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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. I.OUIS, MO., July 7. Forty-eighth day. St Louis Fair Association. Sumrcer Meeting: Weather cloudy; track slow. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, William Bruon. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. The recall flag is nsod. FIRT RACE 3-4 Mile Parse 00. All Ages. Selling. 1 3 2l X Ind Horses A Wt Bt H H BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H Ii U 12813 FOURTH WARD 4 111 2 21 22 2 1 Gitmore M E Graesmuck 7 10 5 8 12922 KATIE GIBBONS 3 97 5 11 12 11 25 Frost Leigh and Jordan 4 6 3i 5 12996 JOE DOUGHTY 3 102 8 43 3 3 32 A Morrison H Bohmer and Co 15 25 10 20 13107 FLORA G. 4 109 3 51 53 5 42 Foucon J Gazzolo 6 6 6 G 13174 LEE KING 2 89 13 7 7 62 53 McLonden W F Bchnlte 15 20 15 20 13106 SARATOGA 4 109 4 3u 4 41 63 O Martin W A Porter Si 4i 3i 4i 12793 MOUNTAIN DEW 3 99 1 8 8 7 7 Southaid Martin and Hodgea 7 8 7 8 13177 VILLMAR 3 102 7 65 63 8 8 Kelly Caoaar Young 30 30 15 15 12996 MONA B. 3 97 12 9 9 9 9 Giveas O W Boardraan 8 8 8 8 13036 PILGRIM II. 3 lOli 9 10 10 10 10 Morse McCranor Bros 10 20 10 20 7313 SOLUTION 4 109 10 11 11 11 11 Hinkey W Walker 10 25 10 25 12317 NELLIE BAKER 5 109 6 12 12 12 12 A Webber J C Ferris Jr 12 30 12 30 9681 DIANA 3 97 11 13 13 13 13 Houck J Smith 8 12 8 12 Time, 251, 51, 1:04, l:18r. Winner B c, by Regalis Nellie G. Post 12 minate3. Start fair. Won easily ; secoad the same. Fourth Ward was much the best of a poor lot. Katie Gibb ns quickly surrendered when challenged. Leo Km a ran a good race, bat had no chance from whero he got off. Saratoga was a false favorite. Joe Doughty ran well in the going. Scratched 12858 St. Vrain, 102; 13092 Amsslad, 97. Overweights Lee King, 5 pounds; Moantain Dow, 2; Pilgrim II., 2i. Fourth Ward, place, 3 to 1; show, ovens. Katie Gibbons, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Joe Doughty, show. 3 to 1 la.iratoga, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. SECOND tifiAjUi 6-a uiile. Pnrae 00. 2-ear-oiu. Allowances. jj Ind. Boroa 1 Wt Bt K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13174 SYLVIAN 108 9 7i 7 62 1 McJoync GamerandSlaughterl2 12 6 7 12679 SUE JOHNSON 115 8 53 52 2 23 Brittuu R S Payne 5 5 4 4i 13ua7 SlLENl FRIEND 111 3 3" 3 32- 34 Mclutyre Louis Lemp 6 12 5 10 13174 FINE oIlOT 108 11 2 2 41 4 EJoueS B bcliioibjr 10 15 10 15 13132. GUsSLh. FAY 10S 6 l" 1" 1 5" U.uck J V O NenllandCo 3 3 3 3 13175 G1UA 108 2 6i 6 5n 65 Frost HLJimband Uo 4 9 4 9 128l73Fi3.LlXB4.RD 108 4 4t 4 7 7 Copley E a Kinder 6 6 6 6 12750 BILL G RttETT 111 12 8 8 8 8 Hmkey F Bellow 6 12 6 12 13097 ROaE UAKON ICS 1 9 9 9 9 Monison D O Musk GO 100 60 100 12710 RO.E EbUJ 108 10 10 10 10 10 G layior J J Ciowley GO 80 60 80 lb013 ROsE FONSO 108 5 11 11 11 11 Oddny M Daaiuendge GO 100 60 100 12989 THE RUail 118 7 12 12 111 12 T Bu.ns J W Schorr and don 8 8 8 8 Tim, iisi, 391. l:06i. Winner B. f. by Wads worth Sasie ForOos. Post 5 minutea. BCctrtgood. It wa a suarp drive between the first two. Sylvian had to be much tne beat to win. Sha bad a rongh journey, birely getting up in time. Bus Johusou should have won. The next four finibhed in a. baach. Fine Snot and Gussie Fay bad no excuses. Fel x Bald couldnt run in the going. Scratcued 13039 Veruinst. 