Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1899-06-03

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1 • * I I I LATONIA FORM CHART. M1LIDALK, KI„ June 2.-Tenth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear; track heavy and lumpy. Presiding Jndge, L. P. Tarlton. Starter, Morgan Chinn. ~~ Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. J ZJ. J « FIRST RACE-6 1-3 furlongs. Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Selling. lni Horses A Wt St % H StrFin Jockeys- Owners O H L, 0 iliJF%JSyf£andffP W l 6. 62 32 S V N Turner H Simons and Co 2 2 6-5 3-2 12310 FINEM RESPICE 105 3 3 31 4* 43 2" Fox G Marev in !•» « 2 S PELEUSPHIDE SS ! 2 P 2 £ 31-Ovjrton 8 teuton Tuck erl° ? ! 7 m S ii 1" 1" £ t 41 i.Mat«0W8 W Donohne 6 10 6 10 8 l»M frptf r 2S2 XI ! 5? f. it B.sping RutledgeandStevens6 6 6 6 8TANRCAD8IHSITiE T/al? 5? I I L?DP wlteS. 12 30 S 3 QfifijiWAOwF S fLLJ , ,= ° J Brown J C Milan 10 40 10 40 8668 W» u SSttotc ,98 5 4i 4i 10 10 108 H WilliamsW 8 VanMeter 6 20 6 20 ?nth8JmIS 2H1! ? 3 S 118 W Jones S 8 Brown 10 15 10 15 ASIJIEM n 102 8 9 9 12 12 12*o Crowhurst W D Moore 6 15 6 15 ORSO 102 1313 13 13 13 13 E Ross E C Headley 10 20 10 20 . Time, 121, 25i, 391, 54, 1:071, 1:211,1:28. . ro. D „ Winner— B. c, by Bersan— Ganges. JS* inntes. Start poor. The first three were driving to the limit. Colonel Clnke was place mi»r« with i?h and Great Pride. p8Ty 1op- Peleus .and showed buad e yKe i° »ders. Overton should have got the speed, but stopped. The rest were not of much ac- COuuti Overweights— Finem Respice, 5 poun :s; Orso, 2. P ic?0l°h61 Clnke place 3 t0 5? 8how out« Fmem Respice, place, 3 to 1; show, 3 to 2. Great 12419 SECOND RACE-5-8 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Selling. ind Horses A Wt St % g % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L, C 12311LADY CURZON 112 1 1« 1» U U BeauchamoF B Tnrnin » « 1 n 1; BRO * N THRUSH 102 4 3» 3 31 ■ EBws P£ H 8?anhope • » I"2 ff uf 7l™n J*! 25 28 2S 34 J Mathews SK Hughes and Co 8 10 8 10 S3HiRVESTN0riTFFN V V 4-o g Murphy R H Brouaugh 10 30 10 3u «S5 wf4tfir * UEEN J" 1M J 7 1 7 7 7 02 Silvers C D Dodson 5 7 5 7 cissADFAN I S S S f I W»lia«nsMartin Oschner 15 30 15 30 LASSADEAN ,m 100 6 52 52 52 7 Boland Kinzea Stone 6 8 6 8 . Time, 12i, 251, 381. 521, 1 :07i. ur Winner— o B. u «• w ■ f. by Prime Minister— Octa Reed. Post 8 minutes. Start straggling. Won pulled second up; easily. Lady Cureon was away IfnZ""? restraint- Brown Thrush ran a great race. Milda was tired |J«8 Lady Curzon. On account of the start they were the only contenders to the stretch. Overweights— Brown Thrush, 2 pounds; Milda. 3*. __LadyCnrzonpIace, out. Brown Thrush, jlace, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2,_Milda, show, evens. 124 2C THlRD RACK~1 Mlle- PowelSO. 4-year-olds and upwardTseUinr Ind Horses A Wt St M % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 124002 ROLLINS 5 101 6 12 13 14 n 13 BeauchamoDillard Hill ft — 5rT~ 5 — vrT 12265 PAN CHARM 4 108 1 7 3» 41 31 23 fB TS B Durham 2 f I fi, 12312 LOYALTY 6 105 3 31 «1| 31 43 32 W Jones H Swegels 6 7 8? IffiliSSSiSa -4 ,7 3 S 4S I4nd ndThandPerkinse6 20 66 20 1300 ALBERT VALE 5 108 0 51 5» 5t 61 5» E Ross ETOrimt R-"i ft i i-"i «_■; iSmQdFdIWk 4412f 5 I 11 r 72i S ashgerFoTe?andZphan f ft ft t? ]iVa Sou? BOCK 4 101 7 6- 61 7 7 76 Harris J W Johnson 4 10 4 10 123o9 OR ME 4 101 8 8 8 8 8 8 Irvin Doyle and McGuire MCUQ,r8 15 50 w 15 15 50 W . _ Time. 131, 25i, 38i, 521, 1 :06i, 1 :20i, 1 :34i, 1:48. D Winner— B. g, by Fresno— Rosette. Post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Rollins romped all the way Nepper quit after showing good speed. Loyalty rau his race. Albertvale had no speed, »peea, at at least least he showed none. Mathews put up a bad looking ride on Pan Charm. Scratched-12363 McCleary, 105; 12048 Lucid, 100; 12359 Assassin, 100 a 4 to *«? 