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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO. 111., October 7 Fifty-fifth day. Chicago Jockey Cinb. Au umn Keeling, Weather clear; track fast Presiding Judge. Harry Kuhl. Starter, Richard Dwyer. . . . Bacing starts at 2 :00 p. in. I FIRST RACE -4 Mile. Purse 100. 5toeocond; 5 to thira. j i- if O 3-ynar-olds and upward. Selling. lnd Horses AWtBt M Vi 3i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14900 DAGMAR 4 104 1 2H 2i 2H U Flick John Biencck 3 4 3 4 12019 PRINCE HARRY 3 1031 5 1 H 11 2M Hamilton T.-.mIinFon and Co 2 21 2 21" 14141 FLIRTATION 3 99 6" 3 4 4 3i Bassinger W J Smith 20 20 20 20 14694 SIriSIE CHANCE 4 104 2h 4l 3i 32 4" Dugan Mrs R Bradley 30 40 30 40 14652 GOLDEN HOD 5 110 3 7i 6U 5 5 W Dean Cohen and Dorioy 20 25 20 25 148783M. RESERVE 3 104 91 9 92 SH 6 Wiukfield G B Havil! 15 20 15 20 14839 SCBANKEN 3 104 1H 111 10112 711 T Moore W F Schnlto 30 20 25 25 14174 BRIGHT NIGHT 3 107 13 13. 11H 72 82 Tulty J B Gray 30 30 20 20 149C03MABZBLLA 4 109 4 54 5i 6 93 N Hill F S Moss 3 3i 3 31 14141 BOSOLIA 3 93 121 12 13 102 its McQnade T Licalzi 15 20 15 20 FRANK VOGEL 3 104 lO 8" 8 92 1124 Kinley M Goodman 100 100 100 100 14746 EALOMACITA 3 99 S 61 72 12i12S Mitchell M Kabn 10 12 10 12 14878 BABE CAhTER 3 101 11" 10 121 13 13 pI6ston W W Clark 100 1C0 1C0 1C0 Time. 12i. 241. 361, 491, 1 :0!i, 1 :16. Wiener Ch. g, by Little Minch Ivy Boiijimiu. Poat 5 minutes Start good. Won hand ridden bat all out. The next five were driving hard. Dagmar waa lncky end well riddeu. Flick took the shortest route and cleverly impeded Prince Hairy all through tha stretch. The latter sulkod on the turn and for en instant dropped back rapidly. He came again, however, at the end and finished much fresher than Dagmar, nnd had h been able to get through he more tLan likely would have won. Flirtation ran a gcod race, the was bumped and intsrfered with on the far turn. SiEsie Chance had a lot of speed but was stopping at the end. The route was not far enough for Golden Rod. He was unccr the whip all the way. Marzella took the longest route and ran a ull iace. Scratched 14861 Owyfcoe, 107; 14878 Calchaj, 107; 14578 Frank Ireland, 102; 14839 Emma Smith, 99; 14878 Hamlet, 104. Overweights Frank Vogal, 5 pounds; Golden Rod, 1; Priace Harry, 41; Babe Carter, 2. Dagmar, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Princa Harry, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Flirtation, show, 3 to 1. Maizella, placp, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. 1 1 QQQ SECOND RACK 5-8 ffiile. Puree f 400. 575 to second; ?25 to thira. JLit!Ot! All ages. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St jj H H StrFin Jockeys Owners u i u J 14613 MAY BEACH 3 114 11 42 2" 221 r-f T Burns F T Wcod 1 1 3-4 3-4 14812GEORGIE 3 114 2 1 12 l Yandusen D P Bodgera 4 7 4 7 14557 GOE BEL 3 102 5 52J 66 4 3 Dugan E C Blum 8 8 5 6 148S2 LaDY OSEOKNE3 99 6 7 3" 5 41 Bassinger Palmer and Benson 40 1C0 40 100 146513GDSSIE FAY 2 86 71 6 5H 31 56 Doniinick J W ONeall andCo7 9 7 9 14842 LORD FAIRFAX 5 112 41 3H 1i 6 6U W Daan J H Terrett and Co 15 30 15 SO 148193INNOVATOR 2 89 8 8 8 7 7 H Brown L H Ezcll 25 60 25 60 149002rETER MU CUE 4 107 3h 2i 41 Brk dn Mitchell Thomas Carey 10 25 10 25 Time. 12. 23!. 