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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTKy Charity Ky November 5 Thirtyfirst Hairstylist day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Autumn Moating Mating Veatherwot Weatherworn track muddy Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter Morgan Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 15 p m 9451 FIRST RACE1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t Y V 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9370 AMBER GLINTS 5 107 67 li 23 3 1 Guitiors Guitars J McNausht Conquest 9280 RARUS KRAUS 3 96 4 31 4i 33 2i 2 Dupee Dupe RutledgeStevent2i 3 21 21 9370 RAY H 5 106 11 11 31 1 11 3 Aker Baker C L Blackburn 6767 93482CREEDMORE 676793482CREEDMORE L 3 95 3 4 7 7 5i 42 T Knight Dunn Carter 5 6 5 C 4646937fELSINA 9367TUTUILLA 6 107 2 21 8 d 61 5 Gilmore Rogan Brogan Walters 4646 937fELSINA 4 107 5 9 9 8 7 61 J Mathews Hickey Bros Brows 8 10 8 10 9315 PHILIP BYRNES BYRES 3 94110 1 2 55 8 71 T Green WLRK LARK Lewis 20 30 20 30 9314 SUE NELL 3 99 8 8 10 9 9 8 Frost Wells Co 5 12 5 10 8320 ALMANTE PALMATE 3 92 7 51 6 10 10 91 WedstrandW Westland L Hazelip Harelip 30 50 30 40 9380 BAR BEE 3101 910 5 41 42104 Crowhurst Cowherbs T Sayres Ayres 2 1152 11 5 1280212LIBBIE 7136 HUSH 7105 1 6211 11 n 112 W Narvaez Larvae W A Kirwad Kiowa 6 15 6 12 80212LIBBIE 3 921212 12 12 12 12 Hshbewrer Sphere FosterBrumfield3 4 3 4 Time 261 521 1 05 1 19 1 331 1 47 Winne Wine 47Winne r B m by Ten Shiner Belle Boiseau Boise BoiseauPost Boise Post 8 minuiee minutiae Start good The first three were in a hard drive Amber Glints negotiated the going best Rarus Kraus almost caught her Hay H faltered at the end Creedmore Credo L had a rough journey Tutuilla Attila was slow to begin She closed a big gap Libbie Libber was pulled up at the start Philip Byrnes Byres quit early Barbee Barbered ran a poor race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Ideal Beau 102 Prosecutor 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Ray H 2 pounds Tutuilla Attila 3 Philip Byrnes Byres 21 Barbee Barbered 2 Hush 5 Amber Glints place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Rarus Kraus place even show 1 to 2 Ray H show 6 to 5 SECOND BACE34 Mile Purse 300 2yoarolds Handicap Lid Horses A Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9369 PRETTY ROSIE ROSE 90 2 IH II 12 14 Frost Furst Furs Brol Broil 4 4 4 4 937s HOLLAND 98 3 3 38 310 20 T Knight J E Maaden Madden 4 44 4 9221JDONALD BAIN AIN 118 1 2 28 2 310 Kuhn W M Hayes 35 35 12 i2 9349 CLARENCE B 112 4 4444 Morrison Orison W J Williams 2 2 2 2 Time 121 24 361 491 1 031 1 181 Winner 181Winner Ch c by Bona Schosnfeld Scoffed Adeline AdelinePost Adeline Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Pretty Rosie Rose with a running start and a big pull in the weights carried Donald Bain Basin off his feet and set a killing pace in the muddy going The impost told heavily on Donald Bain Basin Clarence B was not urged at any stage Only Hollands Holland light weight enabled him to get the place Scratched Judge Tarvin Arvin 118 118Pretty Pretty Rosie Rose place 6 to 5 Holland place 3 to 2 9453 T THIRD RACE 1 13 Miles Purse 300 3 yearolds earls and upward Selling nd Horses A Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 93702BLUSIVE 5 97 5 23 IH n 14 lio Clio T Knight J B Respass Trespass Co 85 2 85 2 9351JOE SHELBY 3 105 1 3 3 30 3lo 24 M Dunn R Rome 21 3 2i 3 9382DONCELLA 4104 3 IH 25 23 21 38 J Matbews Mathews C F McLean CLean 752 752 9347 EVALINE DEADLINE 4 108 255 410 410 430 Morrison Orison A Roberts 46 4 0 9353 HARRY SHANNON 5 1001 4 4 42 555 W Mooney MrsWVHendersn4 545 Time 261 53 106 120 133 J 1471 215 247 Winner 247Winner B m by Sir Dixon Vega Post 2 minutes Start good Won eased up second driving The weight distance and going all suited Elusive She carried Doncella Donnelley off her feet and won eased up The race was run in a heavy rainstorm There was too much mud forEvaline forebrain Harry Shannon was outclassed Joe Shelby disposed of the tiring Doncella