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Chicago Jockey Club # HAWTHORNE RACETRACK JUNE 12 TO 24 INCLUSIVE. RACING EVERY DAY. FIYE OR MORE RACES EACH DAY BEGINNING AT 2:15 P.M. ADMISSION 75 CENTS. Music "bv Cicero Military Band. SPECIAL RACE TRAINS TO TRACK IN TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES. Illinois CeQtral Train* leave djpjt at foot of Randolph street at :9:4o a.m , 12:3, 1:00, 1 :20 and :50 p.m., stopping at Van Buren street, Park row, Halsted street and at Ashland avenue, returning at 4:34 p.m. ani immediately after the races. :Do not stop at Ashland avenue. Chicago, Burlinsjton ft Quinsy T.-ain* loave Union depot at 12:15, 1:05, 1:35 and 2:10 p.m., stopping at Sixteenth street, Blue Island avenue and Western avenue, returning immediately after the races. Special Twelfth street electri; airs leve State and Van Buren street at 12:25, 12-35, 12:45, 12:55, 1:05 and 1:15 p.m., stopping only at Canal street, Halsted street, Ashland avenue and Ogden avenue, direct to track in 40 minutes. The Metropolitan and Like street Elevated. Midison street cable, Ogden avenue, Twelfth street and Twenty -second street surface lines connect with electric ears on Fort -eighth avenue, ti in 1 from racetrack every twelve minutes during the afternoon on racing days. Etpre-s-s tiiin* oa Mitt »o iitin Eevated leaving Pacific Ave. at 12:35, 12:59 and 1:23 p.m., stop at all stations on the loop andat Franklin street, Halsted street and Marshiald aveoua, rejhing the racetrack in 23 minuces from Franklin street. ■ — - ■ Harlem Jockey Club.... JUNE 26th TO JULY 8th, 1899. FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RACING COMMENCES AT 2:30 P.M. Special Trains on L KE STREET ELEVATED leave State and Lake Streets at 12:48, 12:56, 1:03, 1:13, 1:23, 1:30, 1:37, 1:43 P.M., stopping at Madison Street and Wabash Avenue, State and Van Buren Streets, Pacific Avenue and Van Buren Street, Fifth Avenue and Madison Street and Fifth Avenue and Randolph Street, direct to Grand Stand WITHOUT CHANGE. Returning, stop only at Ashland Avenue, Halsted Street and loop stations. First Accommodation Train leaves after Fifth rac stepping at all stations, Trains leaving after last race make no stops until reaching Ashland Avenue. METROPOLITAN ELEVATED stops at all LOOP STATIONS, leaving Franklin and Van Buren Streets at 1:12, 1:24, 1:36 and 1:48 P.M., stopping only at Halsted Street and Marshfield Avenue, connecting at Forty-eighth Street with Suburban Electric Line direct to Grand Stand. Suburban cars leave connecting at Forty-eighth Stre X after Third, Fourth and Fifth races. Gars leaving after last race in ike no stops from Forty-eighth Street until reaching Marshfield Avenue. . TWBLFTH STREET ELECTRIC CARS leave State and Van Buren Streets from 12:40, to 1:30 P.M,, direct to racetrack without change. MADISON STREET CABLE connects at Fortieth Street with Electric Cars direct to racetrack. ADMISSION TO GRAND STAND 75 CENTS. i M. NATHANSON, Secretary, Room 1, 130 Adams Street.