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PEDIGREE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colors, tiled and arranged for six generations of sires ind dams of individuals and their ancestor. Ten cents each, .00 per dozen, .50 per bunked. No owner of a Btallion should be with-mi a supply. DAILY RACING FORM, 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. m Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. OWNERS TRAINERF mmi Whon you Bhip your horses, a.i M3rB Mxpress Company to iBtall your car sagga TtirSGrKteGtt I with "Leighs Patent Portable Stall," JSJSS I adjustable to any car, thus securing ff " tfW? mWl I absolute safety to your horses while E3 spfrfljjnjM tnit 3 rf3 H I in transit without additional cost to frawtsdS5 53 tiji ! i H S I the Bhipp6rs, as expresB companies jjjiS K-jll jjliH I Ifntejja Ifjlli I furnish them free of cost to yon. g!fc3Ep; Et! H!:g i ij gj! Mm R They dont deface the car when ad fi!l1 s49. rmrH3Bi ejT mmm 1 justed and can be sot up In thirty igjatssj pElililialj IMliLuifl -Bl I minutes for any number of horees to Y:iJ:af,cmc7f "It"" Tr ! 24 in double door baggage car. Ex- -sf jf -"g 8 3 Tay A I press companie! can procure them.