5. Albertvale, J?8/ plac? . place, .to 1;,8how- 1 to 2; show, • to 5- out. pan Charm, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Loyalty, »»«i, show, »uuw, 12421 F° 8?mngHACE~1 M11 HPd ™ Yard8, Pa~V ldB and upward. Cnd HolrTee A Wt Bt W H | StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 10839 PETE KITCHEN 6 99 7 li 1« 12 12 11 Scoville W H Laird in sn in w~ 12360 SCHOOL GIRL 4 97 6 61 31 55 21 2* Landry P Brownfng | f2S 12335 VOX 3 95 3 21 2- RaUev* !o 2« 31 32 H WiUon C L 20 M m 123612 MAY ME M. M. 3 95 4 4* 62 65 65 41 Silvers H B Durham 2 f* f fi vSLl1£BE8Lm .SUUtS.S123 weBicKcom fo f« i i* lS ft* 74* 75* °Harri8 BamseyandRenz 10 30 10 30 igWSKandK MIDGLEN 1 iiM S « ! 89 ft 87 78 I 78io SET" ffitco" ii f L f 128% 898WAUXAGA WAU PAGAAN 5, i I U 9 9 l?pard BTBfcConnell 5 20 ! 0 20 tSX , g=g JJgfJol—. 40 5 40 Winner— Blk. g, by Falsetto— Bebellis. .. r* 8 minatos. Start gopd. Won handily ; second easily. Pete Kitchen was the best. Vox SS ■5SS25SL?fflfSffi far,ong8- Fatherland kicked Pete KitcheQ -SStfti the Scratched— 12358 Blenheim, 95; 12077 Manana, 95. Overweights— Midglen, 4 pounds. Pete Kitchen, place, 8 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Srshool Girl, place, 3 to 2; show, 3 to 5. Vox show 4 to l.Almante, place. L6jgj£jhgwj Uo JJlayme M. M, placi, 4 Jo 5;_show, 1 to 2. 1 2 42 2 FIFTH RACE-5"8 MilePn73T"56r~2-year.olds. AllowanceT. lad Horses A Wt St j H % StrFin Jockeys ~Qneri O H L C nllnffvPBKK-H Jnll Jx I! If l I Mathews S K Hughes and Co 4-5 6-5 4-5 4-5 fflffKHm- inll li £ 2ot CTro,Yhurat W H Bobinson 2 31 2 31 liTi 12311 fennn RODD T Jn!1 7 ?! 2i 3* 35 H WilliamsE Brown 6 6 6 6 103 4 52 52 45 410 Boland C H Wdliams 6 12 6 10 1177 ?M .TTORNTV w I II £" Si° B«uchampTalbot Bras 4 10 4 10 • pVrrI7V??w 7 I and 1" S6 SrR,OS9 LG«rnett 15 50 15 40 12288 LARBUN CLE 97 6 62 62 7 7 W Jones 8 8 Brown 15 15 8 8 ., Time, 131,261,391,531, 1:06. w Winner— B out.- c, by Deceiver— Nantucket. ., K 15,m.inlUes: 8tart straggling. Won easily; second and third driving. Decoy was by far nIrf1veJ1-n8,~C?, u r,onndB JToh,n Yvork108 3*| Lew Kraft, 21; Commonwealth Attorney. 2. 3 to 5 Yerkes, place. 4 to 5; show, out- Lew Kraft, show! 12423 SIXla «ACE-a-4 Mile. Purse 5 3-year-olds and upward. Belling: Ind Horse! A Wt St X g X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C iSVWEkF !, 2 I V S V »* Silvers L Simmons 3 41 3 g" 1 1940* J E. CLIN ES 3 100 6 % 3h 21 21 2» 8h ppard F Garner 1 * m 12358 DISCIPLINE 5 106 4 2» 3- 41 3* J Mathew« J De R V I w 123352 PAT GAb RETT 3 100 1 51 41 32 4» Bifpmg J H Smith * I Lu s HSHfip i is? s s 5«2. F:??rrt WE*1- r5 25 J55 is5 7 62 h5HovfR£;0uRRDAN 35i357 T f f f ftg ° yAaar" 18 18 18 18 Time, 131,251,384,521, 1:06,1:20. ro- Winner— B. D » u „ „. f, by Pardee— Vinegar. Post 5 minutes Star good. Won easily ; second and third were driving. Louisville Belle ™Br-n.hT„nriHnh r?iable " wa8nV8ry cl-°88 for the place- Pat Qa"ett was poorly rK and h race should be thrown out. He can oeat such horses. Scratched— 11792 Pearson, 106; 12260 Odaliche, 101. Overweights— Lucky Jim, 31 pounds. plinKow •«"* 8 5; show, out. Disci-

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