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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, Un June 29.-Fifteenth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear: track fast. Presiding Judge, apt. J. H. Bees. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. -I «_ /V| iJ FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mi-e. Pnrse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL Ol/iO 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. TnT Horses A Wt 8t g g % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 130062ERLA DOR 101 7* 4«« 2U U IS A Broker OB Campbell 5 6 4 5 125813 A LOOCAN 97 3* l" 1» 2J 2* Flick Ij W luces 8 10 8 8 12935 MISSION 100 6« 5* 5* 4* 3* I Powell J J Ellsworth 10 15 10 15 13G0G3IRENE HAYES 97 5« 2" 3" 31 flu McCanu J Haves 6 I I 5 129593RUSSFLL H. 100 2» 64 71 5*« 5- Ransom H J Sror gan 15 25 15 20 12880 C-KATION 100 13 1H 91 8* 6** N Hill Wagner and Weber 10 10 8 10 12581 1 BIN HERE 101 9h 8" 8* 91 75 W Jooes Rold Bros 15 ?0 15 50 12935*AZUV 99 8»« Jl 64 64 t» R Narvaez M F C»rrano and Co2 3 2 3 128802 OM. ATTORNEY 102 1" 124 10110* * Nnit LGarneit I 4* 3 41 13006 ZER1BA 97 12h 3* 41 7«»103 Sheppard I E Barrett 10 20 10 20 12599 MLER 100 4" 9 11* 11 112 J Carter WBRattermn 30 50 30 50 13006 SOLACE 97 10* 10* 12 121 12U Reitz WPMagrane. 12 20 12 20 12236 ED GOLDEN 107 11" 13 13 13 13 SntherandWatkins and Golden30 30 20 20 Time, 12. 2*. 36;. 49*. 1:02 Winner— B. f. by Purtebearer— Marthn Post 12 minutes. Ht-irtgood. The first four were driving hard. Erla dOr came away gamely when called upon in the stretch. She was lucky throughout and took the short root*. There was some i on the stietcb turn, but nor enough fen call for judicial action Erie dOr, Caicocan and Irene Hayes c ihded making the turn. Csloosan was i-hort. and at the finish was tirea enough to li« down. Missi n ran a fair race and Azua » bad one. The latter, though, bad the worst kiud of racing leck, b»in pocketed all the w«y. TIi i -s recounts for ber poor showing. Cieation was coming stoutly at the eud. Russell R., Commonwealth Attorney and Siler were all interfered with at tie su rt. Scratched— 13006 Chump, 97; 127702 Mont Eagle, 107; 13006 My Eugenia, 97. Overwe ghts— Ed Golden. 2 pounds. Erla dOr, place 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Caloocan, place. I to 1 ; how, 3 to 2. Mission, show, 3 10 1. Azua, place, evens; show. 1 to 2. 1 Q/A/lft SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. Purge 00 5 10 second; 5 to third. JLOUtfcy 3-year-olds. Belling lad Horses A Wt St X V, StrFin Jockeys Owners 0_ 1 L C 12934TDLANE 104 3« 21* Hilt 2H V Acer J E Cnshiuar 8 20 8 20~ K960*F1NEM HESPICE ,107 6- 62* 52* 3and 1" 22 1 J Mathe*sXConkAPembleton6 10 6 10 «981*CANACE 99 2* :- i M 2i 82 32 Dupe* NS Hall k Co 8-5 2 8 5 8-5 12907 U H LER 107 4 4k" 4 4* 4* 43 Holden T Kiley 2* 2* 2 11-5 18*82 MONONGAH 113 5" 9 9 9 7* 5i Eveiett M V]Vi AJgblutb3 7 3 6 18968 OH ARMANTE 99 7« 5" 6" 81 8" 62 RNrvaez Sloan 4 Hurst 8 20 8 20 13008 NEUBERGER 104 9 7" 7 * 5" 5 7H Flirk A Simons 8 20 8 20 1»*8 EMMA SMITH 99 8« 8 82 72*6* gs Hansom H J Sroggan 30 100 30 100 13011 FINTAN 101 1» 1" 2" 6* 9 9 Gray John Newman 10 20 10 20 T me, 13, 25*, 37, 49*. 1:02,1 :15, 1 :28*, 1 :42. Winner— Br. c, by Sir Modrnl — Fanx Pas. Post • minutes Start good. Won hand ridden ; second cleverly ; third eased at the end. Tulane won a lucky race after hi htd fouled and cm*ie i Canape all over the treck. The latter nas the bast, and had she not beeu interfered with, w.uld probiby have won. Tnlann is a big strong horse and the Interference did not hurt him in tin least. Dapee bad to e-tse Canace up to keep from iroing over the outside fence, when Tulaoe went out wi li Camce. That left plenty •f rcoai for Fineni Rasr.iss t - cjme thrcugj 03 tin rail. He save 1 a lot of ground. Uliler tan I far below bis mark. Throw his race oat. Monongab had no early speed but finished strong. Fintan retired e any. Scratched— 12653 Teutons, 101; 12587 Facade, 101. Tula to. place, 8 to 1; show. 3 to 1. Fiaeni Rsspics, place, 4 to 1; sh w, 2 to 1. Cjuaci, show. 2 to 5 Chler, place, evens: show. 1 to 2 1 Q/K|~THIRDlDLCliPTTBiile~»nd ©"Farde-Puree-00 5 to secoud f|25 to 1 QJ/»JVJf third. 