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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, III., June 23 — Eleventh day. Chicago Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Jndge. Capt. J. H. Rons. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. 1*J%jk*~P /I MMtfT ti*. *. i M-in. Purs* S400 5 to seconu ; 5~ to HUM. liyeHioias 4mk *f t *J and npivard Maiderr= Allowances. Ind Borsss A_Wt_8t 3j jj BtrFin Jockeys Owners Q~~H L C 12758 TULANE 3 107 7« 5« 73 ;h jaTij Everett TWCwMmm 24 4i~ 2i~4 12854 TITLE 4 19 |M 4 i 4* Ml 41 2* McCbdii FUibamki 20 60 20 6 1280I2DEFENDER II. 3 104 14 2i 1"2*»:2 • Nnit P Bnrrs 8-5 8-5 6 5 6-5 95% STFLLA 3 12 10* 7" 6»» 8* 6* 44 Silvers John Polftun 10 25 10 25 128T52V4SELINE S 107 9« I] 5J 4J :H 5»* R Narvar z A J Hanser 4 ti 4 6 12905 EMMA NORA i 107 12» Id P W 74 61 J farter TCosullo 10 25 10 20 12762 MAY DUOIT ] 103 6- M 8»k104 91 74 Ralph R bintou and Wood 40 40 5 0 30 12758 CHAR. RAMSEY I 104 4» 34 3**91 84 84 Vit.toe Nm ban m and Stocks 15 8 15 7796 F. GARNER 5 113 2« lis 102 K||i ; W Nervaez A Stone 10 20 10 20 12885 CHARLO 3 107 3» 1»* 2i 1» 5"10« Givens EP*rks 8 2o 8 20 12805 hOYA 3 102 18 12t II* 114 102 n« Bisping Clukltl! 10 12 10 12 DAN SPRAY 4 109 114 13 124 12« 121 12» Kuln JONeilandLo 10 25 10 25 9127 ANNA HELD 3 102 8" 9«13 13 13 13 BeaucharrpK«bn and Lo 8 15 8 12 Time. 1 24 244. 364, 49i, 1 :02i. 1 :14i, 1 :28, 1 :42«. Winner- Hr c by Sir Moored— Fanx Pas. Po-t 17 minutes. Start gotd Won driving and ut to tte list nunc?; second ■ ml third were doicg tifir best. Tulite got a perfect nd». Everett was in a gocd position an 1 was never interfered with during ihe jonrney. Tnlane wanted to qnit at the eno, bat the boy would not have it tbBt m y and by hard work kept him gc i »? long enough to win Title was inrky to get the place. He got throneh a small hole at tbe head of the streich, thereby saving mnch gri und. Defender II ran his reca at the post. He fretted a lot and was on the prance ail tbe time. Charloqnittj a walk in the stretch. Vaseline also tirei. Stella ran a »o d race. Sea c» ed— 12905 Laroquoise. 109; 12689 henier, 109; 1290S Caducous. 113; 12774 Forensic. 107: 12758 Radaire, 107. Overwi ightj — May Droit, 1 pound. TnUne. place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Title, plac-9, 20 to l; show, 8 to 1. Defender II , thow, 1 to3 •JiA-tFZ. BJH-Oao UAUh-O-a «llo. Purse 940U. *1» toHMMI S2» to tniru Jand*r*9fj 2-»»»r-oln« Sellirg In" Ho »-s A Wi S- H H 34 p» fi" Jocir7y U»dt8 O m Is *i 12850 IN 1 EBT 105 a»« 4" 31 33 l« Vitatoe BHUdfai 30 30 15 25 l2563*fcITTEN 109 o« 3W 2» 2i 214 Trotter Morse* Pa Hereon 10 12 8 10 4ZUA 109 9" 74 74 6« 32 J Hart Mdltt AJgblutb IS 25 15 2j 12759 IE* NE HAYES 107 6» H4 1» 1« 44 T Knight J H-yes 20 30 20 30 12810 LOMOND 108 44 2" 44 44 51 flutter W P Magrane 10 15 10 15 12770 CLARA WCOLEY 107 10- 5» 54 5« 64 McCann 8e*tle and t o 12 15 10 12 12672»PHaLLAH 112 84 81 8" 84 7« Everett fl T Pierce 84 5 S4 5 12880LORD WEIR 112 1« 102 104 7« 84 Kuhn TPBayea 6-5 7-5 1 6-51 1193* OCOBNO 108 2« 94 ID 91 9* BenchampW B Laudeman 8 15 8 15 12880 I ON1ZETT1 105 12 1H 124 101 10» H Brown L H Ezell 30 60 30 60 tmm WASANTA 107 11 121 IS- 11« 114 Aker IWallenstein 6 12 6 10 55 !*and.