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MAEii TOUR ENTRIES. For the last time the attention of owners is called to the great list of rich stakes advertuedin thiB issue of Daily Racing Fokm by the Brooklyn Jockey Club and the Westchester Racing Association. Those who have their yearlings in band should not neglect this opportnnity to enter them in stakes, the winning of almost any one of which would mean the sudden accumulation of a comfortable fortune. It is to bo regratt ed that the eastern clubs are able to offor bo much greater inducements to the owners of good nortesthau the western clubs are; but so long as such is the caeo it is the part of common sense to go after the big money. Entry blanks for butli trtcits can be had at this oilice and at J. he Hawthorne racetrack. Owners are reminded that next Tuesday is the last day for making entries. If they get shut out it will .now be their own fault, s 2 .. g 3 y. j j . s , 0 . j 1 j j