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Samovar won, 3 to i. Samivel won, 4 to 1 Nicholas won, 7 to 2 flay W. won, 2 to 1. Jimp won, 8 to 5. Eliz. Klein rn second. The above are some of th gcod things onr clif-ntB got yostorday. FRIDAY we gave them FIVE winnera. From two to five winners is a daily occur ret ce wit h us. It will therefore pay you to subscribe witt us by the week. MONDAYCHICAGO DAY wo have the winner of the BIG RACE. Odds will be 10 to 1. and two other specials. Mailorders telegraphed 10 a.m. .00 PlStt WtEK. Sl.OOPERBAY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Boom 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 WE HAVE TWO GOOD ONES Today, and it will pay all tnrf FOLLOWERS to get tham. We send SPECIAL SELECTIONS on HAWTHORNE, MORRI3 PARK, LATONI4, WINDSOR and OAKLAND races. Wo eend TWO or THREE and no more. Thoy win six times ont of eight REMEMBER we aro on the Inside and do no guessiDg. Wodnesday a 10 to 1 at Hawthorne and a 15 to 1 chance at Morris Park. THIS WEEK Bomo of the SWEETEST THINGS of tho season. Wired at 9:30 a.m. .00 daily; 81.G0 weekly. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU SUITE 500, 263 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, 11,1,.