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LIST OF LICENSED TRAINERS. The following named persons have been granted Trainers licenses for the year 1899 : Atchinson, Walter, Adkins, John, Arthur, James, Arthur, Frank, Aiken, J. F., Ackerman, L., Ahearn, Patrick, Brownlow, J. B. F., Brown, John. Batcheler, H. T., Benson, L. W., Bunbury, B. C, Brown, George H., Banks, Taylor, Brown, J. E., Burns, Edward, Boyle, Charles, Jr., Brenock, Martin J., Blardine, B., Berry, T. M Carfield, W., Conrads. A.. Curry, Gil., Christy, J. D., Combs, J. H., Charles, S. J., Cottingham. M., Cole, B. L., Catanzaro, J., Congdon, W., Danaher, M. T., Dickson, William, Donohue, W. J., Dickie, Charles. Dair, W. F., DeWitt, C, DeVerne, David, Fleming, James, Fessenden, W. C, Fitzgerald. Edward, Frisbie. Frank, Forbes, George, Foreman, J. W., . Forsythe, R. B., Fleming, Peter J., Fisher, F. M., Faut, C. V., Gass, James, Garety, Michael, Guyman, H.. Griilin, W. R.. Gardner-William, Goebel, P. J., Gibson, Hart, J., Gardner, Frank E., Herman, John, Huffman, John. Hughes, V., Hogau, Michael, Hcitcr, W. I., Hums, Thomas, Hutchinson, W. C, Henderson, W. V., Howell, J. W., Hickok, F. H., Johnson, C. A., Jones, Paul; Johnson, J. A., Johnson, J. W., Jordan, W. J., Jordan, M., Kelly, P. T., Kelly, D. W., Kuntz, M. L., Kiley, Thomas, Kyle, John, Licalzi, T., Lister, W. W., Leonard, H., Laswell, William, Louis, F., Leighton, C, Leary, D. J., Lyles, W. W., Loftus, P. J., McConnell, E. T., McPherson, John, McCafferty, Charles, McMillan, J. D., McAvoy, J. H., McCarthy, J. F., McLaughlin, A. B., McKinley, J. W., McKinney. W. F., ilcCafferty, A. C, McCue, W. W., .McNaughton, James, McHale, T. J., Miller, J. J., Missud, Alfred, Mahone, C. E., MachecaJ. R., Malone. P. J., Morgan, H., Miller, D. B., Mayberry, John, Marklein, J. J., Miles, Thomas, Miles, P. J., Meehan, J. P., Moon, Edward, Maddox, H. E., Marks, E. W., Murkett. A., Neal, John, Naylor, John, Nepper, Thomas, Newman, John, OConnor, Walter, Oliver, W. L., ONeall, J. W., Poole, G. W., Ratledge, W. J.. Robinson. H., Redfield, J. L., Roller, W. H., Rice, J., Rowe, Charles, Riddle, H., Rome, R., Rector, Frank, Reid, C. B., Stewart, J. T., StevensJ. D., Steward. C. W., Sibley, H. A., Sellers, J. J., Settle, Thomas, Shadley, W. H., Swarthout. E. R., .Snarley, W. H., Shenatt, Thomas, Sweeney. J. B., Sproul, G. O., Scully, W. O., Stanton, P., Schorr, John, Troxlor, J., Thornton, J. A., Tucker, J. C, "Vincent, Benjamin, Vestal, Charles, Wright,.W. A., Wallace, W. M., Walker, William, Whitman, C, Williams, Scott, Webb, W. S., Wood, F. T., Witherspoon, J. H., Wallace, A. J., Woodard, W. T., Jr., Williams. L. S., Weir, P. T., "Weston, A. G., Zimmer, A. E. C. Hoppee, Secretary. The following additional Trainers licenses liave been granted : Becker, P., Carroll, John, Dunne, P., Doss, F. W., Ulakely, A. G., Covington, George, Corrigan,E., Earnshaw, J. B., Ezell, L. H., . Jennings, W. B., Kittleman, F. J., . Landsberg, E., McHugh, J. H., McDonald, P., Randall, W. D., Ryan, T. H., Ryan, P., Sanders, C. F., Shields, A., Taylor, F. M., Williams, R. D. E. C. Hoppee, Secretary.