4-year-olds and upward, celling. Ind Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 1. jj J80113MARCATO 4 109 2- 2i 1»* 1* 1« 1»* Erewtt P Ryan 2 2 8-5 2 12T16 WINSLOW 6 105 8* 10* 9* 51 51 2» Bheppard T E Barrett 12 25 12 25 13011 BENA MELA 6 107 3" 5» 4» 4* 6* 3 lliln Holman A Holiis 4 4* 4 4 13007 UNCLE ABB 6 108 5« 11« 10- 8 * 8* 41* Aker EC Brown A Co 8 12 8 12 12882 SUE NELL 4 104 6" 72* 81* 7 4* 52 R Narvaex Wells and Co 8 8 6 6 18939 NECEDAH 7 103 4* 8" 7™ 9« 7» 6" H Brown D A Jones 15 20 15 20 1*654 GEORGE LEE 4 101 101*12 11" 10* 12 7* Holden A J Wallace 6 8 6 8 12968 JACK MARTIN 6 105 12 92 12 12 9" 82 W Jones St Elmo S Ru-s 30 100 30 1C0 12854 IN UEN DO 4 101 7" 4* 2* 2*1 2» 9i McCann J N Hutbawey 10 10 8 8 12937 BEN WADDELL7 105 »« 6- 62 It* 112 lt HarringtonWaddell Bros 30 30 30 30 1 3007 H OS I 4 10111" 3i 5" 3* 3» 11» V 1 rotter W Fries A Co 10 15 10 15 12716MOCH 4 104 1»« 1" 31* 6* 10" 12 Rutier J J Donovan 12 15 12 15 Time, 12*, 25. 37*, 50i, 1 :03*, 1 :16i, 1 :28J, 1 :42i, 1 :47i. Winner— Br. g, by Duke of Montrose — Minnehaha Belle. Off at first brvak to a good start. Won eased up: secoud. third and fourth driving bard. Marcato had a lot left. H» held the race safe all the way. Wroslow flnisned with a ebarp rush He was far ont of it down the t ack stretch, bat t »ok a notion to run from the three-furlong post . home and pandsBBd his horses as though tlu y weie tied. Bi-namela v as sharply cut off on the far tutu. This c at him the place. Uncle Abb ran a greatly improved rare Innendo stopped af er geing about s%ven furlongs. It wss a ooor lot. Overweights— Benamela, 2 pounds. March to place, 4 to 5; skow, 2 to 5, Winsiow, place. 10 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Bcnnneia. plac?, $ to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. -|"Q/pr_j FOCRTH~RACE— I l-8_lHUe««~"Pur8eS5007_5 to second; 5To thircT LOvJQ L 3-year-olds and upward Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St H jj jj StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L P 128032BRIGADE 3 97 1* 2« 3« 3» 22 1* 11 Dupee E R Bradley 2 2i 2 2* 12883 M. WAYMAN 4 108 5* 3** 6 41* 32* 22 21* Everett W B Ratterman 10 20 10 20 tl2969«fTERLOU5 111 2" 5" i| 51*42 3* »« Kutter J McCaffery 6-5 6-5 1 11-10 12852 RIFLE 5 111 6 6 4» 6 5* 4* 4- Hamilton S M Henderson 4 4 4 4 12961 MALAISE 3 92 3" H* 1* 12* 1b 54 53 McCann O H Williams 8 25 8 20 U2804HSABEY 4 108 4"* 4-« 2 * M 6 6 6 Aker R Tucker 10 20 10 20 Time, 12*, 24i, 371, 49, 1 :01i, 1 :14, 1 :27*. 1 :40*. 1 :53a. Winner— Ch. c, by Hayden Edwards— Opal. Post 4 minnti-*. Start good. Won handily : second, third and fourth driving. Brigade ran a fine race. He was well handled, too. Dnpee whs always in a good position and came tbroogh en the in-iie at the head of the stretch with a rash. The colt had quite a bit in hand at the finish. Monk VVayman overraced hirosa.f. He had a iro d turn of sneed and bung on gamely" at the end What er Lou ran a b»d race. Rutter conid not keep him straight in the strech and he swerved from the center of the track to the extreme inside. Hami!t"n could not do Rifi* justice. Throw the letters race ont. Malaise and Isabey showed speed. Both retired early, though. Brigade, olace, 7 to 10; show. oui. Monk ayman, place. 