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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAK CHARTA OAK I AND Cal November 5 Seventh MeetingWeather Meeting day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Startpr Startup J B Ferguson Racing starts at 2 15 p m v 1 J FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling A Wt St 1A Vs StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3971 PERSONNE PERSONNEL 4 99 5 41 2 2 25 12 Gray L H Ezell Bezel 3 3 85 8 9336PROMPTO 3 93 1 1 li 11 1 21 Houck Hock A P Murphy Co 4 544 93353 IN VER VERA Aft Y ii 3 98 4 31 3 31 3 310 Everson Reversion L G Smith 8 20 8 20 577IJOE LEVY 3 93 7 51 51 41 42 41 Holmes Whit man Coney 50 50 50 50 93383 DO LORE 4 110 6 61 6U 62 53 56 Wilson J N Bark 3535 93543 JJAGNUS JANUS 3 90 2 2H 41 51 6 63 J Reiff Riff C Parker 8 10 8 8 9395 LOMO LIMO 4 109 3 7 7 7 7 7 Snider W Adams 50 50 30 30 9335FORWERTS 3 90 88 8888 Devin Devon E F Smith 3 5 3 1 Time 244 50 1 021 1 15i 1 41 41Winner GiselaStart Isolator Winner B c by Leonatus Lents Countess Gisela Giselle Start good Won handily Personne Personnel is good and outclassed the field Prompto Prompt beat the gate and was lucky throughout but was tiring at the end Inverary Cinerary II closed strongly under weak riding and is a useful horse that will do to watch closely Dolore Dolores did not run to the mark Throw this race out The others are very common Scratched commonScratched Commonwealth Sandow Shadow 99 Flandes Flanders 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Joe Levy 3 pounds Dolore Dolores 3 Lomo Lompoc 2 Personne Personnel place 4 to 5 show 2 to 5 Prompto Prompt place 4 to 5 Inverary Cinerary II show 4 to 1 9447 SECOND RAOE34 JVlile Julie Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances lad Horses A Wt St M Vi 5t StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9WVENTORO 101 2 li H 11 IH Rutter Ruttier H Byrnes Byres Co 31 31 2 2 9356 FIRST TENOR 111 3 41 41 33 23 Thorpe PnrnsWa Aprons PnrnsWaterhsel 111 9326OLINTHUS 115 1 24 32 2 3io Shields J G Brown Co 4 4 3 4 93563LIUE WATER 106 4 3 2 46 420 Everson Reversion L LG G Smith 10 25 10 25 25TE 5866 REY FREY 12PETAL HOOKER 106 5 6 6 6 52 Dflvin Davin Fling Avian T TE E Latta Plata 15 15 8 12 12G PETAL 103 6 52 53 5 6 Kiley Kelley G H Fox 200 290 200 200 Time 200Time 24i 491 l01i 114 Winner 114Winner Br K by Golden Garter Ventura Start fair Won driving Ventoro Ventura was best at the weights and lucky He is a fast game colt and a stayer slayer First Tenor was cut off and unlucky He closed in grand style in the run home and is plainly a good one Oliuthus Eoliths ran an honest race Lime Water appeals to be short but outclassedScratched outclassed showed speed for a half The qthers others were outclassed Scratched Dont Don't Tell 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundVentoro bounden Ventoro Ventura 1 pound Ventoro Ventura place 4 to 5 Olintbus Columbus show 1 to 2 i Q THIRD RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances fttttO ne California Maiden Stakes Value 1000 A Wt StH Seth Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L U 122 1 U 12 lio Clio is Thorpe BurnsWterhse35 45 35 45 9339ANCHORED 115 4 4i 3 2 2 Rutter Ruttier P Hildreth Children 3535 353547002DONT 47002DONT TELL 115 2 3 4 3 3 Hennessy Hennas L H Ezell Bezel 12 20 12 20 9302 HANNAH REID 107 8 88 5 4G J Reiff Riff R Hughes 20 20 15 15 4509 ENGEA ANGELA 115 3 2i 21 4 52 Piggott Spigot BurnsWterhso35 45 35 45 9356 MASTER LEE 107 7 7 7i 6 6 McCarthy T G Ferguson 40 4t 30 30 9358 ELIZABETH R 104 5 52 53 Fejl Fell Gray H E Rowell Roswell 8867 9326 JINGLE JINGLE 107 6 