*and_«»_ MS.1* 6I «"134 1214 Glover J J Elbworib 30 40 80 40 12717 JLADY MOTHER J0: 13 134 ii 12- 134 W Narvaez Waidell Brothers 60 100 60 100 BRAS1G 110 14 14 H 14 14 R Naivaf z M L Kt ch 15 60 15 60 Time. Hi, 231, 854, 484, 1 :0zi. Wmnei— B. g, by Blrzes— Miss Al ce Poet 5 minutes Stan good. Won in a hard drive; second, third and fourth were al*o under full sbii. In Debt had clear sailing aud tan a good race. He etooo a drive from the head of the stretch home g -finely With a stionver noer up Mitten »ould have won. lrotter was of no help whatever Azaa ran a clever race. Hart saw be had no to win and did rot abuse the flily tbroutfh the stiech. Irene He yes w*s raced to ezi austion the first half. Ocorno end Lord Weir weie both tadiy interfered with shortly after the start. Throw the letters race our. Kuhn pulled biin up ana ran all an nnd his field Scratched— 12481 Brown Tl rash, 105; 12071 Diana Foneo. 105; 12802 Hattie Fox, 105; 12880 Creation, 108 In Debt, piece, 10 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Mitten, place. 4 to 1; show, 2 to I. Azua, ahow. 4 to 1. Lt rd Weir, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. 1 * Cl£tf-t THIRD BACK— 1 MileT Purse W06r~5 to second7*25 tolhi7d"7 4-yeaY-olda JLflUtgy and upward Allowances. Ind _ Jlorsea AWt Bt X g g StrFin JockeyB Owners O B L C~ 12855 TENBY 4 105 4U 425 W 3J 1»« 1* Nutt S S Bender 2t 24 2T~2r 128552SERRANO 5 109 14 22* 14 D 23 2U Bf auchampJ K Re.lmon 4-5 4-5 3-5 4-5 127752AFAMADA 4 100 3» 8« 324 Vmi 324 Silveis Mdtoi sWaUatl 6 7 6 6 12916 bEN NEVILLE 4 110 2" 1« 2» 224 4i»«430 fii ping J H Smith 6 10 6 8 12805OUR JOHNNY 5 106 5 5 5 55 5 IPoveil Hoi man and Hotlis 30 40 30 40 Time, 121, 24, 351, 471. 1 :001, 1 :131, 1 :255, 1 :39i. W.nnei— B. c, by TenDy— Soprano . Post 2 minntes. fct«.rt gooa for all but Our Johncy. Won easily; second handily after au early drive; third eated up. Tenby ran a crackicg good race under an excellently judged ride. Nntt lay far ont of it tbe first part of the ji urney and escaped tbe early pace, wuich was very fast. He never made a move until the three fatioDg post was raached, Hiid then Tenby moved to the front like a flash. When the stretch wes reeched he hsd the race in band. Serrano and Beu-neville wore each other out in the first p« rt of it. Tbe former was not as good a horse as he was in bis lest r; ce. Oui Johnny bolted at the start. Tl e t ma mane is a new track record. Tenby, placel to 2 bowutSerrano, pi ie, oat.Afamada, show, out. • tJt 7 FOURTH RACE— 1 !-T6Tiile8~Pu7Scr«400~5 rt.7iec naT"t6~"third7==" 4M TO # 4-vwwr-oldn and qowarri. K»Hinjf Ino A W. Si 34 H % S rhn jgjjejgj Oonere o H L «~ 129u5JblMiK 4 111 3»* 12 12, 13 ia, ix Vitatoe CEMatune 2t 5 2 ii~ Om HfcNBY LA DMT » Hf 24 41 42441021 » Freeman Ed Fitzgerald 6 6 34 34 12804 WOODRANGER 4 107 1" 24 24 2» 324 3U Hamilton M Jorciau 6 6 5 6 MPyHJiL _ .__ 5 IS •* 3t 31 32j 4* 4» BeaucbampT Costelio 8 8 6 6 128062UNCLE ABB 6 116 5« 8 6- 72 5« M« Aker E U Brown and Co 3 34 24 3 12905 NE EARN IS 4 107 7»« 5« 74 6U 614 e" Kuha MoweandPatterson 6 20 6 20 9562 BU.N WADDELL 7 114 44 6»« 5 - 5"» 72 7" HarringtonBen Waddell 20 30 20 SO 12806 RAMONA 7 111 8 7U 8 8 8 8 Herman A Botto 10 20 10 20 Time, 24i, 494. 1 K2t, 1 :144. 1 :401, 1 :474. Wmnei— B. c by EoIue— N.ta. Ofi at ihe fiitt break to a good start. Won easing up; second whipped oat; third and fourth weie anving bard. Einer was the best and won off by himself all the way. He is a fair selling plater Ml impreves with every race. Hemy L*u it ran au improved race. He is a big, long btiidiDgh rse and was in a bad positiou all the way. Freeman was continually taking him np to avoid j impiDK on those iu front of him Woodramjer wis rigbt there ail tbe way. Ien seems to be of no account and Dncle Abb less. Ramona could not outrun a fat man. Ben Waddell was stiff and sore. Scratched— 12806 Sir Hobirt, 107; 12716 Wiuslow, 111. E.ner, plare. 