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BROOKLYN FORM CHART CHARTGKAVJESEND GKAVJESEND GAVELED r I September 34 Ninth day Brooklyn Jockey Club ClubAutumn Autumn Meeting Weather cloudy track muddy Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 215 p m O JK I FIRST RAUB34 Mile 500 added 3yearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses A Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 85413MACEO 4108 3 It It 1H 13 Snencer Spencer Mrs B McClelland Macmillan 2 2t 8357 TABOURET ABORT 3 93 4 3 31 32 23 Moody T A M gee 10 10 8 8 8584 ORFON BORON 4112 2 4 42 43 31 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 8 12 1285752HIGH 8 12 12W 85752HIGH JINKS 3101 1 5i 63 51 41 Dupee Dupe W M Wallace 8 10 10S5372SENSATIONAL 7 8 8WC S5372SENSATIONAL 3 103 5 2i 2J 23 5 OConnor O'Connor W WC C Daly Dally 7 7868 7868F 8 841 BLARNEYSTONE BLARNEYS 3101 6 61 5 65 615 Clawsoa Claws F Brown 8 10 6 8 8W 8541 TREMARGO TREMOR 5 108 9 8777 Jones W Hayward 15 30 15 25 8584 IMPERATOR 4 108 11 11 9 8 83 T Burns J Galway 86153 HANDSEL HANDEL 3 109 7 7 8 9 93 Doggett Doge J A Bennett 6666 3094 BRENTWOOD GREENWOOD 3 103 8 9 10 10 105 L mley Mlle T F Cumminzs Cummins 50 100 40 75 8357 BLISSFUL 3 93 9310 10 10 11 11 11 Maher M Minden 10 10 8 8 8Time Time 13 25 37150116 37150116Winner KatydidStart Katydids Winner B c by Sir Dixon Katydid Start straggling Won handily Mac o was lame before the race and was lucky in receiving a strong ride He was easily the best The gome gnome suited Tabouret Tambour hence her good showing Orion ran finely and favors mud always but dislikes weight High Jinks ran well Sensational wants a sloppy track Blarneystoe Blarneys got off badly but WRS WARS favored by the mud Handsel Handel was decidedly lame before the race The others had no chance at the ptart tart ptartScratches Scratches Estaca Staccato 108 Tinge 1C8 Momentum 107 Hanlon Hanson 105 105Maceo Maceo Maceio place 4 to 5 show 1 to 2 Tabouret Tambour place 3 to 1 show 8 to 5 Orion show 8 to 5 SB 5 2 SE Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H r 510 MACY MAY 4118 3 5 4n 42 2 1 T Burns J W SchorrSou Scorers 45 75 45 75 86182 HANDBALL 3112 2 2 31 3t It 28 Taral Aral PJ Dwyer 3 1653 3 8518 BANQUO BANQUET II 4 92 1 41155 55 510311 Clawson Lawson PJ Miles 6 10 6 6 8526 SIR WALTER 10 117 5 IH 21 IH 32 4 Maher Oneck Neck Stable 31 3i 3 3i 8585 MERLIN 3 86 4 3i IH 21 43 520 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 15 30 15 25 8573 DOGGETT DOGGIE 6 99 66 6 6 6 6 Moody R C Doggett Doge 12 20 8 15 15Time Time 25 51i 1 03 1 171 1 43t 1 56i 56iWinner Winner B c by Hindoo Indoor Alga AlgaStart Alistair Start good Won easily Macy Marcy outclassed his field He got away slowly and was pocketed to the stretch He was easily cho choc best and is a fine racehorse Handball found the soft track grateful and ran finely Banquo Banquet II closed strong at the end and was lucky to get third Sir Walter stopped badly in the stretch although he lost third place by pulling up at the end The others were much outclas outclass ed edScratched dispatched Scratched Dr Catlett Cattle 129 The Winner 113 Whistling Con 1C6 Hanwell Handel 95 Endeavor 87 87Overweights Overweights Overweighs Handball 1 pound Banquo Banquet II 2 2Macy Macy Marcy place 1 to 2 Handball place oven Banquo Banquet II Show even Q i t p O THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances O O O O The Algeria Stakes 1000 Added Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H T r 86191 DIMINUTIVE 104 5 2n 21 IH 12 OConnor O'Connor J A McLaughlin 3 534 8616 LADY LINDSAY 104 4 5 51 32 23 Clawson Lawson J A McLaughlin t3 5 3 4 8587JJJANUEL 122 2 28329SCAPTAIN 86 6 31 Spencer George J Long 5858 8329SCAPTAIN SIGSBEE SIGHS 107 6 32 3i 41 4 OLeary O'Leary Tnrney Trey Bros Brows 10 15 10 15 154H 85872HIMTINE 114 7 78538D 4H It 