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FORT ERIK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track slow. First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horses. Ago. Wgt, Hdcp 14?26 cl8slier 4.. ..112 655 14142 Trrern 4....1f9 ..... 68 14IF8 Princess Margaret 6. ...109 675 14152 Lovice 4... .109 685 14484 roilcgeBoy 3.. ..106 640 14487 Governor McHenry .... 3. ...106 670 1S988 Lr.pan Laudeman 3. .-..106 645 13?98 Liddesdale 3.. ..103 635 14363 Menu 3.. ..103 665 14474 ODrLida 3. ...103 6fi5 14437 C-inge 3.... 103 690 141722Rtjxiod 3. ...103 ......700 12934 OhHrley Bamssy 3....103 650 14437 O is A 3.. ..101 60 14368 Young Bel 3.... 98 625 14484 Isac 3.... 98 670 14412 Fred Pope 3.... 98 650 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 2- year-olds. Selling. 144853Daiy Berort 106 .685 14485 Wter Bottle 105 700 14436Zorne 104 675 144852Alfrd C... 103 685 144452Littl Veronica. 101 6P0 14473 Ice Dmp 99 680 14445 Mr. Boffin 97 660 14143 Joe McFarland 94 650 Third Raco 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Owners Handicap. 14487 Allie Belle 4.... 87 680 14177Corflia 4.... 87 ..... 700 14506 Flying Bess 5.... 87 685 14506Kirg Carnival 3.... 80 690 14477 Golaihee 3.... 80 685 Fourth Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-plds. Allowances. 144432Mr. Brown 110 700 14413 Solent 110 60 13911 Alfred Vargrave .110 675 14438 MisaHuason ......107 670 145033 A ilenna jo7 665 J44363Msrtha Street ....107 690 14443 Anld Lang Syne 105 665 14413 Vain Glory 103 .... . 685 14443 Zl met 102 660 14436 Monoehan 103 680 14473 Belle Dinmont 102 640 14473 Fruncfs Atcher 102 650 14340 Ped-"tic 102 645 14413 Our Guess 102 640 Fifth Race 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. BeUing. 14486Urqnebus 4.. ..113 685 14E04Frfe Lance 5. ...112 700 144402Tip Gallant 3. ...104 680 144843Tr. veler 5. ...103 670 141463Jpssamine Poiterll.... 4.. ..103 690 1448lFresco 6.. ..100 .675 14446 Klsina 5.. ..100 660 14439 Bichardson 3.... 96 650 14484 Frances Booker 3 90 655 Sixth Race 7-8 Mile. 3- year-olds. BeUing. 144143Chopin 109 680 14375ProEpero. 104 690 143983iprin8wells 104 700 14365 Groat Pride 103 685 13067 Sir Blaze 103 670 14484 De Haven... 103 675 14484 Colonel Cluke.... 103 660 1465 Simcoe 100 665 14472 Done.... 100 ......655 14412 DollieBegent.. 100 650 14444 Also Ban II 100 685 14447 JesEie Jar boo 100 680