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AT HARLEM TODAY Our good thing will run and WILL WIN barring accidents. 10 TO 1 OR BETTER. This is a grand opportunity for turf speculators to win a good bet. Two other specials for Friday. For Saturday two extra GOOD ONE1?. Dcut miss them 00 daily; .00 weekly. Mail orders telegraphed by 11 a.m. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU ROOM 500. 263 BKARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. 00 daii.v; $ 4 00 weekly. Fonr to fix winners every dny at Coney Island. THREE TO .SIX at HARLEM. Best authority on Harlem races. Get our big circh for SATURDAY and two EASTERN GOOD ONES. Will pay big odds. Mailorders telegraphed to customers at 9 :30 a m.