Donnelley easily in the final quarter Scratched Possum 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Evaline Valiance 4 pounds Harry Shaunon Shaun 21 Elusive place 4 to 5 JoeSJjielby place even O I K A FOURTH RACE1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 300 3yearolds and upward CrdblJtt Credibility Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt St X Yt M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9368 444935Q2SAUBER PERFORMANCE 4 92 1 11 HI 22 22 IN T Knight S S Brown 4 444 935Q2SAUBER 3 109 3 21 21 1 li 2 Britton Briton W A Hopkins 2 3 2 3 9350 6593683SIR GREAT BEND 3107 4 S 3 35 3 32 Dupee Dupe PattersonPierce65 65 65 65 93683SIR ROLLA OLLA 3 96 6 6 6 51 410 430 Frost O C Maffitt Afflict 21 2 2 21 93792M1LLSTREAM 3108 5 42 42 45 55 53 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 6 6 6 6 93503WHAT NEXT 4 115 2 53 58 6 6 6 J Mathews C H Williams 4 4 4 4 Time 25 51f 1 041 1 17i 1 31J 1 451 1 501 Winner Br f by Troubadour Matinee Post 2 minutes Start good The first two were driving hard They fought it out all through the last quarter Sauber Saber showed great improvement The going seemed to suit Performance and she ran her best race of the season Great Bend was interfered with on the first turn What Next badlyPerformance balletomane was overweighted overweighed and the heavy going was against him Millstream quit badly Performance place 8 to 5 show 7 to 10 Sauber Saber place even show 2 to 5 CA K K FIFTH RACE58 RACE58Ind Mile Purso Purrs 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t M Yt M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9352 ROSE APPLE 106 5 45 45 i li Conley Coney E N Farrell 85 8585 85 93663 PICCO PICO LA 108 3 2 li 22 25 Knhn Khan E F Welch 4444 9381 DISER DOSER 100 10 7 61 61 3n Crowhurst Cowherbs S S Brown 10 10 10 10 9296 MAID OF PROMISE 108 2 293662CRINKLE 1 21 31 4 J Mathews W S Barnes Barnes3NK 44 44 93662CRINKLE 108 1 3NK 3 43 511 Morrison Orison J Dundon Undone 3 4 3 4 9366 9i66 MAY BE SO 100 8 61 7 7 6 Frost J T Stewart 6868 9366 CONTRAVENE 10 6 5 51 51 71 T Green C H Williams 6 G 6 66 9058 JESSIE JARBOE ARBORES 100 4 8 8 8 83 Dupee Dupe W L Hazelip Harelip 8 8888 8 88 8455 NAN DORA 103 9 999 920 Franklin P T Weir 30 30 30 30 9145 OLLIE MOLLIE J 108 7 10Time 10 10 10 10 G Taylor B V Crosby 10 10 10 10 Time 131 251 381 521 1 051 LewisPost Lewis Winner 051Winner Br f by Scorpion Rosa Lewis Post 10 minutes Start good Won handily second easily the next five were in a hard drive Rose Apple showed wonderful improvement and did not sulk Diser Doser closed strong There was a hot fight for third place placeScratched spacecraft Scratched Rnbel Nobel 103 Aureole 108 Overweights Overweighs 108Overweights Rose Apple 3 pounds Rose Apple placi placid 4 to 5 show 2 to 5 Piccola Piccolo place 8 to 5 show4to5 Diser Doser show 2 to 1 Q4 rt SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C9353DEYO GS93823MARITI 9353DEYO 3 99 7 7 5 22 2 1 Dunee Dundee T F Buckley 1 65 1 GS 93823MARITI 3101 6 61 11 11 1 22 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Marklein Marlin 8511585115 9347 HAMPDEN HEMPEN 3 102 2 5 33 31 32 310 Guitiers Guiltier W M Wallace 2222 9382 VIRGIE VIRILE O 3 104 1 31 7 51 61 42 Kuhn J S Lancaster 6767 9314R 67679314R B SACK 3 99 5 1 2 7 51 5i G Taylor W C Hutchinson 10 12 10 12 9347 ARCTURUS ACTUARIES 3107 3 4 41 4 41 6e J Mathews G L Wainscott Wainscot 4 4 4 4 93802CAIUS 4 107 4 10Time 22 6 6 7 7 Conley Coney W H Robinson 10 10 10 10 Time 26 521 1 05 1 191 1 34 1 48 Winner CarmencitaPost Armenia 48Winner Br f by Hayden Edwards Carmencita Armenia Post 5 minutes Start good Won handily Deyo Defy was pounds the best in the race and could have won farther off Mariti Maritime hung on well and is steadily improving Hampden Hempen was not well handled The others were beaten off Scratched Lena Meyers Meyer 99 Annie Oldfield Goldfield 99 Mordecai Mordacity 102 Indra Indrawn 107 Barton 110 Overweights Overweighs 110Overweights Mariti Maritime 2 pounds Doyo Doom poundsDoyo pounds place 1 to 2 Mariti Maritime place even