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BROOKLYN ENTRIES. Probabilities : Weather clear ; track fast. First Race— 3-4 Mile. All ages. High Weight Handicap. Ind. Horses. Age. Wgt. Hdcp. I 12382 Bannockburn.. 4.. ..124 740 SOeaesariau 7.. ..122 735 122722 ormorant 3. ...120 715 115313Tbe Kentuckian 3.. ..119 700 12322 Armament 2.. ..116 715 12272 Toluca 3....115 720 12322 St. Clair 3. ...115 705 123222Vertigo 3.. .113 710 12306*Satin Slipper 3.. ..114 700 11653*Chopin 5....105 690 123263Concord 4.. ..113 710 12309Oliver Mc 3.. ..109 680 12322 Blarneystone 4.. ..108 730 12165 Danforth 4.. ..107 685 12167 Imperator 5 107 750 12100 Bardella .... 4... .107 725 9492Judge Tarvin 3. ...105 720 121672Brahmin 3.. ..103 705 12167 Sweet Caporal 3.. ..103 690 123273 McMeekin 2.... 98 730 9276 FeDetta 4.... 98 700 12322 HhuwoII m. 7.... 97 695 *M. F. Dwyer entry. .Second Race— 1 1-4 Mllfs. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. G9722*Tillo 5... 126 75 12357*Holland 3.... 85 . ... 700 122752Lanky Bob 4.... 119 720 12275 Warrenton 4 110 705 12275fM«xine 4.... 108 750 12275 Jefferson 6 107 720 12275 Thomas Cat 5.. ..105 710 123*5 George Boyd 4 104 715 123852Jeannot 4.... 95 735 12385 King Barleycorn 3 ... 94 ..... 730 121633Knigbt of the Garter... 5.... 90 740 *J. E Madden entry. tFormerly Fieur de Lis. Third JKace-5-8 Mile. Hudson Stakes. Value ,500. 2-year-olds. 12274 Homestretch H2 700 Kings Courier, ch. f, by Kingston— Stylitene 112 12352High Older 112 746 122742 Vulcain 112 ... 750 122743 Prince of Melbourne 112 ...... 735 123272Trumpet 112 720 12219 Magnificent "..112 710 12352 Midwood 112 .... 123522 Withers 112 .... ..-,io ..730 12274 Maribert .".. 142 ...... 725 Fourth Race— 1 Mile. Carlton Stakes. Value ,000. 3-year-olds. 12220*Jean Beraud 126 800 123072*Rhinelander 119 765 118863The Bouncer 119 ..[[. 735 12322 Armament 119 ...**|l|| " 123553Lotbario 119 7"yv 12325 Balf Time ...UJ ZZltB 12220 Filon dOr H6 73% 12098 Prestidigitatatrice ..114 ..... 725 *Sydney Paget entry. Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. 12352 Waring 112 690 Gold Lack, b. g, by Rayon dOr— Lack a Daisy 107 Allowance 107 11619 Piliager 106 640 12276 Margate 106 . "665 12352 Midwood 105 680 123832Manvilla 104 ™ 12096 Cavalcade "!i04 ...... 675 Makaland, b. c, by Hanover-Astrakhan 102 11806 Yoloco in i 11831 Cupid "...."102 ..... 6 12327 Precursor 102 f— 12304 Prestige y2 First Whip, br. c, by Duke of Montrose— Theora 100 12304 Ross Clark 100 t«. 12327 Pirate J 97 ...". fa" Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 123533 Howard Mann 6... 112 . 730 9026 Scotch Plaid 4... 108 ..."!720 12353 Hand press 4 106 . 725 12273 Merry Prince 5... 106 ...."745 12305 Estaca 5 105 735 12222 Twinkler 4.. ..105 ...".. 730 12275 Jefferson 6.. 105 740 12 23 Dan Rice 4.. ..104 ..".71© 11782 Decanter 4... 104 725 12273 Free Lance 5.. ..103 ..... 720 11809 Wolhurst 5... 102 .. 705 12273 Merlin 4.. ..101 ..... 700 12385 King Barleycorn 3. ...101 750 11317 George B. Cox 4.... 96 735 12273 Diminutive 3.... 90 730 12382 Morose 3.... 86 675