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LAKESIDE FORM CHART CHARTKOISY CATKINS KOISY KOLINSKY NI November B Seventh day Lateside Lakeside Jockey Club Pall Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather cloudy and windy track heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing atarta attar at 2 p m O I PZ T FIRST RACE 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 1 7 rdb db O I Purso Purrs 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to thir their id Horses A Wt Ht V4 Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9315OCONNELL 7 106 II U 11 li 1 1 W Dean H Sanders 1 65 1 1 i345 DUNOIS DUBOIS 4 108 5 51 21 2U 21 23 H Martin T H Ryan 21 2i 2 115 19285 BRAW LAD 4 41 4 3 Vandusen Bandsmen Koone Ozone Ryan 3 31 3 3i 11405 DEBRIDE DERIDE 4 113 61 24 3U 3 3 4C Taber Stabber R McMahon 25 30 25 25 93083BISHOP REED 4 108 3 6 52 5 53 Lynch J Rodegap Bodega 8803 KISME KISMET 4 100 7 7 7 7 65 610 Hothersall Others Scott Powers 10 12 10 12 9268 MIDLO MILO 5 105 i s 4t 52 6 7 7 Corner Scanlan Canaan Bros Brows 25 30 25 30 30Time Time 131 261 39i 521 1171 132 132Winner KennedyOff Kennedy Winner Ch g by Harry OFallon Fallen May Kennedy Off at first break to a good start Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth were driving just as hard OConupll O'Connell ran an unusually game race He stood a drive f om the head of the stretch home It was in the face of a heavy gale It looked on the turn as thoueh though Dunois Dubois would win sure He is known to be game and at that point was lapped on OConnell O'Connell Martin rode for all he was worth but gained little on the latter through the stretch Braw Lad finished strong He seemed to labor in the going but taking everything into consideration ran a good race Debride Deride seemed to be going easily under a strong pull on the far turn but stopped when the pinch came Midlo Milo was never a dangerous factor factorScratched factors Scratched High Test 100 Glenmoyuo Lemony 100 Silver Set 105 Judge Steadman Seaman 105 Milwaukee 103 103Dunois Dunois Dubois place 4 to 5 Braw Lad show 2 to 5 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesPurse Allowances 9458 Purse 400 value to winner iSOO iSO 75 to second 25 to third Yt K Str Star Fin Jockeys 24 24 24 13 Ellis Mrs R Bradley 3434 94022MR JOHNSON 98 IN 31 32 21 McNickle Canticle J Delong Belong 3434 34349310FRANK 9310FRANK BELL 111 3 12 14 INK 35 Bloss Loss J W O Neall Nell 75 85 65 85 8593743QUEEN 93743QUEEN OF SONG 107 2 3 45 41 42 T Burns WJ Smith 4444 44449368GUESS 9368GUESS ME 107 4 52 5 54 5 J Carter J V Carter 4 4 3 31 9127 ROSIE ROSE BURKE 95 61 72 62 62 6 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 100 100 100 100 9310 FON FONG FAINEBLEU FINEABLE 105 8 8 7U 74 75 Lynch J M Forsythe Forsythia 6867 6867PLUNKETT PLUNKETT LUNETTE 98 71 6118 8 8 W H MartinF Martin Bowers 75 15075 150 150Time Time 12125 371 501 1031 1181 1181Winner Winner Ch g by Blitzen Blitz Sue B BPost Post Post 7 minutes Start good Won handily second and third driving hard Boney Bony Boy was the best in the going and as the race was run He had a lot of speed and when he collared Frank Bell at the head of the stretch the latter stopped badly Both Frank Bell and Boney Bony Boy ran away an eighth of a mile at top speed in a false breakaway This told on Frank Bell The going was alsi ali against him with top weight Mr Johnson going about the same gait all the way passed Frank Bell in the last twenty yards This colt likes a distance and also prefers a heavy track Queen of Song can do better thfrn thorn this So can Guess Me The latter was short on speed Fontainebleu Containable had no chance from where he got off offScratched Scratched Gold Fox 98 Nora Ives Wives 95 Helens Pet 95 Martha Fox 