Fort Erie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-09-12

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1 j , j , - - 1 ; i r a i 3 : - . e 1. n a FORT ERIE FORM CHART. FORT KB IE, ONT., September 11. Eleventh day. Fort Erie Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting. Weather cloudy; track muddy. Presiding Judgp. L. P. Tarlton Startei. Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2 :30 p.m. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Soiling. nd Horses A Wt St M H BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14472 ZOROASTER 3 101 3 21 22 Ih 13 J Weber W Shields 10 10 6 6 144173JCNAKTTA 3 101 5 31 31 21 21 Landry R H Bronaugh 2t 13-521 13-5 144383ALT HE A 3 104 1 51 51 31 36 Songor W Jennings 8-5 2 8-5 2 14438 JOB N BOONE 6 107 2 11 U 42 41 Seville J R Bagley 15 20 15 20 14442 WABAN 4 103 8 62 62 62 5 Bellentine A Willis 15 30 15 30 14442 BROMO 5 100 4 4x 4" 5 6" J Martin J Duegan 10 10 10 10 14438 HERMIONE 3 98 7 7 7 7 7 HrshbrgerB B Ridley 100 100 100 100 14472 IVY BLOOM 3 98 10 10 8 8 8 W Shaw J K Hughes 30 50 30 50 141423 L VI LLE BELLE 3 98 6 8 9 9 9 Valentine H Simons and Co 7 8 7 8 14485 NEKARN1S 4 11111 11 10 10 10 H Lewis JBerlingandCo 2 3 2 3 14417 BALINDA 4 97 9 9 11 11 11 Frazse PhillipeandDthrge 20 30 20 30 Time, 241, 50, 1:161. Winner B. g, by Reyon dOr Astoria. Post 4 minutes. Startgood. Won easily : second handily. Zotoaater came away at the head of the stretch and finished strongly. Jobn Boone quit as nsual. Jnnaetta likd ths going and ran a good race. So did Althea. Nekarnis did not sem able to run well in tbe mad. Scratched 14416 Rey Salfzar, 104 ; 14447 LelaB., 99; 14442 Coosada,98; 14472 May Droit, 98. Overweights Nekarnis. 4 pounds. Zoroaster, place, 2 to 1: ehow, evens. Jnnaetta, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Althea, place, 4 to 5; show, out; Nekarnis, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pnrso50. 2-year-old8. FUlios. Selling 20g8ECONDRACE nd Horses A Wt St i4 H and BtrFin Jockoys Owners O H L C 14185 SINNEMAHONE 92 1 5 5" 3" 1 W Shaw T Delphier 6 6 6 6 144733AMARANTH 99 6 32 31 I 21 Lnndry A Willis 3 3 3 3 14436 AILENNA 92 2 4 12 22 31 J Martin CruthrjandShieldEO 6 3 3 1428S3STATIRA 101 7 63 65 41 46 Msson R McMahon 6-5 7-5 6-5 7-5 144362TAMPION 95 4 1 2 E 58 McQuade F P Kidd 2 3 21 3 1419 LA VITESSE 92 8 8 8 7 6 JThr mpsonA R Stoffel 15 20 15 20 14445 MISS FONSOLAND 99 3 2 41 62 710 J Clark Strobl and Miller 50 50 50 50 14376 PRINCS3 MALEEN 95 5 7 7 8 8 McKeand J Berlin? and Co 30 50 30 50 Time, 231, 50,1:11. Winner B. f, by Scorpion Sonora. Off at the first break to a good start. Won in a hard drive. Sinnomahono got up in the la3t ten yrds She was going away at the finish. Ailenoa tirsd iu the final furlong. Statira did not teem to like tbe going. Tampion stopped badly. Landry made his more too soon with Amaranth. Overweishts Amaranth, 4 pounds; Miss Fonsoland, 4. SinnemHhone, place. 2 to 1; show, evens. Amaranth, place, evens; show. 1 to 2, Ailenna, Bhow, 1 to 2. Btati a, place. 1 to 2; show, ont. Tampion, place, evens; show. 1 to 3. QTHIBD "RACE l 1-16 MiiesTuT?sY5074-year-olds and upward. SeTIing. Inn Horses A Wt Bt H H ?i rirrFm Jnckevs Owners O H L C 14487 FBEE LANUE 5 111 2 11 la li 23 1 H Lewis G W M-eh-;n 8-5 2t 8-5 21 144I73BRULA8E 4 101 3 4" 41 3h Ih 25 Landry J F Davis and Co 3 3 2 21 14484 THE DAUPHIN 4 104 1 22 32 43 3 32 EJame3 M Feeney 20 20 20 20 14S96 LIONCIE 5 101 4 34 2 21 41 43 W Shaw Watprs and Ho-tges2i 21 2i 21 144I42ENNOMIA 4 105 5 6 5 52 5a 5 Bonger PJGosbslandCo 4 4 4 4 14i983JIM MEGIBBEN 4 102 6 5 6 6 6 6 J Martin Carthrsand3hields4 4 4 4 Time, 241, 49, 1:16, 1:431, 1:501. Winner B. h, by Cavalier Lady Alice. Off at the flrbt bronk to a good start. Won driving hard. Brulare should have wou. L9wis outgeneraled and outfinished Landry. Leoncia tired in the last quarter. Jim Msgibben ran a bad race and appeared to be short. The Dauphin showed improvement. Encomia can do better. Scratched 144403Virgie O.. 107; 144412Rottardam, 104; U487AUie Belle, 103. Overweights Free Lance, 2 pounds; The Dauphin, 5. Fre Lance, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Brulare, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. The