22 f 3 T Burns JJMcCafferty 1 851 65 8538D OPMIDDLEBURG122 8 9 8 7 61 Littlefield Littered A H D R Morris4 534 534U 8523 ARMAMRNT ARMAMENT 122 3 38574SOMBRE U 42 53 74 Doggett Doge Oneck Neck Stable 15 SO 15 25 8574SOMBRE 104 11 11SiiezpRESTTRICE 199 81 Moody W B JenningsCol5 30 15 25 SiiezpRESTTRICE 104 1 7 7 8 92 Maher A H D HMorris4 534 8525 MR CLAY 107 10 62 10 10 10 Jones Sydney Paget Page 15 30 15 20 8266 HAPSBURG 107 9 10 0 62 6211 11 11 3imms J E Madden 20 30 20 30 Coupled in betting tAdded Added starters startersTime starters Time 121 25 37 1 02i 02iWinner Winner B f by Sir Dixon Meriden MeridenStart Meriden Start straggling Won easily Diminutive was best in todays today goinp groin Lady Lindsay ran finely wfter after being shut off at the start She was easily second best at the weights Manuel was shut rfl fl at the start and the distance was too short to regain lost ground He is a grand colt closed like a whirlwind and was undoubtedly the best horse in the race Captain Sigsbee Sighs closed at the end after getting away badly and liked thn than soft going Himtine Thiamine tirea tire to a walk in the stretch He wants a fast or sloppy track Duke of Middlebnrs Middlebrow ran well but had but small chance at the start Armament ran well but was raced into the ground and the weight helped to anchor him The others had no chance at the start j Scratched Martimas Martians 122 Satin Slipper 104 Havelock Hammerlock 107 Hilee Chile 107 Diminutive and Lady Lindsay place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Manuel show 8 to 5 FOURTH RAOTC1 11G Miles yearolds earls The Oceanview Oceania Handicap 1000 added nd Horses yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H 8540JBANASTAR 122 4 3 Hi 12 1 m Clawson Lawson W H Clark 65651 1 8421 BEN DORAN 14 3 21 21 23 23 23 Spencer W B Jennings 10 15 10 15 8526 WHITTLING CON 117 5 52 41 42 43 31 Taral Aral F C OReilly Gorily 8866 88668i37 8i37 MARTHA II 119 1 11 3U 3 32 44 Maher Sydney Paget Page 6867 8576 FLORONSO FLORINS 124 2 4 510 510 jio jo 510 T Burns GBMoiris Bemires 31 31 3 3 8577GLONOINE 107 6 15Time 6 6 6 6 6 OLeary O'Leary P J Dwyer 15 20 12 15 Time 251 501 1 17i 1 13t 1 501 501Winner Winner Ch c by by Farandole Farad Blessing BlessingStart Blessings Start good Won easily Banastar Banister is great in mud and was far the best today Bendoran Bemoan is also a mu i lark and ran a surprising race Whistling Con wants a fast track and his race under trying conditions stamps him as very good Martha II was overweighted overweighed but ran well and likes the mud Floronso Florins could not extend himself in the going but is good Glonoine Leonine is in very bad form formScratched Scratched Handball 126 126Bauastar Bauastar Bustard place 1 to 2 Bendojan Bemoan place 5 to 1 show 2 to 1 Whistling Con place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 O Pt pT FIFTH RACE FuHCourse Funhouse 600 added 4yearolds and upward Allowances T 9 I 9 Steeplechase A Wt St 4 6 8 12 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 8i90OLINDO 6 160 4 23 23 24 5 12 is Chandler F Gebhard Gerhard 8 5 1158 5 115 8426WOOD 1158426WOOD PIGENS PIGEONS 155 2 31531531522 210 220 Veitch Vetch J W Colt 3322 7787SHILLALAH 33227787SHILLALAH 4165 3 11 It 13 20 320 330HOgan Sydney Paget Page 21 5 21 5 890 BABY BILL 7 138 5 410 410 410 410 410 440 Johnson L Waterbury 20 30 20 30 i8l9HiFORGET 5 155 15 5 5 5 5 5 Cochran F RTHitchcock3 31 3 3 Time 5031 5031Winner Winner Ch g by Oneko Neo Sophronia Isochronal SophroniaStart Springiest Start good Won easily Oliudo Lido favored in the weight best handled and in grand form was best Wood Pigeon however is not far behind him and todays today race makes him very good in ¬ deed MiiUalah Minimal lost a half dozen lengths through a bad mistake at the Liverpool He had none to g od handling anyway and ran out on