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Plunkett Lunette 3 pounds poundsBoney pounds Boney Bony Boy place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Mr Johnson place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 O A PC i THIRD RACE 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling y tt O t Purse 400 value to winner f 300 75 to second J25 to third Ind Indo Horses Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C 9376 CZi CZ CZiROWITZ ROW ITZ IT 4108 2K 3s 21 2H 22 13 Freeman JS OBrien O'Brien 9341 AUNT MARY 4 100 3 2U U 12 1 22 Rebo Reebok Wm Mulkey Mule 9401 BROTHER FRED 4 100 71 4 4 51 3 K 33 ERobertsnJohn Robertson Call 15 15 6 6 9376 WARREN POINT 5 100 6 51 32 33 41 4U Hothersall Others James Curl 4 5 4 4i 9021 REDSKIN 8 105 91 1 61 81 61 52 Lynch Kahn Co 10 20 6 10 9151 TEETA TETRA MAY 7100 4 81 T 92 71 62 WHMartin Wharton J F Rohn Rohm 10 12 10 10 9371 C H WHE HE LAN 410010 6 84 72 32 7 Sheppard James Ruddy 6868 75 PRINCIPLE 4 100 11 92 95 104 91 82 J Waldo Weald J Carroll 15 30 15 30 5 105 51 102 104 H4 1Q4 95 Nutt Mutt F C Moshier Mushier 4545 9402 OHARABELLE HAREBELL 4 100 12 114 115 125 us IQS Seaton Eaton R Bradley 10 50 10 40 9375 IDLE HOUR 4 105 11 II 52 42 5 115 Dean C De Witt Witty 6868 8408 LITTLE SINGER 4 100 S12 12 13 13 124 McNickle Canticle R M Hennessy Hennas 10 15 10 15 9308 N N KAUFMAN ACUMEN 410513 13 13 6Kl2 13 J Morgan G I Landon London 8866 8529 SOBRIQUET 4 100 14 14 14 14 14 14 E Scherrer Sherrie R Regan Egan 30 40 30 40 9404 ROBINSON 5 105 15 15 15 15 15 15 S Johnson J W Decker 20 40 20 40 9283 AMANDA 610016 16 16 16 16 16 Wm Jones J Helfert Heeler 15 15 15 15 8993 BILLY FISCHER 4 100 17 17 17 17 17 17 McCanu Meccano C Loighton Leighton 12 15 12 15 9371 NECEDAH NECKED 0100 Left at the post Keenan Sellen Ellen LeathersS LeatherS 10 8 10 Time 10Time 13 26 381 5H 104 119 1331 1331Winner Winner B c by Martenhurst Marten Mabel Abel F FPost Post Post 12 minutes Start good Won handily second driving and staggering third and fourth doing their best Czarowitz Carbonize was fortunate in getting away and always had clear sailing He held the race safe all the way Aunt Mary who is a speedy sprinter got away well and hung on longer than usual although she was ready to lie down at the finish Brother Fred did well under a weak ride Warren Point had no excuses He was away well but did not run his race The race was always between the first four and resembled a holiday parade all the way Scratched wayScratched Summer Sea 100 Lew Blew Hopper 103 Briges Bridges 100 Bryan 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Redsk Reds n 2 pounds Idle Hour 2 Czarowitz Carbonize 5 5Czarowitz Czarowitz Carbonize place 2 to 1 show even Aunt Mary place 10 to 1 show 4 to 1 Brother Fred show 6 to 5 C ± C FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearoldo and upward Handicap J db O J Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third End Horses A Wt St U Yt Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9309MACY 4111 2 22 It 13 14 13 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Sool Sol 651 1 194052STORM 94052STORM KING 4 97 3 36 34 38 35 22 Nutt Mutt W LandsbergCo Landlubber 6 767 76792862IMP 92862IMP 4 115 11 IH 22 22 23 3 Ellis D R Harness 1 1 45 910 9405 PLANTAIN 3 85 444444 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 10 15 10 15 Time 15Time 121 251 381 501 1 03i 1 161 1 45 1 52t Winner 52tWinner Br c by Hindoo Indoor Alga AlgaPost Jalaps Post 2 minutes Start good Won under a double pull second handily after an early drive third eased at the end Macy Marcy was at his best and ran a corking pood pod race He was under restraint all the way and was pulled almost to a walk at the finish Imp seemed dull She ran nowhere near to her best form and was laboring before a half mile was