35, 48i, 1X0. Winner Ch. f, by Bcbby Beach Faithless. Post 12 minute.. Start good. Won easily at the end after an early drive. There was a lot of action behind tLe winner. Miy Beach got a ay all in a tangle and it tcok her some time before the teally got on her stride. Then the filly was in a bad place and it was all Burns could 00 to kesp her from jumping On those in front of her. As a last tesort he took the filly to the outside. At the he da of tho stre:ch May Beach was under pressure and Georgie seemed to be fairly well in band. About the f atlong post Georgie collapsed and from there home May Beach hold the racs safe. Georgia carried her weight well and had a lot of speed. Goebal finisLel very strong. Mark him from now on. As far as Lord Fairfax went he ran well. Peter McLus will hardly race again. Scratched 14878 Nettle, 99. Overweights Innovator, 3 pounds. May Beach, place, out. Geoigio, place. 8 to 5; show," 7 to 10. Goebel, Ehow, 7 to 10. 1 AiJkA THIRD HACK-Short Course. Purse 5400. 5 to second; 5 to third. A rmXjkJ 3-year-olda and upward. Handicap, Steeplechase. - lnd Horses A Wt St 3 6 8- 10 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L J 14841 CZAROW1TZ 5 128 11 2i 11 1H 111 1 13 OBrien JSOBrun 7 10 7 7 14902 MENELEK 5 125 41 U2 36 S5 35 32 22 K?nns J Arno 10 10 10 10 149022THBEE FKS 8 158 51 6 55 50 42 412 324 Kigby Ben Falk 3 3 11-53 148412CHESEMITE 3 130 21 31 23 23 22 2 412 McHugh C H Williams 2 2 2 2 14902 OUR CL1MTE6 140 3" 4" 44 4 51051051 FDoane D A Honig 4 4 31 31 14912 CLIFTON B. 4 138 6 521 6 6 6 6 6 Porter A McCauley 7 10 7 10 Time, 3:C9i. Winner B. h, by Martenhurot Mabel F. Post 3 minutes. Start good. Wen eased up; tho next three were driving. Czarowitz fenced finely, bad a lot of speed and ran a tine race. He had been especially pretartd for it and was heavily played. Menelek stopped and came again, fie sems to improve from ovary race. Three Forks had little or no speed and ran below his mark. Cheesemite was killed off chasing I Czarowiz. Our Climate got all mixed up at the start and never really got straightened out. He ran a better race than the figures Ehow. Czarowitz, place, 2 to 1; show, ovet-s Menelrk, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Three Forks, show, 1 to 2 Cheestmite, place. 4 to 5 ; sho tf, 2 to 5. Our Climate, place, 7 to 5: show, 3 to 5. 1 A CI1 1 FOURTH RACK 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 00. 575 to second; 5 to third. 1. 4-l7 4- 1 3-year-olds and upward, tilling. lnd HorseB A Wt St St jj Yi StrFm Jockeys Owners U H L C 14813 JIMP 3 96l 14 21 4 2 1 124 1 1 Mitcribll K B Kinder 8-5 8-5 6-5 7-5 14814ROLLIN5 5 105 5 121 11 22 30 SU 224 Dugan F Zuehlk and Co 41 41 21 21 i4880 GUN METAL 4 98 31 42 4k 5 41 4 46 3u Flick S Robinson 6 8 6 8 PAN CHARM 4 100 2 3" i6 31 214 22 410 T Burns Mrs C Henry 3 3 7-5 3 R4S60 4791 L1BBIE 4 97 41 5 5 41 5 5 5 Dominick FostiandBrumfld8 20 S 20 Tim, ISi, 25, 37 49, 1:02, 1:151, 1:28, 1:42, 1 54, 2:081. Winner Ch. c, by Donutello Lady Hossington. OS at first brtak to a good start. Won cleverly: second and third driving; fourth eased up. Jimp was right on edge and held the race safe all the way. He is a fair horse under light weight and over a distance of ground. The conditions of this race suited him. Rollins had a lot of speed bat ho w as injudiciously used. Dugan hustled him too fast the first part and at the half mile the gelding seemed to sulk. He took a notion, however, to run when the stretch wai reached aiid finished strong. Qua Metal was third simply bcauso Burns got caxclesi and eased Pan Charm up. Scratched 14650 Teutons, 91; 14878 Bert Davis, 91; 13774 Lost Time, 91. j Coirectea weights Gnn Metal, 97. Over weights Jimp, 31 puunds; Gnu Metal, 1. Jimp, piece, 1 to 2; ehow, out. Rolline, place, evens; show, 2 to 5. Gun Metal, show, 6 to 5. Pan Chaim, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. 