118; 12989 Little Lizzie, 108; 12810 Two Slipper, 108; 13110 Canro-bert, 103. Sylvian, place, 3 to 1; show, evens. Sue Johnson, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Silent Friend, show, 2 to 1. Gus8ie Pay, ylaca. 3 to 2; show, 4 t 5. -0 1 J ! THIRD RAOE 1 Mllo ancTiuP ails. Purse J300. 3-year-olds and upwara JL OjUand O Selling. Ind" jloreoo A Wt Bs 0. X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L I 13184 CHANCERY 3 102 6 42 2 25 25 1 Jenkins J C Cahn 8 8 6 7 130933A1U BLAsf 3 97 3 la 12 i3 13 25 Fiost W L Cassidy 8 10 6 9 13u932JlfdP 3 94 2 52 5 6 iG 35 Houck 8 M Maraii 3-5 6-5 1 11-10 13130UOMEZ 5 109 5 6 6 5" 43 4 jdiJuynt W a Wright 8 10 8 8 13067 Hiil-EN PAXrON 3 fc9 1 22 32 3a aio 530 sexier JD De-nog andBio30 30 20 20 12715 CZ -ROVMiZ 5 m 4 4io 43 6 6 i Boils J a OBneu 3 4 3 4 Time. 15 31, 56i, 1 :24t, 1 :52. Wiun r Cb. c, by Cuance On.tscramb.e. Post 2miLiutrs. sicrt tiuod. Won m . hard drive; s6Ci.nd easily. Air Blast was best bat Frost was caught uupping ut the tmish tua tnrtw the nv.0y. He was nnea 0 for his care-lessntsd. Jimp s reins bhpp.d tiiroagn Houcka uauds and the norse stumbled. When he got to going again lib cuanded atn ni. li won too far for CzarowiiZ. 13178 Ailsou, 113; 12958 .Domestic, 105; 13093 Andrew Foreman, 91. Ovt-rsveights chancery, 5 pounds. ChauCciy, place, Ziol; sow, 4 to 5. Air Blast, place, 25 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Jimp, place, 1 to 2; show, 1 to 5. CzatO wnz, piaca, 6 to 5 ; dhow, 3 to 5 T3 JF0PBTa: ACtia"4 fl"iPi"B 00. All ages. Selling! luu uuisoo A Wt Bt 4 y 5 ritrlfin Jockeys. Owners O H L O 180412BTNIBH 3i 99 2 4T34 23 13 Houck Arthur and Stark 3 16-514-53 13036ttl KOLLAB 3 102 9 11 18 13 22 J Ward W Mulkey 10 20 8 20 1275 BrJiKjfl AN 4 111 1 22 2t 3 3 Conl.y JCautwell 10 12 8 10 13177 cAlHEDnAL 3 102 6 6si 61 51 42 TBurus J W Schorr and Son 2 13-52 13-5 13176 oEiLc VAaD 4 i09 8 7 7 61 6 Jo kins J C Chhu 3 4t 3 44 131i42jjL.OaNl6 2 81 5 53 51 7 6 Domiuick a Cauu 10 12 10 12 131S4 ALsO RAN II. 3 99 4 3 41 4 7 Fro.t TE Nolan 10 10 10 10 13176 iGiiliSb 4 111 3 8 8 8 8 Mclutyre Foatrfcdrumfield6 8 6 8 13036 MloS .B.D WARDS 3 1U2 7 9 9 9 9 G Taylor J B Braunon 60 150 60 150 12840M1SS itaAE uAY 2 81 10 10 10 10 10 Watson Stubbs Bros 20 30 20 30 Time, 2jJ, 51, 1:044, 1:18. Winner Ch. c, by Wadsworth Gleuaalia. Pobi 17 miiiUtoa. Siarc gcod. Woueoily; second the same. Banish was probably best although Hi Koliar was maae too much use of. He was ott last and maue up ail his ground in the first eiKhtu. CutLO-jml is improving. Hij fii st race ihrtW him back to some txteui. Baek-man acted bjaiy. He nied to run out and bumped all the other horses. His entry will bd ae-clined hereafter. ejcrutcnea 13176 Trombone, 111; 13107Easter Card, 102; 13177 Dr. Graves, 102; 12571 Hohen-stanifon, 99; 13110 Fox E. Qailler, 81. Overweightt aliss Eawaids, 5 pounds. Bcnish, place, evens; show, 1 to 2 Hi Kollar, place, Stol; show, 3 to 1. Beekman, show, 2i to 1. Caihearal, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Belle Ward, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. FIFTH RACE 5 1-3 Furlongs. PnrEO 00. 