Dauphin, show, 3 to 1. Lponcie, place, evons; show, 1 to 2. Ennomia, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Jim Me-gihben. plae. 7 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. FOURTH KACE 5-8 mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Allowances. jyjpf tnd Horses A Wt St X H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L O 14488 LAMP GLOBE 107 1 31 3U 2" li Flint JohnsonandSkinneri 4 4 4 144883ADVANCE GUARD 111 2 1" 12 11 21 H Lewis W H Barrett 4 6 4 6 14488 ELOIM 106 6 4h 4 41 31 J Gardner Thompson Bros 2 21 2 2 14488DISSOLUTE 113 3 5 53 5 42 Oningham R G Lansing 2 2 2 2 144882KING DSLLI3 105 5 2" 2a 22 56 Mason Baker and Gentry 3 3 3 3 14443 LORD MINTO 106 4 6 6 6 6 Paget JohnsnandKirkwdlOO 200 100 200 Time, 241, 501, 1:03. Winner Ch c, by Lamplighter Princess Lorraine. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily; second tbe same. Lamp Globe came away handily in the last furlong. Advance Guard tired in tbe run home. Ho was made too much use of in the first part of tbe race. Dissolute could never gat up. Eloim ran a fair race and can do better. King Dellis showed some speed. Bcratcbea 14475 Shrove Tuesday, 103; 14488 Marie G. Brown, 103 Overweightt Lamp Globe, 1 pound; Advance Guard, 5; Lord Minto, 5. Lamp Globe, place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 2, Advance Gnard, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Eloim, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Dissolute, place, 4 to 5; show, out. King Dellis, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. 2gQgFIFTHRACE 3-4 Mile7Purse 503-year-olds and upwaru. Ind Horaes A Wt Bt M, H M BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 143212KING CARNIVAL 3 100 6 3" 21 1" 12 J Weber CartbrsandShields3 3 7-5 7-5 14477 RIDEAU 5 1031 2 43 43 3 2a E James F Martin 6 6 6 8 144382THE LIGHT fl 97 3 1 H 22 32 W Shaw J K Hughes 4 3 4 14S21FLY1NG BE83 4 112 1 23 31 42 43 H Lewis N Dyment 7-106-5 7-105-5 14107 BLOODHOUND 7 102 5 52 5 55 56 Castro A C Benson 50 200 50 200 140532 BOB LEACH 5 102 7 7 7 62 62 Hshberger B E Duffy 15 30 15 30 14365 LOYAL PRINCE 6 107 4 6? 63 7 7 Valentino J H Valentine 10 15 10 15 Time, 24, 49,1:151 Winner B. c, by Getawaj Marietta. Post 4 minutf s. Btaitfair. Wou easily; second and third driving. King Carnival came away as som as called on in the last quaiter. The next two fonght it out for second place. Flying Bess tired. Tbe weight and mud were too much for her. Rideaugot the placo in the last stride. .The Light ran well. Scratched 144772Begnile, 110; 14474 Pessaic, 1C0; 14477 Prince of Wales, 92. Overweights Bideau. 11 pounds. King Carnival, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Ridoau, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. The Light, show, 3 to 5. Flying Bess, place, 2 to 5; show, out. X"50T SIXTH RACE3 Mile Purse i250. 3-year-olde and upward. Selling. lad Horses A Wt Bt H K M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 144762COMPENBATION 3 116 1 2 2 1 111 H Lewis B E Beaoh 3 8 7-5 7-5 14444 FLOP 4 110 5 53 31 31 22 Mason F A Pope 2 3 2 3 14444 NICHOLAS 6 1C6 4 13 HI 22 34 Songer M J Maloney 6 6 6 6 14486 PRCE OF INDIA 5 110 8 8 8 51 4" Geifer Hurna Bros 0 50 20 50 144372FROHMAN 4 105 2 3a 42 4" 51 CunnghamM J D.ily 6 6 6 6 144I63QUAVER 4 110 3 42 62 62 6" J Clark Strobe and Miller 5 6 5 6 14476 HUNGRY HILL 5 100 6 7 5 7 7 McQuade M E Fellows 15 20 15 20 144393ANN. LAURETTA4 110 7 6i 7 8 8 J Carter H L Johnson 3 4 3 4 Time, 241, 50,1:16. Winner B. c, by Tournament Citronella. Post 3 minutes. Btaitgood. Won driving. Compensation was driving to the limit in the last fnrlong. Nicholas tired in the ran borne. Prince of India saved ground ou the turns and closed a big gap. Flop hung in the last sixteenth. Scratched 141862Bell Punch, 113; 14440 Windward, 107; 14414 Belgravia, 101 j 14399 Faunette, 100 Overweights Frokman, 2 pounds. Compensation, place, 3 to 5; show. out. Flop, pltce, evons; show, 1 to 2. Nicholas, ihow, evens. Annie Lauretta, place, S to 5; thow, 4 to 5.

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Local Identifier: drf1899091201_3_2
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