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ffiPRPR fir S1X SECOND SECONDJ SECOND J THREE THIRD I and five unplaced horses is the record for this week Our average has been over 60 per cent winners and we guarantee 45 per cent or re ¬ turn the money paid for information Two good things at Lakeside and two atOakland Catalan Monday MondaySEND Mondays SEND TWO CENT STAMP FOR BOOKLET BOOKLETMessages Bookplates Messages ready at office by 11 am 10 for six days selections selectionsThe selections The National Turf Investment Co Suite 605 167 Dearborn St Chicago 111 BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE MADISON AND CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED 6 IN SESONQ SEASON SERVICE THE BEST BESTA BETA A High Class Modern Restaurant RestaurantMODERATE Restaurant MODERATE B r WELTY WETLY PRICES WELTYPRICES MANAftE Emanate