2-year-olda. Allowances. 13 " Ind Horses A Wt St and K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 129332 DIandSOLUTE 111 5 510 515 33 11 Conlcy R C Lansing 6 8 5 8 130132AAN CELELIA 108 4 2 2 12 22 Jenkins M Murphy 5 6 3$ 4 13175 CHICKAM A U GA 118 3 31 3 4 31 Houca G C Bcuuett 6 8 5 6 131322MAUD WALLACE 115 2 1 1" 2 412 Piggolt Keith i: Patton 21 24 11-511-5 13181 GLlsSANDO 118 1 4 4 5 5U Mclniyre HL.JonesandCo 6 10 6 10 FAIR AMERICAN 111 9 7 7 6 T Burns J W Schorr and Son 4 9 4 9 13180 LEO NOaTER 111 8 8 8 j 73 fiinkty F W Holtgrowe 60 80 60 80 13180 PETER DUrtYEA 11110 61 6j 58 85 G Taylor George HiLklo 60 60 50 50 13174 BADINAGE 118 6 9 9 9 9 Frost HriCastltmnandColO 15 10 15 13070 GO THERE 111 7 10 10 10 10 Cadoy C M Barrow 100 100 80 80 Time, 26, 451, 524. 1:13. Winner B. c, by Brambk Lucy Auelaine. Post 8 minutes. Staitood. Won cleveily; secotid easily. Dissolute was best in the going. Maud Wallace and San Cecelia wore worn out racing oil in front Chickamanga slow to bagin, finished strongly. Glissando labored in the going. Fair American was off badly. The others amount lo little. Dissolute, place, 3 to 1 ; show, 8 to 5. San Ceceiia, place, 3 to 2; show, 4 to 5. Chickamanga, place, 2 to 1: show, ovens. MaudWallace, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 2. SIXTfl EAGE 3-4 Mile Purso300- 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13123 Ind" Horses A Wt St and K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13108 SILVER BET 5 109 3 13 1 13 15 T Burns G W Curtis 3 31 11-5 21 131762 BARRiSSO 4 112 6 2" 2" 22 22 Mclntyre Kavauagh and Co 3 16-511-5 13-5 12510 NANcY TILL . 4 107 5 7 7 51 31 Couley 1 HBlackburnandCol5 25 10 20 129b9 BLACK AND TAN 3 109 11 8 8 62 42 Houck John PfeiiTer 15 15 15 15 130b92KING GOLD 7 114 4 9 9 7 55 Rigby J C fleman 24 34 2 4 13107 NECKLACE 4 109 8 51 51 3 63 Frost Dockery and Ryan 12 20 12 20 13173 HANGAMON 5 114 2 31 31 41 72 McJoynt FarrellandHawkin8l2 20 12 20 1312:9 ADO WA 5 109 1 42 42 8 8 E Jones John J Yopp 40 40 40 40 13129 ELSMORE 4 112 9 10 10 9 9 Jenkins D A Houig SO 60 30 60 1!173 WAR BELL 4 109 10 11 11 10 10 Morso J Peisinger 100 100 100 1C0 11488 EULALIA 4 107 12 12 12 11 11 McClueky R Sticknoy 40 50 40 50 1310938T. AUGUSTINE 10 114 13 13 13 12 12 Hinkey T Sayres and Co 8 15 8 10 13091 FREMONT 5 111 7 61 61 13 13 Johnson H J Scoggan 200 200 100 100 13092 B. OF ST. LOUIS 4 109 14 14 14 14 14 Gilmore E F McDonald 100 100 80 80 Time, 25, 521, 1:18.-Wicner B. m, by Ben dOr Quickset. Post 4 minutes 8tart fair. Won easily ; second the same. Silver Set came to life suddenly. King Gold was she oil at the start. Barrhsj had no excuse?. Black and Tan was all but left and finished stronely. Nancy Till closed up a lot of gronnd in the stretch. Ovtjrw eights Barrissn, 3 pounds; Ballo of St. Lonis. 2. Silver Set, pl?ce. evens; 6how, 7 to 10. Barrisso, place, evens; show, 3 to 5; Nancy Till, show, 4 to 1 King Gold, place. 3 to 2: show, 7 to 10.