Helen HGardner Gardner 5J ° n 2 82962 Prosecutor iPJ VIP 8279 Don Clarencio Clarence 4 ° J Sen Seen 8279 Rifle f J2 07 642 S 8143 Gomez 8 112 660 660Third 82793 Rey Frey deljtfar delta Third Race 1 Mile 3 yearolds earls and upward Allowances Allowances82342Possum 82342Possum 3 97 665 6658281Pan 8281Pan Charm 3 97 680 6808278Sir 8278Sir R lla la 3JS 8299 Tho Theo Planet 4 107 60 6082272Osmon n 82272Osmon 410 6oO 6oO8319JH 8319JH C 4 114 lOO lobo lOOFourth lookout Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 8277 Signa Sigma 105 670 8295 Lela Leila Murray 10o 6i2 8253 Duplicate Wo 6o2 8063 Pauline J 105 640 640Mary Mary Curry 1 105 63D 63D82773Yakma 82773Yakma 105 675 675Kissing Kissing Cup b f by Hayden HaydenEdwards Hayden Edwards Miss Richmond 105 6693 Mayme Mayer M M 105 662 8277 Pansy H 105 655 6556014The3is 6014The3is HO 665 8253 Crinkle HO 660 8087 Rea Rhea HO 625 8208 Rosa Masso Mass 110 650 8253 Georgie George HO 645 645JTifth JTifth Tithe Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 6099 Volzette Valetta 101 640 6130 Ruiz Ritz 101 650 8254 White Leaf 101 655 7998 Coreel Creel 101 645 8320 Arcturus Actuaries 101 675 8294 Frisco Ben 104 660 8281 BenFrost Befogs 104 670 8050 Teucer Tucker 107 665 665Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling 7047 Lena Meyers Meyer 101 665 66582943Howitzer 82943Howitzer 101 660 8143 Chiquita Circuital II 101 640 8254 Lord Frazer Frazier 101 655 8294 Johnny Bohan Bhang 104 640 8109 Tom Kingsloy Kingly 104 650 8296 JoeShelby Jocosely 107 670 67080793Dutch 80793Dutch Comedian 110 675