untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-06-03


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Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. OWNERS BggPMMWBMBMtBBM When yoa skip year horses, ask %XCT _ , ±*t£and* I Express Company te stall your ear * J*-, ."*T ~- xir7"TT __»_. ZL ■ Jll. ,„ „ v vJv1* with -Leighs Patent Portable Stall," Vand~ **T~_ f - V adjustable to any car, thus securing r r ,/■ I .- ; *and absolute safety to your horses while |= - L ; |!| I -*t A Sf in transit without additional cost to |i,uc— i yii ,, £ ji , ,.,Lr jb *■ L i a the shippers, as express compaaiee V F~ - • 5-r5* ! 4 ~ I furnish them free of cost to you. i ,j 4 - . • . i They dont deface the car wham ad- psm. and-3f ~~5 P1* 1; 1 "~ I j*eted and can be set up in thirty Jp- -h~--; * -— p - ™K — So, minutes for any number of horses to t v4 fi door Ex- ~-~ I? ~-~ i . _ 24 in deuble baggage car. — — * ~ .r. preae companies can procure them - W*l f" fW PV** by applying to /E3and NCW-i* Uw* «* JandX- % THOS. McFADDBN, Mgr. | *ffl£p !JPf:i # 828-680-882 East Front Street, jfiw7* Vf * I IF. | V V« | " oaKsnun.0 gjgggjggj %

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899060301/drf1899060301_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1899060301_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800