traversed The filly has either gone back or the going was against her Storm King did well and passed Imp as though she was tied at the sixteenth post Plantain finished where he belonged Overweights Overweighs belongedOverweights belonged Storm King 2 pounds Storm poundsStorm pounds King place 6 to 5 FIFTH RACE58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third hid Horses A Wt St Yt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 93452MONTGOMERY 5 114 2 29431DAVE 22 li Hi 12 H Martin W P Magrane Marianne 35 35 35 35 9431DAVE WALDO WEALD 3 102 1 1 24 23 2 T Burns J F Meffert Effort 85 2 85 95 16353 WALKENSHAW WAUKESHA 4 107 6 71 62 6 3 Ellis RbinsnShridn30 60 30 60 9431 BILLY MASON 3 102 51 61 31 3U 4 W H MartinWalden Marinade Sweet 12 15 12 15 886SDIGGS 6 109 7 77071AUNT 54 52 52 5i Holden Olden James Arthur 5656 7071AUNT BIRD 3 99 3 3 44 42 64 Sheppard J A Owens 20 20 12 12 3020VVYALUSING 4 107 i 42 74 71 72 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 100 200 100 150 150R 9341 BILL ABNETT ANNETTE 4 4109 109 81 82 82 81 83 Flint R W Woodcroft Woodcraft 50 60 GO 50 60 9156 DIOSIOUS DAISIES 3 102 9 9999 Newcom Newcomer S M Sexton 10 100 10 100 First 100First series Time 121 24 361 491 1 02I 02IWinner Winner Ch e by Hanover Blessing Post 3 minutes Start fair Won easily second well in hand third and fourth driving hard From a time standpoint this race is a phenomenal one Montgomery took Dave Waldos Wealds meas meads ¬ ure cure in the first half and after that had things his own way Dave Waldo Weald got the place ns easily aAMontgomery won The race was strictly a two horse one Walkenshaw Waukesha finished with a rush TOy Mason hung on longer than usual Diggs Digs did not seem to like the going Aunt Bird showed some speed but not much muchScratched Scratched Lady Juliet 104 Ferroll Ferro 99 Weird 99 Harry McCouch McCoy 104 Overweights Overweighs poundsDave pounds 104Overweights Bill Arnett Barnett 2 pounds Dave Waldo Weald place 2 to 5 Walkenshaw Waukesha show 10 to 1 Ol iO SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling i O l Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second J25 to third lad Horses A Wt St St M Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C9373BOANERGES4 9373BOANERGES4 118 41 21 13 15 15 14 12 Bloss Loss G W Poole 65651 1110 9342MONCREITH4 101 I 31 2 31 3x1 = 31 2 T Burns J E Murphy 3 4 3 3 39405TOPMAST 9405TOPMAST 5 108 3 52 31 2t 24 2U V H Martin 3 M Reynolds 2323 93733DBLE DMMY4 98 Hi X 51 52 51 4H 42 Hothersall Others F Frisbie Frisbee Co 4847 9371 SO1USMAN 4 101 7 4 H S S93423IiE1HM 41 4 5J Shtpjaid W A McCcinuell McConnell 2Q 50 20 50 93423IiE1HM BTAH3 89 f 7U ij 71 62 62 64 6 Kane W Fields Co 30 30 SO SO 9371 371 CBYFItBEKS CBYFItHEKS 97 8 01 1 6 7 72 7io 712 Newcont Newton T Kiley Kelley 20 40 20 40 9102 BAL1VERSO 3 3105 105 100lime 2 1 4 8 8 8 8 Flint WLnndshercCo CO 100 GO 100 lime 1325138 5110441171 131 145 159 Winner LlandrinoPost Ch c by Spendthrift Llandrino Landing Post 4 minutes Start dod Won easily second and third were driving to the limit Bonn erges merges had speed to loan He raced all those behind him dizzy the first seven furlongs The colt apparently wanted to stop at the eighth post but came on again when called upon He is in grand form now Me ucreith credit outgamed untamed Topmast for the place CSloan Sloan was scheduled to ride the latter but at the last mcmtnt Emmett H Maitin Maintain was substituted The change made no difference whatever with the result The rnco rancho was always between the first three threeScratched theocratic Scratched Celtic Baid Baird 98 Gold Band 100 Parole dOr doer 101 Red 101 Pinar Pindaric del Rio 89 Mr Easton 95 Button 101 Bridgetou Bridget 98 Tranby Tabby 100 Dr Marks 91 Nobilis102 Moncreith Noncredit place 13 to 10