0 to 1; show, 2 to 1. What er Lou, show. out. Rifle, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. 1~0/A KT — FIFTH RACK— 34 Mile Purse"«400_ S75lolecond T5 tothird. 9J»3and 3-vear-olds and upward. Allowances. Iod Horne« A~VVt Bt % Y2 % HtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C MMSOAMUA 4 102 H 21 Si~ir~i It NutT W K Clpvelsnd 6 8 5 6~ 12981RBLENS PET 3 93 7* 1" 1* l« 2: Sarhope SHi» ar»z A Miller6 S 6 6 12980»fiUG WICKES 5 106 6" 5* 5» 8 3i Evereti Mdletc feJgblth:i-2 B-i 6-5 8-5 129812ANTIQUARY 3 94* 2»« M 31* 4»« 42 Gray James Curl 4 4 4 4 13010G H.KETCHAM5 110 4*« 91 2* 52 tH BIoss Gporge Foster 6 10 6 10 12115»INCIDENTAL 4 94 9* 72 71 » 6* 62 V Jones W J VV idanerandCo30 100 30 100 7752 NA POGUE 4 105 10" 6« 9* 81 7* J Doff y 8 Frar ci" 50 50 25 25 12965 CLARENCE T. 3 86 8" 41 6 7* 8" H Brown VaterA PattersonlOO 100 100 100 1267128AMOVAR 5 111 11 11 8 91 92 Hdden .1 "arroll 10 10 6 6 12539 TERRAPIN » 101 1« 103 11 HU 10 - W Wilson J M Mathywson 100 100 109 100 660 bOUPREP 3 91 3" 8i 10 11 11 W Jones St E S Roes 30 100 30 100 Time. 1 1*. 231, 35, 471, 1 :0O*, 1 :13i. Winner— B. c, by Cancon — Belle of Hooten Post 10 minutes. Start good. W u in a rard drive-of fonr. Canovas was a cracking good 1 race. He was fresh and got d and well played. If Helens Pet bad gameness she wonld have i beat him though. Bhe got a flying start and opened up a big gap early but stopped badly the last sixteenth. Eugf n-a Wickes had all the bid luck in the race. She was m a pocket at the start atd could never get through. Everett took several desperate chances but was shut off on every turn. Antiquary and George H. Ketcham both ran well. Samovar ran a dull race. Sou-piep acted insanely going to the post. Scratched— 130082 Red Gidd, 99: 12938 Springer, 88; 12854 Frre Lady, 104; 8627 Jim W. 91; 12876 Lost Time. 91: 13029 Pitfall, 105; 12934*Defender II., S3; 124S8 Aunt Kerwick, 1C2; 12939 Tarda, 109: l29762Maceo, 101 Overweights— George H. Ketcham, 2 pounds; Na Pogue, 3; Antiquary, %i. Canova, place, 2 to 1; show, 6 to 5. Helens Pet, place, 2 to 1; show, 6 to 5. Eugenia Wickes, t how, out. Antiquary, place, evens ; show, 3 to 5. 1 OApTO SIXTH RACE-1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Purse 00. 5 to eecond; «25 to 1 f * *» 3 O third. 4-var plrta nnd upward. Sdling1 Ind Horses A Wt. nt 14 % SirKin Jockeys Owners O H L C llb81F. THOMPSON 4 104 3»* 3* 31 2. 21*1* Everett I H Respaas 3 3 2 2T" 12i«7*B%NQDO II. 5 108 6t 4h 5« 5* 34 23 P Clsy C DeWitt 4* 6 4* 6 13C272EGBABT S 110 2« 21 2i 11* 11 31* Bloss G W Poole 6-5 8-5 6-5 8-5 129781EINSTETN 4 101 5»* 5U 4» 41 4i 45 Bassimrer Farnshaw Br. s H 8 7 7 12S32BABTON 5 105 1* |1 li 3* 71 51* Du. .e Rold and Scbauer 10 ft 10 bO 1S9-22PROSE OTOR 5 108 1*« 6* 63 6* 52 62 H Wiie. n JBOmuv 10 40 10 40 11617 BAt-DLY 4 101 4« 7* 8 $■ 6* fit Falaly C P Fick and Co 10 50 10 SO 130U.IM. KINeELLA 4 102 8 8 7 8 8 8 W ihon JJRurdy 15 15 15 15 Time, 12». 25. 374, 49*, 1:0U, 1:13*. 1:261, 1:401.1:451. Wituer— B. c. by Linden — Veibana. Off at first break to a good start. Won easily; secord and third rr.ilcly drixeo. Fiank Thompson is a good horse now. He came away on call early in t e trrtch. He was muclj the best and can beat better rne- . Banqno II r-u a gooo race and finirbf d eti uly. Egbert locked daugeions et the head of the ►tretcb. but fell away when the piicb came. Barton raced well as far as he went. Mer Kinella ran p bud race. gcraiched— 12877 Ray H., 105; 12967 Price* Bles, 109; 1?009 Feiny Launt, 108; 1£9 M to, 112 Overweights— Ma; y Kiusellu, 3 p UDdK: Egbart. 2; Hardly. 2. Frank Thompson, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2 Banqr o II., place, 2 to 1 ; show, eve ns. Egl art show. 1 to 3.