6 610 Fell Kiley Kelley J Coffey 10 10 10 10 14JWinner Coupled 10Coupled in betting Time 24 48i 1 01i 1 14J LoveStart Lodestar Winner Ch f by Midlothian Militia Free Love Start fair Won easing np Midlove Midlevel outclassed the field and could have won farther away She is a stayer slayer weight carrier and extremely speedy Anchored ran an honest race Eaea Area was short Dont Don't Tell and Hannah Reid belong to the useful selling plater platter division Elizabeth R and Jingle Jingle fell when running well and will bear watching Master Lee appears to ba of little or no account accountScratched accounts Scratched Irelandais Ireland 109 Glengaber Galena 110 110Anchored Anchored place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Dont Don't Tell show 21 to 1 Qi A O FOURTH iiACiJ iliac l 18 Miles 3yearoid and upward tirtfciLf The Emeryville Emery Handicap Purse 500 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St ft X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C93V72CROMWELL 93V72CROMWELL 6 109 1 U 12 12 14 li Piggott Spigot Cambridge Stable2 222 58653W OF FORTUNE 6 104 2 2 5 5i 51 21 Rutter Ruttier J Harvey 3 5 3 3 93573GRADY 5 110 5 51 2 2 4 3H Hennessy Hennas Owen Bros Brows 21 4 21 4 93033MOKELLITO 3100 3 3i 6 6 61 4 Garrigau Gnarring Willmans Hillmans Bros Brows 10 10 4 4 9357 bAN VENADO VENDOR 3 93 7 7 33 33 21 5i Devin Devon SantaAuitaStableS Anticipatable 12 8 12 9397SHAST WATER 4 95 4 42 43 42 31 63 J Woods BnrnsVVaterhse3 630 9174MISTRAL II 4 100 6 61 7 7 7 7 Frawley Crawly Earnshaw Earns Bros Brows 10 30 10 m mTime Time Time 25 49 1 141 1 40i 1 531 Winner 531Winner Ch h by St Blaise Blains Fla Flab vina Vilna vinaStart instate Start good Won handily Cromwell held the field safe from start to finish and was prob probe ¬ ably never better than he is now Wheel of Fortune closed fast in the stretch and ran a good race Grady ran an honest race and is very good now Morellito Moralist was badly handled He closed a great gap and was running very fast at the finish San Venado Vendor also suffered from inefficient riding Shasta Water ran uer user race Mistral II was not ready readyScratched Scratched Buckwa Buck 110 Mamie Mammies G 93 93Overweights Overweights Overweighs Uromweli Rowel 1 pound Wheel of Fortune 2 2Cromwell Cromwell place 4 to 5 Wheel of Fortune place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Grady show 3 to 5 945O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H V 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9358J YEMEN 9104 3 12 13 15 110 ia Rutter Ruttier F M Taylor 121 9354 J UDGE BUDGE STFFER STIFFER 4 106 1 3 36 310 35 2 Thorpe F Phillips 4747 9358 HIGHLAND BALLS 108 2 2 2 2t 2J 310 Piggott Spigot R B De Lopez 4543 93362LOST GIRL 4 104 5 51 51 52 410 43 ONeil Neil E G McCounell McConnell 10 30 10 30 5870 HOWARD 7 104 4 41 42 43 510 515 Frawley Crawly R E Dolan 100 ItO 100 100 9395 DEFIANT 3 97 6 6 6 66 6 Garrigan Arian H Dimond Diamond 200 200 200 200 27tWinner Time 200Time 24J 49i 1 021 1 15 1 27t Winner Ch g by Alarm Hira Hiram HiraStact Chiastic Stact Tact fair Won without an effort Yemen smothered his field and apparently never was better Judge Stouffer ran to his best form and was lucky Highland Ball should have been second but Thorpe outrode outride Piggott Spigot at the end Lost Girl got off badly and was poorly ridden bhe he classScratch classes is good and should be kept in mind Howard and Defiant were out of their class Scratch Bliss Rucker Trucker 97 Major COOK V9 Reiua Residua de Los Augelf Angel s 09 09Jverweghvs Jverweghvs Overweighs i fit ut 3 pouuls pulls ludtj glut S iutfVr Judge Stouffer place 4 to j