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RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU ROOM 500, 263 D KAKBOKN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. .00 DAILY 00 WEEKLY. Special pointers on SARATOGA. HIGHLAND-PARK ST. LOUIS ai.d HAWTHORNE races.. TODAY our GOOD THING, one of the SWEETEST things of the f easrn will come off at good odOB and win. Our clients made 2 00 on our Monday selections. Telegraphed at 9:30 a.m. A 10 TO i SHOT At both Hawthorne and Saratoga Wednesday-Dont fail to get them. Our special sheet on Hawthorne always contains good things. We guarantee two winners or refund money. For sale at Great Northern Hotel Cigar Stand and our office. Belmont Turf Advisory Bureau, Suite 502, 21 Quincy Street, Chicago, 111- DO YOD LIKE TO PLAY WINNERS? WELL I WE CAN GIYE THEM TO YOD.. Here is a copy of a dispatch sent by Postal Telegraph Company to one of the fifty-three subscribers who are getting this kind of information: To K. I OGAN. Streeter, 111. Unsightly, Hurly Burly and Mlsi Marion straight. Maurice W. and Mont anus place Unsightly, Hnriy Bnrly and Maurice VV. won and Montanus ran place. If you are paying less than we charge and get this kind of information, you should remain where you are, but if you are not, is it not apparent that a few dollars more per week is better invested WITH US than paying loss for information that does not win. We affirm to you that wo can and will give you WINNERS if you give us the opportunity to prove what we say. S10 for six days selections. Telegrams ready by 11 a.m. Send 2 cents for Booklet. The National Turf Investment Co., Suito 605, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.. AUCTION SALE ! HAWTHORNE RACETRACK, SATURDAY, 1UGUST 19, 1899 PRINCE BLAZES, CHARMANTE, CRYSTAL DOME, WARM BABY. CAPTAIN TODD AND OTHERS. PROPERTY OF SLOAN and HURST.