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Daily Bacing form in; Ban 2?riiciuco. Readers of Daily Bacing Fobk In.San Fran !ioo can get the paper regularly from Foiter and Orear, Ferry Building, foot of Market Btreet BIG YeARLING SALE. Monday evening, August 21, promptly at 7 :30, at Union Stock Yards, seventy-live yearling colts and fillies, the property of Bunnymede, Spendthrift, Hartland, Leonatus, Faustiana and Melbourne Studs and several individual owners, will be sold. These yearlings comprise some of the best from these representative Kentucky and Missouri breeders, and include brothers and siBters to many first-class turf performers. The list of relations is too long to enumerate here, but catalogues can be had by addressing Woodard and Shanklin, Lexington, Ky., under whose management the sale will be held. JULY FORM BOOKS ARE READY. The paper and leather covered volumes oi Monthly Bacing Form, containing all the chartB from June 30 to July 31, inclusive, are ready for delivery. In paper, SI; in leather, S1.50. The book is a large one and the supply limited. LEADERS IN ODR LINE Week endiDg Saturday, August 12, was a most successful on for our clients. Over 75. percent, of our selections were successful, and all at good odds, including some at odds of 15 to 1 and 30 to 1. One reason for this is thst we are in a position to know, as wo do not guess. There will be some loner shots that will come-off next wf ek. aDd we KNOW when aDd where, A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. Terms S10.00 for Bix days selections, 60 percent. WINNERS GUARANTEED. Send for Booklet FREE. The National Turf Investment Co., Suite 605, 16? Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU ROOM 500, 263 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. .oo DAILY.oo WEEKLY. Our subscribers profited to the extent of 67 00 on 00 investments on every thing we sent them last week. REMEMBER we re positively the most RELIABLE CONCERN in the business. Wednesdey at Hawthorne we-have the sweetest thing of the season and barring accidents, will win sure at 6 to 1 or better.. Telegraphed at 9:30 a.m. THE DUNCAN, Nashville, Tenn., August 11, 1899. Mr. Belmont, Belmont Turf Advisory Bureau, 21 Quincy Street, Chicago, 111.. Dear Sir: Today received your tips by Postal Telegraph. Yonr handicapping was absolutely marvelous.. Both Jinks and Lady Lind-ay won at Saratoga, Gibraltar and Necklace at St. Louis, also San Cecelia and Mizpah at Hawthorne. Six winners out of a possible eeven You may advertise this, using my name. A. E. ANTISDAL. Heavy bettors should get our scientific figares-to land the money. Terms 00 per week. We Were There... With the goods last week as usual. Sixty-four per cent, winners was our record. MONDAY we know of two GOOD THINGS. One-will be 20 to 1 or bstter Our card is a winner every day. Mail orders teleeraphed by 10:30-a.m. Terms .00 wcokly, .00 daily. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. STJCOESSr THE TURF. RESULTS SHOWN BY DAILY OFFICIAL RECORD, PROVE THAT MY SYSTEM HAS NOT LOST IN OVER NINE MONTHS CONTINUOUS-OPERATIONS ON ALL REGULATION TRACKS. IF INTERESTED IN SUBE RE-SULTS ON SMALL INVESTMENT THAT IS-NOT A SCHEME, BUT A 8TRAIGHT, BUSINESS PROPOSITION, WRITE TO L C. WOOD, P. O. BOX 13, URBAN A, ILLS. ALL COMMUNICATIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CARROLL COUNTY AD,29,30 ..FAIR.. 3d, SEPT. 1.. Will pay in purses ,000 FOR RUNNING RACES. For speed program write the secretary G. C. KENTON, Mt. Carroll, 111..