8 toa; show, 7 10 10. H-ury Lauot, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Woo irannar, show, eveiij. Uncle Abb, place, eveus; show, 1 to 2. I » C|Q4jr~FIFTH RACK-7-8"MlleT"Pa78er007-5_urBecond; |25~totniraT A. *mit?tjCj 3-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Hor*8B A Wt St ! H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O B L C 9656*ANTIQUARY 107 4- 1» 14 PTS V Ruiter JamrsCurl 3 34 H 3 12907 PAT GARRETT 107 2" 8i« 4« 51J H 2i Btspitg J H tmith 15 15 10 12 12881 ROSE APPLE 105 7 55 3« It 23 3t Dupae S PandK N Farxell 3 6 3 5 12908-t HEYAL DOR 107 5» 24 22, 324 3*» 424 Vitatoe RaMcPott-r 8-5 8-5 6-5 6-5 ST. ALUYS1US 107 64 4»« 5i« 45 ft* Bt Biaucbamp viilna Fiulen 3 8 3 5 12884 MI -S MAKE:* 102 1« 6« 6» 615 63 6* McCann M Joraan 30 60 SO 60 12762 oPRlNGER 104 3" 7 7 7 7 7 N Hill 3C Wagner 6U 60 60 60 *Di u,oaiified for foul. lime, 124, 24, 36, 49, 1 :011, 1 :14, 1 :27i. W1U1 01— Ch. g, by Paniqne— iUs|.en;t. Pi/hi 8 minuted. Start gi.od The hrtt four were driving bard Antiquary was the best but was barmy leady. he brire out in the stretch and took Rose Apple with him Dupee, on Rose Apple was obi g.d lo pull up aud tiy to go ti.rough on the inside. At abont the same time she staited u chaLge her pooition Kbtter began to whipping Antiquary and to get awey from tbe whip the colt sveived in, inurftriug sga.n with Roe Apple. After weighing in Dutee claimed fi.ul and the judges piomptly allowed it. Fat Ganett came to life with a start and ran a greatly inpioved iace. Chevai aOis race Thursday behind Eugenia Wickes evidently took ihsedge from his speed. St Aloysius ib a good hoker but was not ready. Pat Garrett, pluce, 5 to 1; show, 8 to 5. Rose Apple, place, 2 to 1; show, evenB. Cheval dOr, place, 1 to2|_show, out. Autiquarj, place, evens; show, 2 to 5. TU*U SIXTH RACE— 1 lTF6~MTler~par«e 067~5 to Becond; |25 to third. 4-7ear- JL £d %JfJ*J oloa and upward. Se.liag. " ___ Ind Horses A Wt St * % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 128822 UARDA 4 115 4* 18 110 112 i« i* Rulter J J Donovan 6-5 6-5 1 6-5 12885«roE WINNER 6 122 6« 524 314 33 33 2U Vanausen vV H Laird 6 8 6 7 11771 PO-.C.UM 4 110 3« 22* 21 214 21*33 Everett T L Rota 10 30 10 30 12661 H.08I I 107 7" 414 53 62» ?•• 41 Trotter W Fries and Ce * 40 20 40 128823BENAMELA 6 115 5" 65 62 62* 61 54 1 Powell Holman and Hollis 7 7 34 4 12559 NECEDAH 7 109 l" 71 71" 720 54 6U Hamiltou D A Jones 15 15 15 15 12773 MUSK XLONGE 6 114 2" 3« 41 41 41 71" W Dean F M Arthur I 10 5 10 12654 DALGRETTI 8 111 8 8 8 8 8 8 Nutt J Malnoey 6 12 6 10 Tine. 12, 24 364. 491, 1:01* , 1:134, 1:261,1:40,1:461. Winre-— Br. f, by Straibmore— Zuhlan. Post 6 mine tea. Start rood. Won M sing up; tae next three were loin? their b»st. Uarda was in a soft spot and won running away. She is at h»r b* st now The Winner closed stoutly. Possum quit in the slr»tcb. Bost ran an improved race and is evidently rojinriDg to Ber.emela ran b»low the mark. Dalgretti was beaten t ff al of the Wfy. Uarda set a new tiatk reci rd for the risrence. SctatcH*d- 12773 Bethlehem Star, 107; 15909 Kamsin. 115. Uaida, plaee, 1 to 2: stow, ont. Tne Winner, ph ce, 2 to 1; show, evens. Possum, show, 4 to 1. _Benameia, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5.