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BOSTON OYSTER H flTlNh MADISON AND iiVUUii CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED ETn seIson0 SERVICE THE BEST A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE BSrWCLTY, iKlWto MANAGER pyyiMgitjpiyiLiiiiiiiicjg Z CLOHESEY J I and CO. 4 and POOL ROOM... and BOOKMAKERS f SUPPLIES. A n TICKETS .... J l Phone sheets .... 1 I mm J SLATES j2 r MAIN i CASH... BOXES T r 2134 j black- i W f BOARDS, ETC. 4 r 4850 Wabash Ave. J ? CHICAGO. TURF EXCHANGE. .. AT ROSY, INDIANA. FULL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE ON ALL RACING EVENTS CHANGE OF TIME On and after Wednesday, Nov. 16. Special trains leave P. F. "W. and C.E. B. Depot, Canal and Adama btreets, at 1 :00 and 1 :30 p m., stopping at Arcner Ave., 4lBt St. and Englewood. Regular train at 2 p.m. Returning at 5:C5 and after fean Bran. Cisco races. Alley Li connects with electric cars at 63d Street and Madison. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Van Buren Street Depot. Regular train at 12:05 p.m. Returning at 4:31 p.m. Illinois Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Roby Electric Care, at 92na Street. COnBINATIONS ON ALL EVENTS. Fare for the Round Trip 25 Cents on all Roade Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. "When you ship your horses, uri Express Company to stall your ca SjJJjS tfSisbgjriB3HBgxV , with "Leighs Patent Portable Stall, TiHh wi adjustable to any car, thus secnrim ;g -zzzfon LJb-s : ?5 Gffl.1 absolute safety to your horses whil SEE 1 III MM E3j ftjjTn in transit without additional cost t fli M gap lj llligE ," I If I ill the slnppers, as express companir I In ill "" j j They dont deface the car when at UMmTb PTTnTToa Ulllfi justed and can be set up in thirt p It ST m .yandv I minutes for any number of horses i fll ir Yr 24 in double door, baggage car. Es fktitMttl tmsmam GKHuaamJ wsaafSeW? I press companies can procure tber JM ffllrsS IujjjPVk J THOS. McFADDBN, Mgr pM jpll B 628-630-632 East Front Street, ijil J Cincinnati, o. wmrnz ayfeggg gggL Wooplanps Stup 15 miles f.rom st louis on the wabash Barney Schreibers mopelfakm THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD. FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET-SLANDER. S I TLonabow Ithuriel f Touchatone, by Camel. 3 rl - oioier-lMissBowe ObSffiSSS? 01 S 0 t t l 1 5 TranbyB dam by Orvilla. rt nA Decoy Hpflsar 55 f2 SB rvu Finesse, by Peruvian. 3 Melbourne HphreyClInkai.lwCinni- g-SfWeat Australian I I erbyaudSt,LegeVr.:Mowerina fchtnU,, J "iS -m Emma, by Whisker. UrownBoa, 17 Wffl Daughter of Brutandorf . by Blackloek. - Mrs.Crickshnks.byWlbak ,n 1 g J Hambletonia Stamford.byPleniptentlaw w r"2 1 f 1 t t. j. f -Harmonica.byHmbletniaB f S Lca..audr8. 5Tr8 " ISS1? AJiy, by Partisan. O O Aii- rz AUce S Grey j Bous Emigrant by Plonear . . f " YoungQohannn OQ "2- m. r, The Colonel 3 Sl-S fCap-a-pie Imported. ffifebJnWa PgJ Slater to Cactu sfebseUm. lJ Duchesa of York, by Wt37 I fa fa Dover LBell Brand 1 j Touchatone. v M a Q I Yerbosa. a Sophie. JSkilhinda. Imported. SaUie Braaa. BARNEY SCMREIBER. BRIPGcETON. MO.