1 A Q A 4 FIFTH RACE 1 1-4 allies. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL db L7 "db JmJ 3-year-olds and upward. Sallipg Inu Horses A Wt St St V Y, U BtrFin Jockeys Owners U M L- J 14843JACKANPd 4 108 2 6I4 7 6 4t 114 1and T Burns J W Schorr fc Son 13-516-513-516-5 1492S t ROESUd 5 105 5 51 44 61 3J 22 Hamilton S C Wagner 10 20 10 20 14883 H. i UTTER 3 106 61 3U 2b 2 2M 22 31 Dnan ACClark 4 4 4 41 149263GSE LIVER 5 97 41 8 6" 6H 50 4" 4 McQnade E McCord 10 20 10 15 148s0 L. SINGER 5 102 7" 7 8 72 712 7 510 Mitctell R M Hennessy 5 8 5 8 149u3 EGBART 8 100 3 2 U 1 1 66 61 Flick D M Hogan 3 31 13-53 14843 PLANTAIN 4 102 1" 41 5M 8 8 8 7 N Hill Mrs R Bradley 7 8 7 8 148802P. THE FIDR3 91 8 In 3S 3S 3 51 8 Domiuick G Landry 5 10 5 8 Time, 12, 24, 371, 50, 1:01, 1:14, 1:27J, 1:41, 1:53, 2:07. 1 Winner B g, by Leonatus Belle of Rannmoao. Pojt 14 minutes. Staitgood. Won oasjd up: secoandd very easily; third an J fourth diiving. ackanapes was perhaps the best horso, but at any rate lie was by far the bast ridden. Burns at s, ill ana Lever mado a move until the three furlongs post Then he passed the tired lot in rout easily. The ridiug oa Harry Nutter, Egbirc and Pay the FiJdlor was bid. Harry Nutter vas conceding a lot of weight ana consideiing that ho was sent along at a killing pace the first hree-quarters, ho ran a h gh-clas race. Croesus, like Jackanapes, was nicely saved and fin-shed last. Kgbart and Pay the Fiddler bath stopped to a walk at the end. Plantain ran a no tccount race i Scratched 14880 Tony Honing. 100; 14852 Jim McCleovy, 93. f C oriected weights Croesus, 102; Goose Liver, 97. Overweights CroBEUs, 3 pounds. Jackanapes, placo, evens; show, 1 to 2. Croeaus, plac3, 8 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Harry Nutter, low, evens. Eabart, place, 6 to 5; show. 3 to 5. j A Oj SIXTH KAUK 1 ttile. Purse 10. 5 to second ; 5 to tnird. Lbt-fcO 2-year-olds Allowances. I id rjureea A tvt Bt bj n dtr iTia Jockeys Owners o H l. c 4904THE RUSH 113 V HI Ul 12 14 12 T Burns J W Schorr and Son3 3 21 13-5 M01 FLOR1ZAR 111 9 8i 72 50 3 2U Yandusen H J Scogjan 2 3 21 3 6043rHE MONK 108 4 3" 5 41 21 SO Mitchell T P Hayes 3 4 3 4 14901 BONN1VARD 106 61 51 3" 3 42 4" Dutnn J S OBrien 8 12 8 10 H79TPMMY OBRIEN 113 8" 7" 82 62 62 5 WDmn HJ Smith 15 20 15 20 149013MAHARA JAH ir6 2" 41 4" 2 71 6 McQuade Casey and Co- 8 8 6 6 14904 OLA RA WOO LEY 103 5 62 66 81 S2 71 H -Brown L H Ezell SO 30 20 20 if?24 INORNIS 103 3 22 22 72 810 8 N Hill S M Marsh 8 15 8 15 14ul BAIRD 106 7h 9 9 9 9 9 Dominick KeatingandHecker GO 100 60 100 Timo. 121. 244, 49, 1:02, 1:15, 1:41. Winner B. c. by Oddfellow Chantresn. Post 3 rninntaB. 8tart fair. Won eased up; eecfond and third driving. The Rush got a liyirg start and made bis field look cheap. Fiorizar got away badly and made up a lot of ground. Mitchell was not strong enough to do The Monk justice Maharpjah and Dinorr is were uaed too much racing after Tho Rush and quit badly in the stretch. Bonnivard ran a good race. Scratched 14904 Man of Honor, 113. Overweights Floriztr, u pounds. The Rush, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Fiorizar, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. The Monk, show 4 tO 5;