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CONEY ISLAND ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast, First Race— Futurity Course., 170 feet short of 3-4 mile. 2 -year-olds. Selling. tnd. Horses. Age Wsrt. Hdcp. 12867 Miss Dede 109 725 12902Big Gon 106 730 12658 Shoreham 106 725 12782 Creeper 104 735 126583Prestidigitator 104 735 12782 Golden Hrepter 1C2 700 12*23 Msnviila 102 750 12867 All Gold 101 720 12902 B«Be S 100 715 12*233Flu!e 95 740 12823 Ceylon 94 710 12835 Eiltitn Daly 89 705 Second Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. On Main Track. High Wei-ht Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 12834 Lambent 6. ...131 723 12*72 Arbacea 4.. .128 72" 12-22 -st. CalUtina 4.. ..127 740 lZrZIKVneOfdj 5.. ..124 7*0! i 118 5*Nauicn Girl 4. ...124 710 123392 HiKhJini8 4.. ..121 715 128322*-tweet Caporal 3. ...117 705 128.2Byron Mc. lelland 6.... 115 725 12*.lnla-n*ystoue 4.. ..114 735 ! 121*24 Bardela 4. ...Ill 700 2629Tinge 7. ...110 750 129033Imperator 5 ...110 730 128 .14 D.»nforth 4.. ..108 690 *J. R. and F. P. Keene entry. Third Race— Futurity Course. 170 feet short of 3-4 mile. Great Trial Stakes. Value 0 .000. 2-year-olds. 12603 His Royal Highness 129 770 12883*Water King 122 760 1 127242*Modrine 122 780 i j 12673Mark Chtek 122 740 12833 S uart 122 730 12867 Yrllow Tail 122 735 I2i33 Lnst, Cord 122 725 1 2833 i Mesmerist 122 790 127243 119 800 12500 Virginia Eirle 119 770 12603 Oieck Qneen 119 ....765 l2724!Erwin 115 , 740 12784 Withers 115 755 12784fDavid Garrick 115 758 127823+Kadford « 710 I ; 12833 Biinadier 115 730 *G. B. Morr a entry. U E Madden entry. JBr«mey and Co. entry. : J. Daly entry. Fourth Race— 1 Mile. Sheepshead Bay Handicap, Value, 31.500. 3-year-olds and upward. 128342Imp 5. ...125 800 12834 Bendoran 4.... 123 790 ]28343St. Ctoud 5. ...118 755 12834 Kinnikinnick 5 115 750* 1250l3Bangle 4. ...114 730 12785 George Kpene 4. ...114 760 12785 Candltblack I.. ..113 745 12301Fiy By Night 3. ..108 740 12834 Azucena 4.... 98 775 Fifth Race— Full Course. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap Steeplichase. 12631*Diversion 5.. ..168 680 112133The Bachelor....: 6.. ..159 700 12631*White Garters 4.. ..153 685 12727 Cock Robin 4. ...147 690 126313Ktng T 6.. ..146 670 U1712SiBier Stella 5.. ..143 660 12198 Nestor 4.. ..135 650 *Mr. Chamblett entry. Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. On Turf.l 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 128312Mazarin 6. ...106 715 12831Tht Burlington Route 3. ...106 710 l2.«13Greatland 3.. ..106 740 1182jKataca 5.. ..106 735 1 128362Decanter 4. ...104 730 129CO Millstream 4. ...103 725! 12836 Pacemaker 4 101 710 12606 Dan Hice 4.. ..101 720 12865 Double Dummy 5 100 715 12901 Dr. Eichbeig 3.... 96 730 12898 Camotop 3.... 95 690 12836 RinaldoII 4.... 93 700 10576 Bonadea 4.. .91 705 I I2021*ky Scraper 3.... 89 735 ; 12863 The Kentuckian 3.... 88 750! 12831 lyr Shena 3.... 88 725