the turn He was probably short too Baby Bill is no rnod nod anywhere apparently Forget refused Throw out her race altogether and give her consideration only in hurdle races ou the fiat fiatScratched Scratched Royal Scarlet 154 Plutarch Polluter 147 Right of Way 140 140Olinrto Olinrto Olin place 4 to 5 Wood Pigeon place 4 to 5 OpT SIXTH KAOiS Kai 1 J1G Milts 800 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses AWt Wt St y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 8470 BEN RONALD 4106 4 5i 3 21 22 Hi T Burns J J McCafferty 2 1152 2 8524 SIMON W 6 109 5 2i IH 1 31 2 Dupee Dupe H E Leigh 21 21 2 2 8u77JOXNARD 3 95 1 86 62 62 4 22 Clawson Lawson H T Oxnard 5754 824 LADY DISDAIN 3 87 8 43 5 3t 11 410 Moody J S Wadsworth Adsorb 15 30 15 25 5 104 3 SH 4i 4 510 515 Spencer C M Miller 8 73 BAN WELL 6 109 9 9 7 7 7 63 Maher M F Stephenson 5858 8ii 58588ii HER OWN 4101 2 IH 21 51 6 73 OConnor O'Connor Mrs W C Daly Dally 15 20 15 20 8573 ENDEAVOR 4 101 7 6U 8 8 8 815 Jones Sensation Stable 20 60 20 50 8460 HARRY 15Dead REED 6 111 6 7 9 9 9 9 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 5 20 5 15 Dead heat Time 25 501 1 03 1 17i 1 44 1 50i Winner 50iWinner Br g by Hindoo Indoor BenMaChree Menarche BenMaChreeStart Start good Won easily Ben Ronald was best and best handled today Simon W was a good horse but had Somewhat inferior riding Oxnard closed strong at the end He was shut off at the start and pinned on the rail by Simon W in the last sixteenth Lady Disdain ran sur slur ¬ prisingly pressingly well She showed an apparently winning burst of speed on the stretch turn but stopped from lack of condition She will pay to watch Headlight belongs among lower class ones Hanwell Handel lacked speed in a marked degree Her Own ran well Endeavor was outclassed and Hany Handy Reed stopped as if shot after running easily for half the journey Scratched journeyScratched journeys Filament 93 Black Dude 95 95Ben Ben Ronald place 4 to 5 Simon W place 4 to 5 Oxnard show even SEVENTH RACE58 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Wt St M V Vt 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8586 EFFIE EFFUSE AINSLIE MAINLINE 116 1 li It li 12 12 T Burns J J McCanvrty 10 10 8 8 8353 MARK MILES 115 2 22 22 2 22 Clawson Lawson J C Fitzsimmons 8878 8586 JERID JERALD 115 4 4tNT 41 3 t 31 33 Spencer Ge ree free J Long 15 15 8 8 6859 TIP GALLANT tNT 115 3 61 62 52 43 H Lewis M Gilpin Gulping 10 20 8 12 ROUTE 115 8 7 SH 41 51 OLeary O'Leary Turnflv Tuneful Bros Brows 4645 115 5 5X 51 7 7 61 Maher W H Karrick Kari 6867 S ST STOX SOX OX X 112 9 8 8 8 71 Simms Smms Sims F Reagan 6 10 6 8 8589 FAVONIUS AVIONICS 115 6 31 4 61 83 Littlefield Littered B T E Littlefield6 867 8586 SOL 115 11510 10 9 9 9 92 Taral Aral J A McLaugblin McLaughlin 5856 27lvA 585627lvA IM5S IM5ST T 115 11 n 10 10 10 101 James ABDHMorris Admirers 20 50 20 40 SiS Soi5E48P Soi5E48PnxT 11512 U lln Allan 112 D etfc etc Oneck Neck Stable 8878 8469 COSMOPOLITAN nxT next 115 7 12 12 12 122 Jones C LittleBeld Littered Jr 20 40 20 30 8589 SUBLET 115 13 13 13 13 13 McDermott J White 50 100 30 75 Time 12t2li 37 103 BStart Start Winner 103Winner Ch f by Great Tom Lillie B Start good Won easily Effie Defied Aiuslie Aisle was easily the best in the going and is a good mud runner Mark Miles was lucky and well handled but prefers lighter weight Jerid Jeered looked prom ¬ ising rising op the stretch turn but quit the last quarter Tip Gallant ran well The Burlington Route was oil badly So was Tennith Zenith The others had no chance at the start andappeared sandpapered to dislike the track conditions conditionsScratched conditions Scratched 116Effie Dr Parker 115 Spur 115 Composer 115 Life Gunrd Gourd 115 Seraphic 116 Effie Defied Ainslie Aisle place 3 to 1 show 8 to 5 Mark Miles place 3 to 1 how 8 to 5 Jerid Jeered show 8 to 5